Reeceville Raptor's MMM
February 10, 2025
Dates to Remember & Upcoming Spirit Week
- 2/10 - Sports Team Crush (Wear Fav Sports Team Gear)
- 2/11 - Peace and Love Day (Wear Tie Dye or Multiple Colors)
- 2/12 - Show Love for Reeceville (Wear RV or Coatesville Gear)
- 2/13 - Show Love for Comfort (Wear PJ's or Comfy Clothes)
- 2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day - Wear Red, White, Pink or Hearts
PTA Information
Book Fair - week of February 10
Family Dance - Friday, February 14
The Student Directory is LIVE!
It’s not too late to be added; you must registered to be included
Register online - tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org
Eagles Hype Video and Spirit Week
Ref Loves the Eagles!
Ref in a jersey!
Ms. Tori and Reece have Spirit!
100th Day
Ms. Bagley's students
Mrs. MacCausland's students
Mrs. Markert's students
Mrs. MacCausland and Mr. Leyden are 100 Years old!
I got my cane!
I got my cane and my pearls!
I found my Raptor!
Here's another Raptor!
Look at all of the Raptors!
Principal Star Award
Dr. Cole would like to congratulate this month's Principal Star Award Recipients. These students always follow the rules (3 R's), are a student who would be considered for most, if not all, the MVP character traits (past, present, and future), and, in addition to that, they consistently go above and beyond expectations every day. These students exhibit these behaviors, daily, in every classroom they are in (Homeroom/Special Ed/Related Arts). Congratulations Penelope Boyd and Ezequiel Libran-Ortiz!
Ms. Bagley, Kindergarten Teacher Wrote: "I would like to nominate Penelope Boyd. Penelope is a student I can always count on. She is kind, helpful, and so caring to every one of her peers. She befriends anyone around her and truly makes a difference in our classroom. She works hard, and continues to show amazing amounts of growth academically, socially, and emotionally every day. She is truly a role model and a student who should be recognized for everything she does in and outside of my classroom."
Mrs. Gooding, 5th Grade Teacher Wrote: "I would like to nominate Ezequiel Libran-Ortiz. Ezequiel represents the three R's in everything he does. He is respectful to all of his classmates, his teachers, and others. He is kind, empathetic, and helpful. Ezequiel is responsible for always completing his work, having his things organized, and getting where he needs to be. He is always ready for the next activity, and helps others be ready as well. Ezequiel is someone who I can rely on to tell the truth while being neutral in the situation. He is someone who everyone can rely on."