Santiago Charter Middle School
Friday Newsletter: January 17, 2024
Hello Santiago Families-
We hope all of our families had a great first week back. Please note that there is no school on Monday (1/20) in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
Open House/Showcase: Join us Tuesday (1/21) for our Open House/Showcase from 6-7:30p. The event will feature performances by our talented music, choir and cheer teams. In addition to the performances, we will have a taco vendor onsite offering delicious meals for purchase, making it convenient to enjoy dinner while you're here. It's a perfect opportunity to mingle with other parents and enjoy a fun evening together! You'll also have the chance to meet with our core teachers in the cafeteria and explore our diverse elective courses in their respective classrooms. El Modena High School will be joining us as well and will be available to answer any questions you may have and to provide insights into what our feeder high school has to offer. Stay tuned for a special edition of our newsletter going out Monday with more details.
Scholastic Book Fair: Our Book Fair starts Tuesday (1/21) and will be open until Thursday, January 30th. Students can purchase items at the book fair before school, nutrition and after school. The fair will be open during our Open House/Showcase, so make sure to check it out.
Basketball: Santanas are you interested in playing basketball, please fill-out the packet, turn in packet by Tuesday and join us for tryouts on Thursday after school.
PTSA Meeting: Our PTSA will be meeting this Wednesday (1/22) at 6p in the library. Parents that attend will earn a free dress wristband for their student to use on Friday (1/24).
Open Enrollment: Just a reminder that Open Enrollment is now open and will run through Monday, January 27th. For more information on Open Enrollment, click here: SANTIAGO ENROLLMENT QUICK LINKS
High School Showcases: This is an excellent opportunity for students and families to check out the high schools and see all that they have to offer. Showcases will run from 5-7:30pm. Scroll below to a link to the flyer.
Orange High School: Wednesday, January 22nd
Villa Park High School: Wednesday, January 29th
El Modena High School: Wednesday, February 5th
Canyon High School: Wednesday, February 25th
Calendar Details
This Week:
- Monday 1/20: MLK, Jr. Day (no school)
- Tuesday 1/21: EVEN Day Schedule/Open House/Showcase @ 6p/Basketball Packets Due
- Wednesday 1/22: ODD Day Schedule/PTSA Meeting @ 6p/ Orange High School Showcase
- Thursday 1/23: EVEN Day Schedule/Basketball Tryouts (after school)
- Friday 1/24: ODD Day Make Up Schedule
- Monday (1/27): ODD Day schedule
- Tuesday (1/28): EVEN Day Schedule
- Wednesday (1/29): ODD Day schedule/ Villa Park High School Showcase
- Thursday (1/30): EVEN Day Schedule
- Friday (1/31): All Periods (1:35p dismissal)/ RAD Assembly/Winter Dance
2025 OUSD High School Showcases
PTSA Corner
Our next PTSA meeting will be on Wednesday, January 22, at 6p in our library.
Make sure and follow our PTSA's Instagram: @santiagochartermiddleschoolptsa
Expanded Learning Program (ELP)
Santana Expectations
Everyday, Santanas are expected to follow the guidelines for our campus. For clarification of these expectations and what we will be discussing with students the first week of school, please click here.
If your child needs to miss school, please notify us promptly by phone or by sending a note/doctor's note to school with your child. You can call our attendance number 24/7 at 714-628-5681.
Stay Updated with Santiago:
Facebook: @SantiagoCharterSchool
Instagram: @SantiagoCharterMiddle
*please also load Remind App (many of our different programs will use this app to communicate)
Santiago Charter Middle School
Orange County's 1st Charter School
A public school, with a private school approach
ORANGE, CA 92867