Title I Parent Information
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Back to School Tips
Here are some back to school tips to help set up the 2024-2025 school year for success!
- Establish bedtime routines to ensure your child gets enough rest to be prepared for the school day.
- Lay out clothes and items needed for school the night before.
- Eat a nutritous breakfast and pack healthy snacks. Let your child decide on the snack for the day.
- Establish a routine and space for completing homework.
- Help your child get organized with their school supplies. Establish clear expectations for keeping notebooks for each subject organized.
- Talk about safety. Ex: Waiting on the bus, riding the bus, exiting and entering the car in the car line.
- Talk through the beginning of the school year jitters.
- Celebrate the beginning of school in simple but special ways.
- Prioritize attendance and getting to school on time.
End of the Day Questions
Are you tired of the same answers that you receive from your students when you ask about your child's day? Use these instead of "How was your day?" or "What did you do in school today?" and you will get much more information from your child.
- What new things did you learn that you didn't know yesterday? How did you learn it?
- What mistakes did you make and what did you learn because of them?
- What successes did you have today? How did those make you feel?
- Describe your day in three words. Why did you choose those words?
- What do you look forward to tomorrow?
Using these more specific questions will help you engage with your child about their day.
What Does It Mean to Be a Title I School?
Being a Title I School means that your school is receiving federal funding (Title I) to supplement your school's existing programs. These dollars are used for identifying students who are experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help those students meet the the State's challenging academic standards.
Madison City Schools Parent Liaison