Counseling and Career Connection
School Counseling/Career Center News January 2025
New Year - New Semester
With mid-term exams on the horizon, we look ahead to the second half of the school year. It is a great time to reflect on many of the topics in this edition of our newsletter, including:
- FAFSA (Financial Aid) for Grade 12 Students & Families
- Scholarship Updates
- Course Selection for next school year
- Dropping/Adding classes
- UConn ECE enrollment for 2nd semester
- Celebrating good news for the Class of 2025
- Career and Job Shadow opportunities
- Policelli Service Award Nominations
We hope you will find helpful information on these topics and more, and we wish you a good start to both the new year and new semester for our SWHS community!
FAFSA For Grade 12 Students & Families
South Windsor Dollars for Scholars Application Portal Opens
SWDFS is a local scholarship organization that offers numerous scholarship opportunities for our students through one application (similar to the way CommonApp works for college admissions). Students are strongly encouraged to apply to this program, as these are local scholarships limited to students who reside in or attend school in South Windsor. Scholarships are available based on a wide variety of criteria and not solely based on GPA or test scores. The application can be found at SW Dollars For Scholars.
Help with the application process is provided through the Career Center or individual School Counselors.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Application Closing Soon!
The application deadline for the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Scholarship program is quickly approaching on February 4th. Seniors who are planning to attend a 4 year college upon gradation can take advantage of this program that provides multiple scholarships to students from 29 towns in the state of Connecticut, including South Windsor. Two scholarships are of significant importance to SWHS applicants, as they are only awarded in South Windsor.
- Joyce S. Picard Scholarship Pursuing careers in science, medicine, nursing or a health-related area, 3.0 GPA, financial need, involved with community service, work, and/or extracurricular activities. Amount of award: $1,000-1,500
- Julie Veilleux Memorial Scholarship Girls who have demonstrated significant leadership qualities and/or demonstrated significant academic achievement but may be more reserved in social interaction. These are not dependent on financial need. Amount of award: $1,000-2,000
To apply to these and all of the other scholarships offered through Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, visit their website.
Check Naviance Regularly for Added/Updated Scholarships
Course Selection to Begin for 2025-2026 School Year
NOTE: Until February 1, 2025, both the 24-25 and the 25-26 course catalog will be posted. Please make sure you are looking at the correct document. The 25-26 documents are always below the 24-25 documents.
The PowerSchool registration portal closes on February 24th.
Drop/Add Window for 2nd Semester
Course changes (ex: dropping a class, and/or adding another - not necessarily in the same subject) can fluidly occur within the first 10 class periods of the course. Students and families should communicate and work closely with their school counselor to discuss the situation. School counselors will work to identify solutions and/or changes to best support the student and family. It should be noted that one schedule change can often necessitate another schedule change.
After the 10th school day of the course, all changes must be approved through an administrative process/review. The window to complete Semester 2 adds/drops will close on February 9th (the 10th day of Semester 2).
Students and families that are interested in learning more about this policy or investigating their options should contact their school counselor directly. School counselor contact information can be found here.
UConn ECE Spring Course Information
SWHS offers two second-semester UConn ECE courses: UConn Discrete Math and UConn Macroeconomics. A Spring Add/Drop Period for these courses will take place from Monday, February 3, to Friday, February 7. During this time, students can add or drop these courses through UConn.DualEnroll.com.
Students no longer enrolled in these SWHS courses must drop them on UConn.DualEnroll.com if they initially registered earlier this year. Dropped courses will be fully removed from their UConn transcript, and any paid fees will be refunded.
**If a student does not drop the course by Friday, February 7, they will need to submit a withdrawal form. In this case, the course will remain on their UConn transcript with a grade of W or WAU, and no refund will be issued.
For questions, please contact Mr. Wry.
Congratulations Class of 2025!
This month's highlights:
Disha Ardalkar - University of Saint Joseph, Central Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University
Jayshaun Barrett - Eastern Connecticut State University, University of New Haven, Enlisted in the National Guard
Allyson Benblatt - Stony Brook University, Rider University, Long Island University, Plymouth State University
Isabella Giammarino - Central Connecticut State University, University of New Hampshire
Daytona Goldstein - Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Johnson & Wales University, Curry College, Western New England University, Salem State University
Lauren Graham - Quinnipiac University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Simmons University, Emmanuel College, Providence College
Connor Holton - University of New Haven, University of Hartford, Central Connecticut State University, Western New England University
Paige Lambert - Clemson University, High Point University, Wentworth Institute of Technology, University of Tennesee
Greta Lewis - Eastern Connecticut State University, University of New Hampshire, University of Vermont, Miami University, Binghamton University, Syracuse University
Max McDonald - University of New England
Reshika Partheeban - Otis College of Art and Design, Pratt Institute, School of Visual Arts NYC, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Rowan Pott - Bennington College
Cassandra Rolfe - Keene State College, University of New Hampshire, Western New England University, Bryant University, University of New Haven, Quinnipiac University, Central Connecticut State University, Western Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University
Aashritha Sathish - Pennsylvania State University, University of New Haven, University of Saint Joseph
Kai Williams - Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Western Connecticut State University
Fill out this Google form to be included in our "good news" announcements for the Class of 2025! This form can be filled out with as many college acceptances as you receive, and can be submitted multiple times as future decisions arrive. You may also use this form to indicate that you have enlisted in the military or received an offer of employment for after you graduate.
