Patuxent High School
News from the Den -3/9/2025
Tighten Up Tuesday - 3/4
Congratulations to Lene Montgomery and Joseph Gantt (not pictured).
Congratulations to Ms. Basagic's 2nd Period!
Ms. Basagic's 2nd period won the door decorating contest. The purpose of the contest was that Black History Month meets Women's History Month! Students chose one or more black women who they felt should be showcased and decorated doors for the school to view and learn!
No Place For Hate
Staff and Student Pledge
Remember to Check Back Frequently!
Peek at Upcoming Events:
Monday, March 10th - PTSO Meeting
Tuesday, March 11th - Tighten Up Tuesday (Dress to Impress), After School Tutoring (By Invite Only), Softball @ Bowie, Boys LAX @ GMHS, Tennis @ Calverton
Wednesday, March 12th - Where Are You Wednesday (Check HAC)
Thursday, March 13th - After School Tutoring (By Invite Only), Boys Lacrosse @ Bladensburg
Saturday, March 15th - Saturday School (by invite 9am - 12pm)
Wednesday, March 19th - 2-hour late arrival for students, National Youth Tobacco Survey
Friday, March 28th - 2-hour early dismissal (Teacher Work Time), Opening Night for "Legally Blonde"
Saturday, March 29th - Saturday School (by invite 9am - 12pm), 5K sponsored by PHS Biomedical Innovations (9am at PHS) - see flyer below
Saturday, April 12th - Pathways Sponsored Mental Health Run/Walk 5K (8am - 11am) - Easter Bunny will also be there!!! See flyers below!
Changes to the School Calendar Due to the Snow Days:
Weather Make Up Days -As outlined in the current 2024 – 2025 CCPS School Calendar the following changes are being made to accommodate the three snow days. March 31, June 12, and June 13 will become student days, and the last day for 10-month staff will now be Monday, June 16, 2025. The 2-hour early dismissal day scheduled for June 11 will become a full day and Friday June 13 will be an early dismissal day.
The end of MP3 will move to Tuesday, April 1, 2025, with report cards available on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. MP3 will have 45 instructional days.
Teacher work time for MP2 and MP3 and interim dates for MP3 and MP4 will remain the same.
5K Sponsored by PHS Biomedical Innovations
Come join us at Patuxent High School at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 29th for a fun-filled day of running and supporting families directly impacted by cancer in Calvert County! Lace-up your sneakers and get ready to hit the pavement with fellow supporters. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just looking for a casual jog, this event is perfect for all fitness levels. Let's come together to make a difference in our community!
We, the PHS Biomedical Innovations class, see the importance of giving back to our community however we can. This run will be raising money for A Message of Hope, a local organization that aids families with bills and other financial needs while undergoing cancer treatment.
Easter Bunny - April 12th
The Easter Bunny will be attending the Pathways sponsored Mental Health Run/Walk 5K!
Parents/Guardians of Seniors!
PHS graduation is June 5, 2025, at 7:30pm at the Show Place Arena in Upper Marlboro.
There was a Senior/Parent Information Night on Thursday, February 6th at 6:00pm in the PHS cafeteria. PHS administrators handed out and went over the senior packet, which includes important dates and information for graduation and other end of the year events. Seniors received this information in their assembly on February 6th during 4th period (9:50am).
Attached are the PowerPoint and the Senior Packet that was shared at both meetings.
Please call the front office or Mrs. Rickwood with questions at 443-550-8840.
Be sure to visit our school social media and Smore newsletter often as we post updated information there weekly.
Josten's - Cap and Gown ordering
To order cap and gown, announcements, and other items, please visit their website at jostens.com.
- Please order the cap and gown ASAP on the Jostens website.
- You must have a cap and gown to walk at graduation.
- If you plan to borrow a cap and gown it must be from the last 2 years classes (2023 or 2024). You will still need to buy a tassel with 2025 on it.
