Board Bulletin
July 1, 2024

Jefferson and Rosa Parks Elementaries to Transition to Magnet Schools
- The big picture: As the School Board engaged with parents, students, staff, and the broader community during our strategic planning process over the past year, more choice in learning options and flexible, relevant learning experiences for our learners were themes that came out loud and clear. As a first step in delivering on our new Strategic Roadmap, over the next year the Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) will engage in planning work that will result in Jefferson and Rosa Parks Elementaries joining Bridges Community School as Community Choice Magnet Schools at the start of the school year beginning September, 2025.
- What are Magnet Schools?: Magnet Schools are the largest form of public school “choice,” with more than 4,300 currently operating nation-wide. Magnet schools are public schools that are open to all students. Magnet schools emphasise hands-on, experiential learning around a themed curriculum unique to that school. Typical themes include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); fine and performing arts; outdoor/nature/environmental; world languages; and career and technical education. As public schools, they must continue to meet all state standards.
- How will attendance at Jefferson & Rosa Parks be determined?: It may be helpful to think about these schools as “neighborhood plus” schools. All students currently attending Jefferson and Rosa Parks Elementaries will be able to stay at their school and continue in the new Magnet School model if they choose. Similarly, families living in the current boundaries for those schools who may have future students will also have first priority for attendance. The additional capacity in those schools will be offered to students and families across MAPS.
- What’s next?: Principals Melissa Brueske of Jefferson Elementary and Dan Kamphoff of Rosa Parks Elementary will collaborate with Bridges Principal Jody Rittmiller to develop, implement, and lead this innovative change at their respective schools. The planning process will take place throughout the next school year, providing ample opportunity for MAPS students, staff, and families to be actively involved.
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
The School Board was honored to help celebrate the 579 graduates of the class of 2024. Congratulations to the graduates of East, West, and Central High Schools as well as Adult Basic Education, Futures, and INSITE. We’re proud of all of your accomplishments and wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
School Board Members were honored to attend graduation ceremonies from across the school district.
Construction Update
The big picture: Construction on this year’s referendum-funded projects at Dakota Meadows Middle School, Center for Learning, and Bridges, Roosevelt and Washington Elementaries is well underway. All projects are currently on schedule, except for Bridges, which is slightly delayed due to the discovery of a large stormwater pipe in the construction zone that had to be rerouted.
Keep up to date: MAPS has launched a Bond Construction Webpage, which will be continuously updated with the latest information about the referendum projects including pictures and videos. In addition, you can view the most recent update from our construction manager Kraus-Anderson here.
Spirit of Youth Winners Honored
The big picture: Mankato Area Public Schools and Community Education each year honor individuals within our community who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to nurturing and fostering positive development among youth with the Spirit of Youth Award.
Thanks to this year’s honorees: The School Board extends our deepest appreciation to this year’s honorees for their amazing contributions to the well-being and growth of our community’s youth through education, mentorship, volunteerism, or other forms of support. Please be sure to extend your gratitude to the individuals below the next time you see them!
The 2024 Spirit of Youth award recipients are:
Kristin Edwards - Outstanding Educator
Sarah Kenward - Outstanding Youth Volunteer
Tiana Iverson - Outstanding Youth Advocate
Saarah Saed Hassan - Outstanding Student
Dianne Johns - Outstanding Coach
Ethan Cox - Outstanding Student
Claire Baker - Outstanding Educator
Mankato East Nutrition Services: Lori Nelson; Kimberley Neidecker; Patricia Skalet; Sahar Fody; Kara Terrell; Amanda Krone; Linda Hoppe; Sue McVenes; Susan Williams - Outstanding Youth Advocates
Riley A Wiesjhan - Outstanding Student
Alexa R Wellner - Outstanding Student
Josannya Almanza - Outstanding Student
Blue Earth County Library Staff - Outstanding Youth Serving Organization
School Board Approves Preliminary Budget
The big picture: Each year, the School Board must establish a preliminary budget for the coming fiscal year. At our June 17 meeting, the Board unanimously approved the preliminary budget for the 2024-2025 school year.
