Mohegan Weekly Update 3/22/2024
March 22nd Update
This week we finished reading Mysteries According to Humphrey. The students loved hearing about the adventures when Humphrey went home! Each week, students are asked to answer questions about the story. Students can return the questions for a chance to earn a raffle ticket. Students can then put their raffle ticket into a container for raffle baskets donated by the PTO.
Some of the prizes include:
Movie night basket
Game night basket
Sports fun basket
Arts and crafts basket
Beach day basket
Reading rocks basket
Summer fun basket
Cooking fun basket
Playground fun basket
This week’s questions for students to answer were sent home, but can also be found here:
I want to thank all the parents for taking time out of their busy schedules to come to parent conferences. If you haven’t met with your child’s teacher or if you need more time to discuss your child’s progress, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
A list of the Board of Education meetings is listed at the end of this newsletter. Public comment is available at all regular Board of Education Meetings.
Primary Day in Connecticut is on April 2nd this year. Since Mohegan is a voting site, community members will be coming in and out of the building to vote. There are a couple of procedural changes that will take place that day to ensure a smooth school day while also maintaining safety within the school.
Here are a few changes you should be aware of:
First, Pre-K is canceled on April 2nd. There will be no Pre-K program.
Second, all schools in Shelton will operate on an early dismissal schedule. This will ensure that our students are out of the building during the busiest voting times, which is at the end of the work day. Mohegan Elementary School dismisses at 1:50.
One other significant change: we will offer a modified lunch menu on April 2nd so that students can easily carry their lunches to their classrooms (they will not be eating in the cafeteria). Thank you to all the parents who filled out the online form.
Voters will only be allowed to enter the gym to vote through the back doors. Voters will not have access to the rest of the building.
There will be security at the school to make sure voters use the proper entrance and stay in the gym area.
Parent Pick up and Parent Drop off lines are expected to be longer than usual since community members may be coming in to vote at the same time. I recommend having students take the bus.
If you are going to vote, you will NOT be able to vote in the gym and then go to the office to pick up your child for dismissal. You will need to go out the back door and come around to the front of the building or get in the parent pick up line.
Boys and Girls Club, CCD and the PTO meeting have been canceled for April 2nd.
If you have any questions or concerns about the day, please reach out to Mr. Coppola.
PBIS raffle winners for this week will be announced next week.
We are looking to set up committees for the following events if you are interested or would like more information please email Nancy @ finspin7@hotmail.com
FunDrive,Teacher, Bingo, Appreciation Committee, Plant sale Committee & 4th Grade Celebration
Celebrating a March or April birthday? Click here to order your Mohegan birthday yard sign or fill out the attached form: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/birthday-signs-2023-2024?cart=8644191c-3854-4046-8d43-d28a50fd9957%21%2171401107
March 23rd : Doing some spring cleaning at home? Donate your gently used clothing, household items, books, games/ toys to our Mohegan FUNDrive collection. Please see flyer and sign-up genius to commit to your donation. Contact Ashley @ adrobert@msn.com with any questions. If you have a truck/ suv and can help us deliver the items to Savers, we would appreciate your help. All proceeds from this fundraiser go towards student events.
https://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10C0D48A4AA23A6FBC70- 47681163-fundrive
Congratulations to Luca Colella for winning the piano lessons raffle! Thank you to the families who bought tickets to help fund some of the PBIS prizes each week!
April 5th : PTO will be presenting a school wide Planetarium assembly. Thank you to Jackie Soltis for organizing this fun educational event for our students! A HUGE thank you to all our Mohegan families for supporting our fundraisers so that we can offer our students these amazing events!
PTO is collecting Tissues and Lysol wipes for our specials classrooms. If you are able to send some in please label them PTO so we can have them delivered to the appropriate classroom in need. Thank you to all parents who brought some in last night during conferences.
Our next PTO meeting will be held virtually on April 2nd at 6PM. Superintendent Saranich will be speaking about the budget.
Please see the attached community fliers.
Mr. John Coppola
Mohegan School Principal
Important Dates and Times
MAR 29 - No School (Good Friday)
APR 2 - Early Dismissal
APR 8-12 - No School (Spring Recess)