PVSD Family Update
February 6, 2025
Message from the Superintendent of Schools
Good afternoon PVSD Families,
I had the pleasure of attending the Las Colinas basketball games on Tuesday. I missed the hometown rivalry basketball battle between Las Colinas and Monte Vista. Las Colinas prevailed this time. Both teams will move on to the playoff games on Tuesday and then, hopefully, to the Ventura County Championship Tournament on Saturday, February 15th at Rio Mesa High School. Join me there beginning at 8am!
I also was able to witness the opening of the PVSD Battle of the Books! La Mariposa 1st and 2nd Tierra Linda prevailed and will be heading to the Ventura County Office of Education Battle of the Books. Woohoo! I would also like to recognize Dos Caminos, LPSSA, PVSEA, Rancho Rosal, and SRTMS for their participation. It was fabulous to watch the glee on students' faces when they knew the answers! Thank you to the coaches for making this happen!
Dos Caminos- Noelle Wilson
La Mariposa- Nicole Sadowsky
LPSSA- Sarah Rogers
PVSEA- Patricia Bouweraerts
Rancho Rosal - Suzanne Woodward
Tierra Linda- Sarah Covault and Tina Johnson
SRTMS- Krista Birdsong and Lisa Hothan
I want to thank all of our staff members and families who attended our Local Control Accountability Plan Meeting (LCAP). The team helped craft the survey that will be sent to all families soon to get your input and feedback on PVSD program priorities. Stay tuned.
Kudos to the certificated, classified, and administrator staff who serve on our Inclusive Practices Task Force. All Students Means All Students in PVSD. I am grateful to have the knowledge, skills, and expertise of this group to collaboratively craft our way forward in providing high-performing, safe, and inclusive schools.
Finally, way to go kindergarten teachers for making the 100th day of school celebrations something our littles will always remember.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Dr. Danielle Cortés
Superintendent of Schools
PVSD Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Goals
School Highlights
CHSA Principal Kristin Hicks- A highlight this week at CHSA was going to the book fair, seeing kids enjoying board games like the good ol' days, dressing up as 100-year-olds for spirit day, and collaborating in the project lab with Dash. A highlight was also watching teachers dive deep into data to enrich our program and enhance student learning!
Dos Caminos Principal Robert Waggoner- Dos Caminos hosts a class for the Cal State Channel Islands Teacher Education Program each week. Each teacher on our campus mentors a teaching candidate with practical hands-on observation and participation experience. Huge thanks to our staff AND students for being such great teachers.
Las Colinas Principal Kelly Pomerantz- This week at LCMS, we experienced an incredible highlight with our basketball teams' outstanding performance against Monte Vista. Every student showcased their talent and teamwork, contributing to an exhilarating game that left everyone on the edge of their seats. I am immensely proud of the commitment and sportsmanship displayed by our players, as well as the overwhelming support from families and friends who came out to cheer for our teams. The energy in the gym was electric, with all spectators enthusiastically rallying behind the Mustangs.
Las Posas Principal Tommy Holtke- Las Posas has MUCH to celebrate this week as many student competitions have culminated. Congratulations to every Leopard that participated-in AND those that placed, won, or are moving on to the next level in: the Camarillo Academic Olympics, Scripps Spelling Bee, and Intramural Dodgeball. In addition, local community sponsor SEEAG provided a fresh fruit and vegetable pop-up for all LPS families.
LPSSA Principal Kimberly LePage-My weekly highlight was that our Family Math Game Night was a huge success! A special thanks to Mindy Froelich, PVSD’s District Math Content Specialist, for her partnership with our PTO to host an amazing Math Family Game Night. This event brought students and families together to build math skills in a fun, engaging way. It’s a great example of how we’re fostering a love of learning and creating opportunities for families to be involved in their child’s education. Our teachers are excited to take these hands-on activities and integrate them into their own classrooms.
Monte Vista Co-Principals Magaña & Green- Toro students participated in Wellness Peer Training at VCOE this week. Several community partners such as Farm to School, Harmony Yoga, and Bring Change to Mind engaged our students to learn about healthy eating habits, calm the mind through Yoga, and learning to end the stigma of mental illness. It was a successful day of wellness and promoting mental health awareness. Our students had the time of their lives! Our Wellness Peers will apply the knowledge they've learned to help their fellow peers and be champions of mental health and wellness. Monte Vista Counselors are difference-makers, and we celebrate them and all they do for our students!
PVSEA Principal Juanita Castro- My highlight of the week was celebrating the 100th day of school with my PVSEA Cougars!
Rancho Rosal Principal Jacey Dexter -This week at The Ranch we were excited to hold our annual 2nd grade Ancestor Feasts where students and families shared about their heritage and celebrated family traditions. We've also been busy with academic competitions, we're so proud of our CAO competitors and winners moving on to the next round! Congratulations to our Battle of the Books team, The Reading Stallions. Our students also spent time creating Valentines for our community veterans as well as our Oakmont neighbors.
SRTMS Principal Kelly Borchard -The learning at SRTMS continues to be stellar. Students continued to work in cooperative groups throughout the grade levels to complete many projects. Our seventh grade visited SoFi Stadium to learn about the science and technology of the facilities. They enjoyed learning the technology of the “Rams House.” Our video production elective continued with their stellar work. Students were recording their version of the National Anthem on the electronic keyboard to include in the Friday Video announcement, and the whole class produced their light-hearted weekly announcements for the school.
Tierra Linda Principal Fayanne Bakoo -My highlight was celebrating Standing Ovation honorees Susan Todd and Shannon Pemberton. So well deserved!
Las Posas
Monte Vista
Rancho Rosal
Tierra Linda
New! PVSD Battle of the Books
Our Commitment to Excellence for All
PVSD is honored to welcome, educate, and celebrate each child every day with warmth, care, and an unwavering commitment to our vision of Excellence for All. Guided by our core values, we provide high-quality instruction in safe and nurturing spaces where all children can grow, explore, and feel secure—where they are seen, heard, and valued.
Core Values
- Student Centered
- Equity
- Teamwork
- Integrity
- Embracing and Celebrating Diversity
In times of crisis or change—whether from natural disasters, community challenges, or a season of change at the federal level—our schools serve as pillars of stability. Our schools work to ensure that every student finds opportunity, every classroom fosters belonging, and every family feels welcomed. As Pleasant Valley School District keeps our doors open for teaching all students, we reaffirm our role as a community of care and resilience.
We believe that the diversity of our students, families, staff, and community is essential to our mission. Addressing the needs of all requires not only recognizing the inherent value of diversity but also proactively removing barriers that hinder student success.
We have received inquiries from families regarding how the season of change at the federal level may impact our students. We acknowledge that some uncertainties remain. However, what is crystal clear is that PVSD is unwavering in our commitment to teaching all children, adhering to laws and aligned policies, and working with local partners and state leaders to provide high-performing, safe, supportive, and inclusive schools that foster a sense of belonging and connectedness for all students.
We have updated our PVSD Community Resource Guide to provide families with support opportunities within Ventura County and beyond. https://www.pleasantvalleysd.org/about-pvsd/community-resources . The Ventura County Office of Education has important information available on their Ventura County Office of Education’s Educational Rights webpage: https://www.vcoe.org/rights.
Our schools are places where all children are honored, and diversity is celebrated. There is No Place for Hate in the Pleasant Valley School District. No student should experience discrimination, harassment, or hate-motivated behavior.
LINKED HERE are some, but not all, of our Board Policies that codify our procedures and commitment to all students. For all PVSD Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, click HERE
The future of our wonderful Camarillo community depends on the success of every child. By creating a high-quality educational experience that values all learners, PVSD students are prepared to be high-achieving, critical thinkers, and compassionate leaders in a diverse and interconnected world.
Together, we will uphold our shared commitment to learning, discovery, and opportunity—ensuring that every child, every family, and every educator knows that they belong in the Pleasant Valley School District.
Open Enrollment is Live!
Open Enrollment is live! There are a variety of applications: Intra-District (School Choice) Transfer Application, Inter-District (living outside of PVSD boundaries) Application, First Choice Zone Application, Comprehensive Neighborhood School Application, Request to Enroll a Kindergarten Age Student in TK, and Request to Accelerate a TK aged student to Kindergarten.
To find which application will help you accomplish your enrollment goals for your child and to get to the application, please go to the Open Enrollment Website and read the descriptions of all of the different applications. PLEASE NOTE - there is no application for Transitional Kindergarten this year. If you would like your TK child to go to a school other than your neighborhood school you will need to fill out the Intra-District (School Choice) Transfer Application. There will be Transitional Kindergarten offered at Los Primeros School of Sciences and Arts.
Once you submit your application you should receive an acknowledgement email. If you do not receive that, your application was not submitted. If you are having problems submitting, please contact us so that we may support you. The on-time window for Open Enrollment closes February 14th, so be sure to submit by that day for priority. Please reach out to our team if you have any questions:
Cindy Marquez cmarquez@pleasantvalleysd.org (805) 389-2100 X1104
Martha Vazquez mvazquez@pleasantvalleysd.org (805) 389-2100 X1109
Sandra Mendoza smendoza@pleasantvalleysd.org (805) 389-2100 X1120
Congratulations PVSD Honor Band Students!
January Standing Ovations for Staff
Bravo! Congratulations! Wow!
Kelly Borchard
Tanya Carlise
Daniel Carver
Juanita Castro
Tamara Cundiff
Mindy Froelich
Debbie Garcia
Josie Garcia
Faith Howard
Tanya Narasaki
Shannon Pemberton
Rebecca Ridenour
Flavia Seawright
Susan Todd
Mike Valdez
Update from Camarillo Police Department
The Camarillo Police Department would like all Camarillo residents to know about a new law that went into effect January 1, 2025, California Assembly Bill 413 allows for violators to be cited.
What does this mean? This bill amends Section 22500 of the California Vehicle Code by adding a new section to the law which prohibits stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle within 20 feet of any marked or unmarked crosswalk or within 15 feet of any crosswalk with a curb extension.
This law was written to address incidents where pedestrians were struck and seriously injured or killed while crossing the street. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, California’s pedestrian fatality rate was 25% higher than the national average. Pedestrian fatalities increased from 1,013 in 2020 to 1,108 in 2021. There are 43 other states that have implemented similar laws that have resulted in successfully reducing traffic collisions involving pedestrians.
This law is one component of many that can help reduce pedestrian related traffic collisions. See the graphics from the Camarillo Police Department below.
Free CSUCI STEAM Event for Families
Family Engagement Newsletter
Parent and Family Opportunities for Learning
We are excited to share Parent University opportunities for the year and the month of February. Click here to view the annual calendar and the February calendar.
California State University Channel Islands is sponsoring a Family Day of Learning on February 22, 2025. Learn more about it by clicking here.
New! February Celebrations and Holidays
CLICK HERE for a list of February Holidays and Celebrations. If your family celebrates a holiday that you don’t see recognized in my updates, please email me directly so that we can weave that celebration into the fabric of who we are. You can email me at dcortes@pleasantvalleysd.org
The Pleasant Valley School District is honored to serve all students in safe, supportive, and inclusive schools. We value and celebrate our diverse students and families. Harmful and hateful words and deeds will not be tolerated.
We need all PVSD families to talk with their children about this important topic.
Beyond the Golden RuleSummary for Beyond the Golden Rule
PBS Raising the Future: Teaching Kids How to Celebrate Our Differences
PBS: Talking to Young Children about Race and Racism
If your child has been impacted by hate or bias speech in PVSD, I would love to meet with you and learn about their experience. dcortes@pleasantvalleysd.org
Join the PVSD Team!
Employee Recognition – Standing Ovations:
As we start the 24-25 school year, please remember to honor those who model excellence among us with a Standing Ovation nomination. The PVSD Standing Ovation Program honors employees who go above and beyond in work performance, school and community involvement, leadership, and commitment to our district and students. Parents and community members can use this tool to recognize individuals for their contributions. To nominate an employee, please click here or visit the Human Resources Department page and click on the Standing Ovations icon under HR Quick Links. Please continue to celebrate the excellence surrounding your child each day and nominate an employee.
Join the PVSD Team!
Please see the following classified job opportunities:
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Special Education Instructional Assistant I - III
Special Education Instructional Assistant V and VI
Speech and Language Pathology Assistant
Supervisor of Payroll and Accounting
Systems and Network Administrator
To view all classified job opportunities, please click here: Classified Job Opportunities For positions other than teaching, you can also reach out to the Human Resources, Classified department for questions or assistance (volmos@pleasantvalleysd.org or spote@pleasantvalleysd.org).
We are always looking for substitute teachers. If you or anyone you know is interested in a substitute teacher position, please email Leanne Kelly at lkelly@pleasantvalleysd.org.
Please tell a friend or family member.