TJ Today
May 2024
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Website: https://valparaisotjms.valpo.k12.in.us/
Location: 1600 Roosevelt Road, Valparaiso, IN, USA
Phone: 219-531-3140
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TJMS.Valpo/
Twitter: @Valpo_TJMS
April 20th-May 19th - Spring Art Show is on display downtown at Black Bird Cafe
May 7 - e-learning day (Election Day)
May 27 - Memorial Day - No School
May 30 - 1/2 Day school End of 4th qtr.
June 3 - Summer School Begins at TJMS
6th Grade - the school year is winding down....
If any student has a copy of any textbooks, books, or anything else that was sent home
please make sure they are returned to their teachers in the next few weeks. It is
important that we get all things loaned out back in a timely manner.
And we’re finished!:
ILearn testing has concluded! Way to go, TJ 6 th graders, we knew you could do it! Take
a deep breath—we’re done!
Parents—the school year is coming to an end, if you could please:
● Check grades and assignments on Skyward/Canvas weekly.
● If you see a missing assignment, communicate with your child and let
them know it needs to be completed/turned in.
● Contact your child’s teacher with any questions/concerns if your child is
struggling academically—We all want your children to be successful!
8th Grade Farewell
We are excited to inform you that on Wednesday, May 29th, the 8th grade team of teachers will be hosting a farewell party to celebrate the successful completion of Middle School. The day will be filled with fun field day activities, a flavorful barbeque where teachers will grill for students, and engaging games for all to enjoy.
To ensure that this farewell party is truly special and memorable for our students, we need volunteers to assist us in running the field day activities, decorating the venue, and contributing drinks and treats for everyone to savor. Your participation and support will greatly contribute to the success of this event and help create lasting memories for our 8th graders. 8th Grade Farewell Volunteer Signup **Parents who volunteer to supervise field day activities must have a background check on file. If you do not have one on file, please complete this form and send it to Kristin Scheub at kscheub@valpo.k12.in.us** We sincerely appreciate your consideration and willingness to be a part of this memorable occasion. Please sign up no later than May 17. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Justin Krenz (jkrenz@valpo.k12.in.us) or Alyson Loutzenhiser (aloutzenhiser@valpo.k12.in.us).
Thank you to everyone who helped make Dance Marathon a success! We were able to raise over 1,000 dollars!
As we wrap up the 2023-24 school year, we are grateful to everyone who volunteered their time to help or donated to our fundraisers to make this a successful year for Student Council! We cannot wait for next year!
Builders Club
Dance Marathon, the fundraiser Builders Club and Student Council put on for Lurie Children’s Hospital, was a great success. Through online donations, jar wars, and selling popcorn and drinks at a track meet, Thomas Jefferson Middle School raised over $2,000! Thank you, students and families, for your generosity.
This month in Builder’s Club we have a few events. We will be ushers for the Porter County Spelling Bee on May 1, and we’ll be helping residents play BINGO at a nursing home on May 9. The monthly Adopt-a-Trail hike at Meadowbrook is scheduled for May 16 from 4-6. It is a farewell hike for our 8th graders. If you have not joined us at Meadowbrook yet this year, now is your chance!
The May 15th meeting is canceled, but we will end the year with an ice cream party after school on May 22nd.
Thank you everyone for a great year and we hope to see you back next year. If you were not part of Builders Club this year, please consider joining us next year for more fun than ever before.
“If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”
News from Guidance
Attention 7th and 8th grade parents! The 21st Century Scholarship program provides free or reduced tuition to many Indiana colleges and universities to students who qualify based on family incomes. The 21st Century Scholarship enrollment process has changed. Eighth graders who qualified last summer were automatically enrolled but parents and students still need to create a Scholar Track account. Please check this website for more information and to create a scholar track account:
Please contact your student’s school counselor for more information or to check if your child is enrolled. We are happy to help our students prepare for the future!
Mrs. Carlson, last names A-K: jcarlson@valpo.k12.in.us
Mr. Shive, last names L-Z : eshive@valpo.k12.in.us
Step 1- Go to treering.com
Step 2- Enter our school code: 1016299019601518
Price: $27.26
School Wide Contact Information
Mark Maudlin -- Principal
Lauren Pickett-- Assistant Principal
Michelle Kodicek -- School Resource Officer (SRO)
Laura Dull -- Secretary
Kristin Scheub -- Secretary/Treasurer
Jami Carlson -- Guidance Counselor, Last Names A-K
Erik Shive -- Guidance Counselor, Last Names L-Z
Heather Himes -- Social Worker
Shawn White -- Nurse
School Calendar and Times
Our school day runs from 7:50 a.m. -- 2:50 p.m. Students may enter the building at 7:20 through door #8 if they are eating school breakfast or at 7:35 to head to their lockers and 1st period class.
Car Riders
- Enter and exit the drop off lines through the soccer/football field entrance
- The south drive along the side of the building as it is reserved for buses
- Use the 2 lanes (parallel green lines on the map) when entering and merge as you make the right turn toward the back of the building
- Please pull as far down the drive past door #5 as possible to allow multiple cars to unload at the same time along the sidewalk next to the building
- Students can enter door #4 or #5
- Leave the area with the red dashed line open so buses can enter the south drive
- Exit using a single line going to the lane closest to Roosevelt Road as you return to the exit of the parking lot
- Students should not cross the south drive to meet someone picking them up
School Breakfast & Lunch
The cafeteria will open at 7:20 a.m. for any student wishing to eat breakfast. Between 7:20-7:30 students wishing to eat breakfast may enter door #8 on Roosevelt Road (northern door facing Roosevelt Road). At 7:35 bus riders and car riders entering the building are invited to head to the cafeteria for breakfast.
Sport Physicals
Daily Announcements
Student Handbook
Becoming A Canvas Observer
Dropping Off Forgotten Items
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