Richardson Elementary
February 2nd, 2025
No School Friday, February 7th (Staff Development Day)
Mr. Cook leading students in the Penguin Pride Promise
2nd graders creating No Name Calling Posters
Students greeting each other during a buddy assembly.
Greetings Richardson Families,
At Richardson Elementary, we recognize the importance of reading, being read to, and celebrating literacy all year long. Since February is nationally recognized as "I Love to Read" month, we are excited to celebrate with special dress-up days and school-wide activities, including a bookmark contest and our beloved "Reading Train."
Upcoming Reading-Related Activities:
2/3 – Bookmark Contest (Teachers will share details with students).
2/6 – Snuggle Up with a Good Book (Wear comfy/cozy clothes)
2/14 – Hats Off to Reading (Wear your favorite hat)
2/10 - 2/21 – NAAPID & Family Events (More details below)
2/21 – Dress as a Favorite Storybook Character (We will hold our “Reading Train” this day.)
2/27 – Team Up and Read (Wear sports team gear & read with a buddy).
One way you can support literacy at home this month is by participating in our I LOVE TO READ - AT HOME READING BINGO! I LOVE TO READ - (AT HOME READING) BINGO board
(Copies will be sent home with students on 2/3 or 2/4)
February is always a busy and exciting month at Richardson! In addition to I Love to Read Month, February is Black History Month, National Children’s Dental Health Month, and American Heart Month. Plus, we have family engagement events, the Kindergarten music concert, PreK, Kindergarten, and Immersion information nights, and family conferences at the end of the month (see below for the sign up for conferences).
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the main office, Miss Susi, or me at any time. You can contact me at mhoude@isd622.org or 651-748-6910.
Mrs. Houde (pronounced "hood")
It's time to enroll your Kindergarten age child for the Fall
Kindergarten Enrollment is now open. ALL new kindergarten students must complete the online application even if they attend Pre-K or ECSE at Richardson or another 622 school. Current Richardson students with a new kindergarten sibling MUST complete the online application.
Current Students (grades K-5)
Current students will automatically roll over to the next grade. There is no need to complete a new enrollment application. Current 5th grade students will automatically roll over to John Glenn Middle School unless a transfer is requested.
Before the 25-26 School Year:
- Families will be asked to confirm transportation requests.
- If transportation is needed from a location other than your home address, a form must be completed EACH year.
- Families will be asked to complete a Campus Parent update which confirms address, phone, and emergency contact info.
Families with existing enrolled students
- You will use your online Campus Parent account to register a NEW student.
- After logging into your account, you will be able to review/confirm your basic details such as address, contact information, parent/guardian information and add the full details of your new student.
- Link to Campus Parent login.
- After logging in, click on MORE > Online Registration > New Student link.
Families new to 622 - no enrolled students
You will use the online registration link to complete the full registration process for students Pre-K-12.
- Link to Online Registration page
- If you are unable to complete the registration online
- You may complete the online registration in person at:
Student Enrollment Center
2520 East 12th Avenue
North St. Paul, MN 55109
Be sure to bring all documents and information listed below
Families will need the following information to complete the enrollment process:
- Household Information
- Home address
- Phone numbers
- Be prepared to upload Proof of Residency - rental agreement, home purchase agreement, utility bill, etc.
Note: If you live outside of the 622 district boundaries, you will also need to complete the Open Enrollment Form(see non-resident Enrollment section below).
- Parent/Guardian Information
- Name
- Birthdate
- Home address
- Work and cell phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Student information
- Demographic information
- Health/medication information
- A birth certificate, passport or other evidence of the student's age
- Immunization records
- Proof of early childhood screening if your child was not screened in District 622. If your child has not been through the screening process, please visit our early childhood screening page and call to set up an appointment
- School year childcare information, if applicable, including name, address and phone number of your childcare provider (for transportation purposes).
- Emergency Contact(s)
- Name
- Birthdate
- Addresses
- Phone numbers
Upcoming Family Engagement Events
Monday, February 10th is National African American Parent Involvement Day. This day was designed to stress the importance of families getting involved in their child’s education and to celebrate the partnership between students, families and schools.
In honor of this day, schools in ISD622 will embed activities/events that invite all of our families into our buildings. At Richardson, we wanted to be considerate of the lack of parking, so we have decided to spread out our events over two weeks in February.
Please complete the RSVP for each event that you will attend that week by Thursday, Feb 6th. (This allows us to preprint out visitor badges - to avoid long lines for families checking in for events).
1st grade Family Activity Sign up
*Tuesday, Feb. 11th - 1st grade kindness art activity @ 10:15 - 11:00 am
5th grade Family Activity Sign Up
*Thursday, Feb. 13th - 5th grade math games @ 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Kindergarten Family Activity Sign Up
*Friday, Feb. 14th - Kindergarten 100 days of school family activities @ 10:15 - 11:00 am
4th grade Family Activity Sign Up
*Wednesday, Feb 19th - 4th grade family art activity @2:30 - 3:30 pm
2nd grade Family Activity Sign Up
*Thursday, Feb. 20th - 2nd grade family art project @ 10:15 - 11:00 am
3rd grade Family Activity Sign Up
*Thursday, Feb 20th - 3rd grade family activities @ 2:30 - 3:15 pm
Sign Up TODAY! Kids Heart Challenge is coming to Richardson Elementary School!
Dear Richardson Elementary School Families, Quack, Quack! The Heart Heroes are coming back! Our school is participating in Kids Heart Challenge, kicking off on 2/10/2025 and it’s time for you to sign up your student to become an official Heart Hero. Sign up TODAY Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team. OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started. Thank you for your support, together we are building a Nation of Lifesavers!
Conferences are coming up! February 25th, 27th & 28th
Family/Teacher Conferences are coming up!
Tuesday, February 25th, 4:30-7:30 pm
Thursday, February 27th, 4:30-7:30 pm
Friday, February 28th, 8:00-11:00 am
Please click the Richardson Conference links, find your child's teacher and click on their name. Their schedule will show up and you can then sign up for a time to meet. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.
My Ride K-12
Please see the updated Smore communication about downloading the My K-12 App. All buses, including contracted buses, are now tracked in My Ride K-12. The app contains real time tracking of a student’s bus, and is the method of communication utilized to notify families of any stop and/or time changes.
Step-by-step instructions and answers to FAQS can also be found on the Transportation webpage: https://www.isd622.org/services/transportation
This week at Richardson....
Click on the link below for a direct link to Richardson's school calendar (also found on our school website). Below is a screenshot of events this week.
Adventure Connection
Richardson Spirit Wear
Looking for Richardson Spirit Wear? Check out Branding Wearhouse - Richardson Elementary
Richardson Parent Teacher Association(PTA) meeting will be Tuesday, February 18th from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Please join us in making Richardson a fun and safe place for all students to learn and grow.
Join our email list? Send an email to richardsonelementarypta@mail.com and visit us on PTA FACEBOOK PAGE
Our "Absent Today" form is also available from the homepage of our website.
Independent School District No.622, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale, prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the District’s Title IX Coordinator. For more information, the District’s Notice of Nondiscrimination can be found at www.isd622.org/policies.
Email: mhoude@isd622.org
Website: https://richardson.isd622.org/
Location: 2400 17th Ave E, North Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: (651) 748-6910