Budget stabilized: The good news is that, thanks to the financial management of our Board and district leadership, the school district’s budget is stable and MAPS is projected to have a slight budget surplus this year. This will help continue to ensure that our fund balance (i.e. the district’s savings account) is at the level set by Board Policy - which is 8% and represents about a month of the district’s operating expenses. A solid fund balance helps protect the financial security of our school district. It’s also important to remember that this financial stability is in large part due to difficult budget reductions made in previous years. Despite recent investments made by the Legislature in public education, over the last several decades state investments in public education have not kept up with inflation. Our School Board and district leadership continue to be vigilant in planning for the long-term financial future of our school district.
Read the budget: The public can view the entire preliminary budget book and the slide deck presentation provided to the School Board by clicking on the links.
MAPS Receives Grant to Pilot Attendance Best Practices
The big picture: Mankato Area Public Schools was included in the supplemental education budget bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature and signed by Governor Walz. Specifically, MAPS will receive nearly $400,000 to support participation in a partnership of 12 school districts across the state to support schools in developing and implementing innovative strategies to improve student attendance and help policymakers determine how to effectively support district efforts to improve student attendance and engagement. MAPS will establish a task force that will be composed of schools, county, and community partners to oversee this work.
Why it matters: While daily attendance rates in MAPS schools regularly top 90%, regular and consistent attendance of individual students has dipped since the pandemic. The 2023-2024 school year saw improvements, and MAPS has been tapped by the state to help identify and implement the best practices that reset attendance expectations for students and families.
Center for Learning Update & Open House
The big picture: Through the new Center for Learning, the School Board has invested considerable resources in transforming and expanding early learning and preschool services offered by MAPS. Over the past year, more than 1,000 of our youngest learners and their families have been served through Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), Early Childhood Screening, Early Childhood Special Education, Preschool, and ACES, which are now all co-located at the Center for Learning. In addition, the School Board recently received an update on a number of new collaborations with community partners, including a new partnership with Blue Earth County Public Health to offer a Newborn Discovery class to support and connect new parents.
You’re invited: With the final phase of expansion funded by the voters in last year’s referendum nearly complete, the public is invited to attend an open house at the Center for Learning on August 12 from 4:30 - 6:30pm. This will be a fantastic opportunity to see the new space and learn more about the tremendous range of services offered at the Center for Learning.
Congratulations to our State Champions!
The School Board extends its congratulations to our MAPS athletes that brought home the gold in the form of Spring state championship wins! Thank you for being fantastic representatives of the Greater Mankato community!!
State Champion Mankato East Girls Softball
State Champion Mankato East Boys Track 4x800
State Champion Mankato East Adaylia Borgmeier Wheelchair 100m, 200m, 400m
State Champion Mankato East Girls 4x800
State Champion Mankato West Boys 4x400
MAPS Staff & Student Spotlight
Staff Spotlight
To make school happen each day takes a great deal of planning, communication, logistics, and people… The School Board was pleased to recognize the seven individuals on our HR, payroll, and benefits team who support over 2,000 staff working across MAPS.
Out and About
School Board Member Kari Pratt joined the intro to teaching class at Mankato West where students presented their final research papers.
School Board Member Chris Kind represented MAPS at the Greater Mankato Area United Way Men's Event by taking a turn in the dunk tank. Director Kind had fun provoking contestants and raised $140 in 30 minutes. He was happy to take one (or 4+ dunks in the tank) for the team!
School Board Member Patrick Baker attended the Spirit of Youth Awards where, between bites, he offered special thanks to these students from Central High School for baking some AMAZING cupcakes for the reception following the awards presentation.
School Board Member Kari Pratt was proud to coach the Dakota Meadows Middle School Math Masters Team to a 1st place regional finish and 3rd place state finish.
School Board Members Kari Pratt, Chris Kind, Shannon Sinning and Patrick Baker represented MAPS at the Educare Golf Tournament.
Thursday, July 4, 2024
District Offices Closed
Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5, 2024
All Summer Meals & Childcare Locations Closed
Monday, July 15, 2024
5:00 p.m. - School Board Meeting - Mankato Room
Mankato Area Public Schools
Email: maps@isd77.org
Website: www.isd77.org
Location: 10 Civic Center Plaza, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-387-1868
Facebook: facebook.com/ISD77MAPS
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS