Noteworthy 2023
Waikato Literacy Association: Term One
Here Is What's Ahead...
We're sure everyone has settled back into work this year after a wet and wonderful summer break.
Our thoughts are with those who were hit hard recently with the extreme weather. Many of us have friends and family who wore the brunt of the cyclone and continue to experience hardship. We hope life, for them, returns to something resembling normality in the not too distant future.
This edition of Noteworthy has information on the following:
- WLA's AGM held at Waikato University, onThursday 9th March, at 4.30pm.
- Becoming a WLA member (School/Individual) for 2023 with google form.
- NZLA's National Conference held in September down in Invercargill.
- NEW!! student event "Book Battle" (new to Waikato anyway) with pre registration form.
- Libraries Alive (student event) in Term 2 with registration form.
- Louise Dempsey: Poetry Book Launch (teacher event) in Term 1 with registration form.
Have a quick browse- follow the links- there's something for everyone.
We look forward to seeing you at our first event.
The Waikato Literacy Team.
Louise Dempsey: Poetry Book Launch
This practical workshop introduces Sheena and Louise’s new book The Poetry Book.
When students write poetry, it enriches their language and vocabulary, encourages creative thinking and develops reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. All students benefit from writing poetry but ‘at risk’ and reluctant writers can experience particular success from the creative but scaffolded nature of poetry.
The workshop will cover:
• the benefits of teaching poetry to support all learners
• an overview of the chapters, including take-away strategies, ideas and activities.
The workshop will be held on Thursday 23 March at Puketaha School.
3:30 - 4:00pm - Registrations, Afternoon Tea, mix and mingle
4:00 - 6:00pm - Workshop with a 10 minute break in the middle.
NOTE: The Poetry Book will be available for purchase and take away on the day. Teachers can request an invoice or complete the credit card details on the order form.
Libraries Alive (Student Event) Term 2
Register below for Libraries Alive
Join us for an Inaugural Waikato Literacy Student Event: Book Battle 2023
A book battle is a reading competition for students.
There will be 2 different events:
- one for Year 5-6 students;
- and one for Year 7-8 students.
Contestants will be required to read selected texts by the organisers- these will be emailed out prior to attending the 'Inaugural Waikato Literacy Association Book Battle in Term 3.'
Pencil the event date in the calendar: Friday 8th September
More information to come...
To find out more when further details become available please complete the following pre-registration form below:
It's conference time...fancy a South Island holiday?
Waikato Literacy Association AGM
When: Thursday 9th March @ 4.30pm
Where: University of Waikato.
We are always looking for new committee members who are passionate about literacy. So come along and see what we're about.
RSPV: waikatoliteracy@nzla.org.nz
Drive in Gate 5. Take 2nd turn on the right (park anywhere). Walk to the main doors at the bottom, head up to the grand piano. Turn left, through the cafe and you will see the room to the left.