NAMS Soar & Achieve Newsletter
September 9, 2024
Principal's Message
Our school year has gotten off to an incredible start. Our teachers and students have hit the ground running, laying a solid foundation for a successful year. Thank you for your support and involvement. We recently completed our MAP assessments in reading, mathematics, and science for 8th-grade students. The results of these assessments will be emailed to parents by the end of this week.
We have several events taking place this month. Parent-teacher conferences are quickly approaching. You will be sent an email with instructions and the opportunity to sign up for conferences that will be held on Tuesday, September 24th and Wednesday, October 9th. Our first school dance will be this Friday, September 13th. You can find details about these events and more in this newsletter.
Here's to a great September!
Kevin L. Freeman Sr.
New Albany Middle School
8th Grade Washington DC Class Trip
The 8th grade class will be traveling to Washington, DC October 29-November 1, 2024.
Registration Deadline Approaching: Don't let your student miss out on this unforgettable experience! Secure their spot by visiting the link below, completing the online registration, and submitting the $120 deposit: bit.ly/namsdc2024.
Roommate Selection: Roommate selection will take place next week. Each room will accommodate four students, and the process will be explained during social studies class. Students will have three options to express their roommate preferences.
Parent Meeting: A meeting will be held in the MS cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24th for all parents of students registered to go on the 8th grade class trip.
Payment Deadline: To ensure your student's place on the trip, the full amount due must be received by Friday, September 27th.
We look forward to providing your student with an enriching and educational experience in our nation's capital. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Gabe Heselton, the 8th Grade Class Trip Coordinator, at heselton.1@napls.us.
Tardy Policy & Attendance Reminder!
We would like to remind all 7th and 8th grade students of the importance of regular and timely attendance. Your presence in class is crucial for your academic success.
Please note that students who have accumulated two or more unexcused tardies to school during a one week period will be required to serve an after-school detention. If you have documentation to excuse any of the tardies, please submit it to the main office.
Detention Schedule:
8th Grade: 2:20-3:00 PM - Main Office
7th Grade: 3:05-3:45 PM - Main Office
Transportation: Parents or guardians must pick students up from detention at the designated times. There is no need to enter the building.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
MS Swim Team Information
Attention any 7th and 8th graders interested in competing for the New Albany Middle School Swim/Dive team. We will be having an informational meeting for parents on Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30PM in the middle school cafeteria. We will have information about our practice schedule and ordering team apparel and spirit wear.
Important Dates, Reminders and Links
Please use this google form when you would like to sign your student out early for an appointment or if they are leaving school early. This will allow the office time to have your student ready for you. Call us at 614-413-8500 when you arrive and we will send your student right out to you.
School fees will be applied for this school year soon. You can pay by cash, check made payable to New Albany Middle School or pay online by visiting Pay Schools Central.
Free & Reduced Lunch Application
Upcoming Events
September 13th- Fall Dance
- September 17th- Picture Retakes in Library
- September 18th- Interims Due
- September 20th- Interims Posted
- September 24th- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- September 24th- DC Parent Meeting
- September 27th- 8th Grade Night with High School Band
PTO News
Thanks again for all of your support so far this year! Be sure not to miss these events/opportunities that support our staff, teachers and students.
Glow Up Fall Dance
Friday, September 13 from 7-9 pm in the Middle School Gym and Cafeteria
Students are invited to join us for a fun Glow Up themed dance to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Admission is $5 per student and tickets (cash only) can be purchased during lunch time this week on September 11, 12 and 13, and also at the door. Concession items, including Kona Ice, and neon glow swag can also be purchased at the dance. Please click here to chaperone and/or donate items.
PTO Membership
Thank you to the 89 members who have joined our MS PTO this year! There's still time to join (with no time commitment required). Your monetary support helps us fund many great activities throughout the school year. Joining is easy, visit our new membership site and select either the $25 or $50 level. We also have a NEW Family membership option for families with multiple children in the district.
Middle School Football Concessions
Next game: Wednesday, September 11 at 5:30 pm
As a fundraising opportunity, our PTO team is happy to provide concessions for home 7th and 8th grade football games this year. Bring cash and stop by and see us to purchase candy, chips, bars, water, soda and gatorade. We're looking for parents and students to help us staff concessions; please contact us at namspto@napls.us if you're interested. Students will receive volunteer hours for helping!
Stay in Touch
Like our New Albany Middle School PTO Facebook page, follow us on Instagram at NAMS PTO and email us at namspto@napls.us with any questions. Also contact us if you're interested in learning more about our sponsorship packages this year!
Go Eagles!
Terri Erlenbach - President
Ali Smith - Secretary
Nancy Alexander - Treasurer
Melissa Olson - Fundraising
Kristen Pietro & Sarah Mullendore - Membership
Erin Foster & Meredith Murphy - Hospitality
Krystal Sharrock & Amy Wenker - Programming
Emily Liebert - Communications
New Albany Middle School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/ms
Location: 6600 Dublin Granville Road, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Phone: 614-413-8500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyMS/
Twitter: @napls_ms