SST16 PBIS Newsletter
If a student doesn't know how to behave: WE TEACH IT!
SST16 PBIS Consultant: Missy Baker
I am here to support 24 Southeastern Ohio School Districts. PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) is an implementation framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that support the academic, social and emotional competence of all students.
Training Dates: Get PBIS on the 23-24 Calendar
TRAINING Opportunities (use this link to see more details)
PBIS Tier 1 "Train the Trainer": (8:30-3:00) April 18 and 19, 2024 Registraion LINK
PBIS Tier 2: (8:30-3:00) March 21 and 22, 2024 Registration LINK
PBIS Tier 3: (8:30-3:00) February 22 and 23, 2024 Registration LINK
PBIS Classroom (upon request)
"Make PBIS Work For You With Nationally Recognized Dr. Tim Lewis" (workshop) March 8, 2024 registration link
PBIS/OLAC Conference will be January 31, 2024: it is a virtual event and the sessions on that date will be LIVE and recorded.
SWIS (Behavior Data Collection System) training and support: by request
1. NEW: SST16 PBIS Network: SST16 will be hosting a monthly PBIS network beginning in September: SCHEDULE
2. TFI Tiered Fideleity Inventory 3.0: is under review and will published at a later date
3. SAS 4.0: New
You do NOT want to miss out on this EXCLUSIVE Event!
"Make PBIS Work For You With Nationally Recognized PBIS Expert Dr. Tim Lewis"
Click here for more details and the registration link.
September- January
Hot Off the Press
PBIS Award Recognition Intent to Apply and Application for 23-24
It is that time of year in which the PBIS Award Recognition Intent to Apply and Application process begins for the 2023-24 school year. I have attached the below documents that will assist in the process.
If you plan to APPLY, the"Intent to Apply" form is due February 12th. Please select REGION 16 for the correct intent to apply form (see below). This form only takes a few minutes to complete. Please read the application to determine if your building can apply for the bronze, silver, and/or gold recognition. Region 16 had 6 buildings that were awarded the Bronze Award for the 22-23 school year.
The next step will be that the SST16 consultant will send all necessary resources/folders to those buildings that complete the intent to apply form by February 20th. I would begin collecting evidence that supports the rubric items in the application. Once you receive your folders this is where all evidence will be placed.
I will be holding "PBIS Award Application" help sessions each month before the application deadline of May 1. Please attend for assistance and clarification regarding the application process.
Feb. 29th: 8:00-900
March 20: 800-9:00
April 11: 8:00-9:00
Missy will also be available to provide coaching to individual PBIS leads or teams to assist in the application process.
PBIS Recognition and Showcase Overview and links
*******Here is the intent to apply and the PBIS recognition award application
Instructions for completing the PDF fillable form
Please feel free to reach out if you have any immediate questions.
I am excited for school buildings in Region 16 to apply for the PBIS Recognition Award for 2023-24. I believe that the application process assists PBIS leadership teams reach fidelity. Sometimes buildings think they are doing PBIS with fidelity and then they realize they are not as they complete the application process.
Athens High School 2023-24 Acknowledgment System
Go Bulldogs!
How many different ways is your building or district acknowledging students and staff?
Athens High School has created FREQUENT, INTERMITMNET, and OCCASIONAL acknnowldedgments.
Calculating Chronic Absence Using These Tools
DATT and SATT Real Time Data Dashboards
Many schools, districts and communities are interested in analyzing their attendance data to see if missing school is a significant problem. To simplify the process, Attendance Works offers free self-calculating spreadsheets for school districts called the District Attendance Tracking Tools (DATTs). These tools are especially effective for smaller districts with more limited data capacity. The companion tools are the School Attendance Tracking Tools (SATTs) which provide school-level analysis down to the individual student level.
Organized into four separate modules for grades PreK-5 (Elementary), K-5 (Elementary), 6-8 (Middle) and 9-12 (High), the DATTs and SATTs are designed for small to mid-sized school districts and can accommodate up to 65,000 students.
In addition, we offer a supplemental tool which combines the reports from each module into one PreK-12 / K-12 set of reports on chronic absence for your district.
