John Muir Email Template
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Principal's Message
PTA is busy planning some fun events for our students and families. This next Friday, the 20th, is our very popular Lunch with a Loved One. As always, just be sure and sign in. Kinders lunch is at 11:05, 1st and 2nd is at 11:35, 3rd and 4th is at 12:10 and 5th and 6th is at 12:40. Hope you can make it to share lunch with your student. Coming up-Harvest Festival. Please read the flyer below to find out how you can help. The community loves this event and we need a lot of help.
I have a few job openings at our site. I have a 6 hour position for a Vietnamese speaking para professional. I also have a 4 hour custodian opening. If you, or someone you know would be interested, be sure and log on to Lodi Unified's website and go into EduJoin to apply. Be sure and let me know so I can let personnel know you wish to work at John Muir. Thank you
Upcoming events:
Sept. 18: AC Day: Minimum Day
Sept. 23-27: Parent Conferences
Sept. 30- Oct. 11: Fall Break
Oct. 14: Return to school
Oct. 17: Picture Retakes
Oct. 18: Harvest Festival
PTA Upcoming Events:
Oct. 20-Lunch with a loved one
Oct. 18 4-7pm Harvest Festival
Nov. 8 Veteran's Day Celebration
Nov. 20 Turkey Trot
Nov. 26 5:30pm PTA Association Meeting
Dec. 2-6 Scholastic Book Fair
Dec. 3 Bingo for Books
Picking Students Up
Please do not park in staff parking. We have many parents and students walking through the parking lot which can be dangerous. Everyone should be using crosswalks. Please follow basic rules to keep our students safe.
District Approved Flyers
Something for Fall Break: