News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

What an absolutely beautiful way to welcome a new week of learning!
A Note from Your Principals
In our newsletter communication last week, we shared information regarding our focus on ensuring each and every student attends school regularly.
We wanted to take an additional opportunity to provide some guidance on when to keep your child home due to illness. We know many of us are extra cautious about health following the COVID pandemic, and we appreciate the care you take in keeping our school community healthy. However, consistent attendance is vital for your child’s learning and social development, so we want to ensure students are in school whenever possible.
Please keep your child home if they have a fever (temperature of 100 or higher), are actively vomiting, have diarrhea, or have been sent home from school the previous day due to illness. Students must also be fever free for 24 hours, without the aid of medication, before returning to school.
For all other symptoms—such as minor colds, mild stomachaches, or feeling "off"—we encourage students to come to school. Our amazing school nurses are here to support your child throughout the day. If they still don't feel well, our nurses will assess them and help determine if they need to go home.
Thank you for your partnership in ensuring that our students are in school, learning, and thriving as much as possible!
The Ultimate Gift
As educators we see the growth and development of our students every day in our classrooms and instructional spaces, but it isn't too often we get to see how the lessons we teach inside the 4-walls of our classroom, transcend and impact students' lives outside of school.
That's why when a parent shared the following pictures and note this week, our educator hearts absolutely BURST!
Make sure you check out next week's newsletter to learn about RULER Charters! It's clear your child(ren) are ready to teach you all about them!
Ask Your Child(ren) About...
Over the last 2 weeks, your child(ren) have helped "teach" you about some of the strategies we use at Eli Terry to explicitly teach, model, and reinforce expected behaviors for learning.
To continue that focus, this week we're providing you some talking points and questions that we'll help you learn more about a specific strategy we've introduced in the Cafeteria! This strategy is our way of recognizing and rewarding the classrooms that consistently follow PAWS & Cafeteria expectations, as well as help to ensure a smooth and successful clean-up/line-up process.
Some questions you might ask:
- What are some of the PAWS expectations for the Cafeteria?
- What is an expectation that you follow well in the Cafeteria?
- What is an expectation that is tricky for you in the Cafeteria?
- How do we keep track of the "winning" classes each day?
- If you win the "golden utensil", what do you do with it?
- Besides winning the "golden utensil", is there another prize/incentive for the class? What is it for September?
- What are some of the other prizes/incentives that could be earned?
The Kindergarten lunch wave enjoyed having "Lunch and a Movie" thanks to Mrs. Williamson's class winning the "Golden Spoon" in the Grade K & Grade 1 competition!
Mrs. Dzubin's class won the first Grade 2 & Grade 3 competition!
Here are last week's winners of the competition...
For Grades K&1, Mrs. Williamson's class won!
For Grades 2&3, Mrs. Dzubin's class won! Ms. Ashley shared that Mrs. Dzubin's class was consistent with their behavior from the beginning of the week, all the way to the end!
For Grades 4&5, the whole Grade 5 won!
2024-2025 PTO Family Directory
Each year the PTO coordinates a Student/Family Directory. This is OPTIONAL but, if you would like your child's address/phone number/e-mail included please fill out the Google Form below.
*NOTE: A separate form for each child in the family will need to be completed.
Teachers/Administrators/Staff are NOT allowed to give out this information so, this is a great way to be able to schedule play dates, birthday parties, etc.
This form will be open for submissions until October 14, 2024. At that time, the form will be closed and the family directory will be put together and distributed electronically to all Eli Terry Families. The form will then re-open again at the beginning of January 2025 for any new submissions and be re-published.
Any Questions? Please reach out to
Thank you!
A Peek Inside Our Week
3rd graders in Mrs. Siddiqui's class enjoying each other's company during dismissal!
5th grade students in Ms. Likar's and Mrs. Corsino's class curated exhibits for a "Me Museum". Each individual students display included artifacts (with captions!) and slideshows (with photographs!) that helped their classmates and our teachers get to know them on a deeper level!
Aemelia was chosen in last week's PAWS raffle to feed the axolotls this week! Marshmallow and Cocoa loved her serving them!
Julianna used her desk as a whiteboard surface to help show her mathematical thinking during WIN time!
Johnathan, a 2nd grader in Mrs. DeBaie's class, greeted our school community as Eli on our first "Terrier Tuesday"!
4th graders enjoying outdoor recess on an absolutely beautiful fall Friday!
On early release Wednesdays, Mrs. Siddiqui's 3rd graders serve an important role in the Cafeteria...they are Kindergarten "Lunch Buddies"! This week they ROCKED their first Wednesday in the role!
PTO News & Events
Mark Your Calendars!
Open House - Thursday, September 19th, 6:30-8PM (flyer below)
PTO Meeting (virtual and in-person) - Wednesday, September 25th, 7-8PM (see flyer below!)
PTO Movie Night - Friday, September 27th, 7-9PM
PTO Night at Hartford Athletics - Saturday, October 5th, 7PM
Fall Picture Day - Friday, October 11th
STEM Night - Thursday, October 10th, 6:30-7:45PM
NO SCHOOL - Indigenous Peoples Day - Monday, October 14th
Fall Scholastic Book Fair - Tuesday, October 15th - Friday, October 18th
Please note: All events can easily be added to your own Google Calendars by clicking the blue hyperlink above! We don't want you to miss a thing!
Events in the Larger Community
Want Access to a Previous Newsletter?
Welcome Back to School (sent August 9th)
If you would like access to ALL previous newsletters you can find them here!