Click on the below "Lunch and Learn" to register
Learn more about restorative practices and the OIP process as it relates to PBIS
Click on the photo to register for this meeting
Great job Vinton County South
Check In/Check Out Daily Monitoring Log
Student Attendance Success Plans and My Family’s Help Bank
The Student Attendance Success Plan is designed to help parents track their children’s attendance and work with teachers to set appropriate goals. Each Student Attendance Success Plan includes a calendar for the current school year. Educators should consider distributing this plan to families.
The handouts are free to download and reprint. Be sure to keep the Attendance Works logo on the document, or a line stating, "Used with permission from Attendance Works." If you want to change the wording significantly, please contact Cecelia Leong at
PBIS Funding Resources from ODW
Please use these links to determine funding and grant opportunites from ODEW.
Ohio Grant Partnership
Supporting Positive School Climate with ESSER and ARP Funds
School Safety Grant provides funds, but those have already been disseminated so the schools would know if they received them or not.
Federal Formula Grants and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
Click on the photo to register
Free Virtual Professional Learning Experience PBIS
The Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC) and PBIS Showcase is a one-day professional learning event designed to share powerful examples about how district, building, and teacher-based teams are working together to impact all learners AND showcase Ohio’s schools implementing positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) with high fidelity.
Through this event, our goal is to help build the capacity of those who lead, teach, and serve students in Ohio’s schools and beyond. For the past two years, thousands of Ohio superintendents, principals, teachers, counselors, and others have participated in this FREE professional learning event.
PAX training at no-cost in Ohio!
PAXIS Institute is pleased to announce fully-funded PAX training opportunities to support school and community-based professionals throughout Ohio.
See below for upcoming training dates and registration links.
Interested in a no-cost training for your group/staff?
Email for more information!
PAX Good Behavior Game (virtual over Zoom)
January 10th from 8:00-3:00
PAX Good Behavior Game: self-paced
Begins January 15th (two weeks to complete)
PAX Good Behavior Game for Early Childhood Educators
January 12th from 8:00-3:00
PAX Partner
January 23 & 24 from 9:00-3:00 each day
PAX Hero
January 25th from 8:00-3:00
PAX Good Behavior Game: self-paced
Begins January 29th (two weeks to complete)
PAX Tools Community Educator
February 22nd from 8:00am-5:00pm
PAX Good Behavior Game for Adolescents
March 22nd from 8:00-3:00
* Seats are limited and available on a first come first served basis!
Click here to see a list of all additional training dates with registration links:
Best regards,
The PAXIS Team
Using data to drive PBIS action steps
It is crucial to bring data to ALL PBIS team meetings. When teams can drill down and determine reasons for discipline, location, time of the day, and much more, schools can make REAL changes to lower behavior incidences. Many possible data sources drive decision-making. Be sure to look at both the big DATA picture and then drill down for more specific information.
Has your building or district DISAGREGATED behavior data? Does the data show that discipline actions are equitable for ALL students?
Please feel free to contact me ( if you want me to assist your PBIS teams in pulling reports and disaggregating data.
See example below
Schools and districts can take steps to ensure students and families can get to school safely and on time even when the weather is challenging. Consider the tips in Support Attendance, Engagement and Learning in the Winter Months.
Ohio Law for PBIS Professional Development
Ohio Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Professional Development Requirements
Ohio law and rule require districts to implement a positive behavior intervention and support framework on a system-wide basis. To implement a schoolwide framework effectively it is essential to provide professional development to student personnel.
Ohio districts will provide professional development on PBIS to student personnel at least every three years. Professional development can be provided by a building or district PBIS Leadership Team or an appropriate state, regional, or national source in collaboration with the building or district positive behavior intervention and support leadership team. The professional development must include the following topics:
• An overview of positive behavior intervention and support;
• The process for teaching behavioral expectations;
• Data collection;
• Implementation of positive behavior intervention and support with fidelity;
• Consistent systems of feedback to students for acknowledgment of appropriate behavior and corrections for behavior errors; and
• Consistency in discipline and discipline referrals.
Please use this link to read the specifics of the PBIS professional development requirements.
SST16 PBIS Network Session Resources
September: Session 1 (slide deck)
First Meet-Up: How to get the School Year Started with PBIS and Using Data to Drive Decisions (Guest speaker: Christine Woodeard)
October: Session 2 (slide deck)
Chronic Absenteeism
November: Session 3 (slide deck)
Acknowledgments, Incentives, and Celebrations
December: Session 4 (slide deck)
Funtional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) Anyone on the Tier 3 team can do this!
January: Session 5 (slide deck)
Tier 2 and 3 How to get started, data sources, interventions and support
House Bill 318
PBIS Connections to State Initiatives
Governor Kasich signed House Bill 318 in August 2018, with an effective date of Nov. 2, 2018, to address multi-tiered behavioral supports to reduce out-of-school suspension and expulsions, especially for prekindergarten through grade 3 students.
Report Card Measure for Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion Frequently Asked Questions
Resources For Support
- Use the matrix to catalog interventions and supports
- Check out this spreadsheet for monitoring risk indicators for attendance, behavior, and courses/academics. This spreadsheet includes tabs for 9-12 grades, but could be modified for your building.
- Anti-Bullying Supports for Peers: Be An Upstander
- Ohio Learns 360
- Nurturing Well-Being in Schools
- Character Education Electronic Resources
- Free Vaping Curriculum
- Sources of Stregnth Ohio
- Attendance Works
- PBIS Implementation Blueprint 4.0 NEW
- Culturally Responsive Self-Assessment For PBIS Leadership Teams
- 17 Brain Breaks for HS
- Ohio Department of Education LMS Learning Modules
- The Student Recovery Dashboards
- Student Wellness and Success
- Mandatory mental health training for coaches
- Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
- Ohio's Attendance Guide
- Practical ideas and activities that are perfect for the first five minutes of class time!
- Attendance Works: Advancing Student Success By Reducing Chronic Absenteeism
- Mental Health America Back to School Toolkit
- Does your District Have An Updated policy on PBIS and Use of Restraint and Seclusion?The InspirED Video Gallery is organized by audience – for families and professionals
- PBIS TEAM Training Workbook
- Supporting and Responding to Educators' Classroom PBIS Implementation Needs
- Supporting and Responding to Students' Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs
- The Hey, I'm Here Ohio campaign
- Ohio’s Free Online Professional Development: Get Started Today at No Cost!
- The BIG 5 Generator
- Find Your District on the Student Recovery Dashboard
- Early Warning System Data Entry and Review Calendar
- Attendance: Prevention and Early Intervention
- Intervention: Two-By-Ten Strategy
- Excellent resource: Checklist for Meeting the Expectations of PBIS and Restraint and Seclusion
- The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Ohio School Safety Center
- Coaches’ Tool Chest : used to train coaching personel on PBIS
- PBIS and PAX Crosswalk
- This teacher self assessment will allow teachers to survey the physical space, attention, time, behavior management, routines, and curriculum and content within their classrooms.
- PBIS Forum Fall 2023
- PBS WOUB Social Emotional Learning Website
- Ohio Healthy Students Profiles
- Implementing PBIS with a Culturally Responsive Lens
- BIG ideas to make PBIS a school-wide celebration and 350 more ideas
- Fabulous PBIS Resource: PBIS World BookIs Your District or Building In Need of FREE Data Collection Tools?
- PBIS Staff Handbook Template
- FREE PBIS Training Modules for School Staff and Others
- Student Wellness Powerpoint by ODE Future Forward Ohio
- Measure, Monitor, and Respond to Students Emotional Needs Survey Company
- Tier I Live Binder- full Tier I Modules and Resources
- TFI (Tiered Fidelity Inventory) with Action Plan
- Reducing the Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior in School
- School Wellness Toolkit
- Kinship Connections PPT Shareable
- Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into your School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Framework
- Equity in PBIS resources
- Data Guide for Enhancing Your PBIS Framework to Address Student Mental Health
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- Restraint and Seclusion
- Restraint and Seclusion: What Parents Need to KNOW
- Discipline Process for Children With Disabilities
- PBIS Staff Handbook Template
- PBIS Handbook: recommended content (it also has recommendations for adding PBIS information to the Student/Parent Handbook).
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support: Please contact for support and resources.