- Scan the QR code to access the Panther Grad Portal
Is your child missing school due to anxiety? Suggestions and resources below.
College Board (AP, PSAT, and Accommodations)
Free AP exam registration has ended. Students who want to register for an exam from now until March 10, 2025 will have to pay $139 per exam. Please contact Mrs. Bell for details. No exams can be ordered after March 10th.
Any student who registered for an exam and decides not to take the exam will be responsible for the $40 per exam cancellation fee.
College Board Accommodations - It is important to note that 504 and IEP accommodations cannot be provided on College Board exams such as the PSAT, SAT, Advanced Placement without approval from the College Board. This includes medical accommodations. If you are interested in this process, please complete, and submit the attached form which allows the school to apply on the student's behalf to Anne Rickwood at rickwooda@calvertnet.k12.md.us. It can take up to seven weeks after a submission of an application to receive a decision from the College Board. If your student has already been approved for College Board accommodations, there is no need to reapply. For AP exams, the request deadline has passed. You can always apply, but there is no guarantee it will be approved by the exam date.
Please Remind Your Student
Please continue to remind your student of the following CCPS rules:
1. Cell phones have to be off and not in sight during the school day (this includes hall exchanges).
2. Hoods are not to be worn in the building.
For more information, visit the CCPS Code of Conduct. The link is at the bottom of the newsletter.
Manage Your Child's Screen Time
Always be on the PROWL!
Please remind students to meet the school expectations of PROWL!
Lunch Opportunities
Student Lunch Offerings and Club Descriptions 2024-2025.xlsx
2024 - 2025 Bell Schedules!
Student Parking - Parking Permit Checks Are Ongoing!
PHS is offering an electronic option for students to complete the parking pass application and pay for the 24-25 school year. The cost for the year is $60 and is prorated after that.
Click on the following link to access the parking permit application. Permits will be checked starting September 3rd.
Athletic Tickets
All SMAC schools now use GoFan - The largest high school ticketing solution in the U.S. so plan to purchase online tickets for all games. Online sales only! NO cash accepted for tickets.
Concession stands only take cash.
Patuxent High School
Admission Cost $6 Online Tickets can be purchased at www.gofan.co
In the search type Patuxent High School.
Student and Parent Pass for the Fall can be purchased at
Patuxent High School Events and Tickets by GoFan
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports):
Patuxent High School has been a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school for more than ten years now!
If you would like to get involved with our PBIS team, PHS is looking for one or two parent representatives. Please contact pellockl@calvertnet.k12.md.us
Donations are being accepted for prizes and incentives at Amazon:
If you know of a business willing to donate any prizes/incentives please contact Mrs. Pellock at pellockl@calvertnet.k12.md.us. Monetary donations are always welcome and checks can be made out to Patuxent High School (note PBIS team).
Thank you for your participation!
Lori Pellock
Student Service Team Lead, 504 Chair
Technology Help
Financial obligations will be assigned to students who lost their laptop and/or charger.
If a student is experiencing technology issues including laptop concerns, visit Calvert County Public Schools' Help Center (zendesk.com to submit a help ticket.
If it is a question regarding a computer application such as Schoology, AgileMind, Teams, Dreambox, Clever, etc, please email your teacher first. If you are still experiencing technology issues, please use the link above.
If a student loses a laptop charger, the cost to replace it is $39 and can be purchased at the school.
Important Links
Stay in the Know!
Twitter: @PatuxentHSCCPS
Twitter (for Athletics): @paxathletics
Twitter (for Guidance): @PAXGuidance
FaceBook: Patuxent High School Lusby, Md www.facebook.com/patuxenthslusbymd
Don’t forget to also join the PHS PTSO FaceBook page!
Instagram: @patuxenthslusbymd
Pax Website: https://phs.calvertnet.k12.md.us
CCPS Website: Home - Calvert County Public School District (calvertnet.k12.md.us)