CT Judicial Branch Offers Virtual and In-Person Job Shadow Programs
The Judicial Branch Experiential Learning Program will once again be offering a virtual Job Shadow presentation, held via MS Teams, on Monday, February 3, 2025, from 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. The program will provide high school students grades 10-12 with an overview of careers in the Judicial Branch as well as an opportunity to ask questions to a Supreme Court justice.
To register for this presentation, please RSVP to Mrs. Carty by January 31st. All registered students will receive a pass to come to the Career Center at 12:30 pm on February 3rd as well as the links as the MS Teams link for the program.
In addition to the virtual program, the Experiential Learning Program is offering in-person job shadow opportunities from May 1- May 30, 2025. Please note that placements vary by location and availability. All information for the in-person job shadow program can be found on their website.
Hartford Hospital's VolunTeen Program Application Opening
Hartford Hospital offers a summer volunteer opportunity for students who are considering a career in healthcare and would like to experience how a hospital functions. The program, which runs from June 23 - August 15, is open to those between the ages of 14 and 18 (or will turn 14 by June 23rd). Other criteria include a minimum GPA of 3.0, availability for a minimum of 8 hours a week during at least 6 of the 8 weeks . Volunteers are also required to attend at least one educational session.
Additional information about the program and application procedures will be shared at a MANDATORY INFORMATION SESSION, which is considered part of the application process. Registration for this information session will open on January 25th and close on January 31st or when the session is full. The session will cap at 125 attendees and it fills up fast. This is a competitive program and early registration is encouraged.
Interested students are encouraged to go the Hartford Hospital Volunteer page at 9 AM on January 25th for the greatest likelihood of registering for the mandatory session.
Policelli Service Award Invites Nominations
Do you know someone who deserves an award for their volunteer service?
The South Windsor Board of Education invites residents, or employees of a South Windsor business, to nominate someone who has volunteered their time for the betterment of the South Windsor community.
The Eugene Policelli Service Awards were established by the Board of Education to recognize and honor Dr. Eugene Policelli’s service to the town of South Windsor. Nominees may be nominated by an organization where an individual has volunteered, an employer, a school employee, or a community member. A family member cannot initiate a nomination.
The nominee must:
1) be a resident of South Windsor for the past three years, or have worked and/or volunteered in South Windsor for at least three years, or
2) be a South Windsor High School Grade 12 student, and
3) be an example of outstanding citizenship and have made a significant contribution to enhancing the quality of life in South Windsor.
Prior to making a nomination, please read the service/leadership criteria below:
Impact on the Community: Was the nominee’s contribution substantive enough to make a difference in the organization and the community?
Amount/Depth of Service: Does the nominee appear to have demonstrated a long-term commitment to one or more community service activities?
Leadership: Has the nominee assumed a leadership role in the community service activity?
After completing this Google nomination form, the award selection committee will reach out to the nominee to inform them of the nomination, explain the award program, ask the nominee if they would like to formally apply for the award, and provide them with the application (if needed).
Please reach out to Benjamin Wry, South Windsor Public Schools School Counseling Curriculum Specialist, at 860-648-5033, or bwry@swindsor.k12.ct.us, with any questions or concerns. Thank you! The nomination deadline is February 24, 2025.
Now Hiring!
The Freshman Focus
9th grade families are encouraged to review the course catalog referenced above and discuss academic options for the 2025-2026 school year. Until February 1, 2025, both the 24-25 and the 25-26 course catalog will be posted. Please make sure you are looking at the correct document. The 25-26 documents are always below the 24-25 documents. Ms. Keleher and Ms. Iuliano will meet with students and help them register for classes during an early February lesson.
In the meantime, you can always reach out to Ms. Keleher at dkeleher@swindsor.k12.ct.us or Ms. Iuliano at kiuliano@swindsor.k12.ct.us should you need individual support during freshman year.
The Sophomore Scene
With a new semester starting, now is a great time for 10th grade students to think about joining any extracurricular activities that might interest them. Spring sports will start holding meetings and tryouts in the coming weeks, and many SWHS clubs and activities welcome new members all year long. Getting involved in extracurricular activities is an excellent way to feel more connected to the school community, develop leadership skills, explore interests, and build a resume.
School Counseling & Career Center
The Career Center offers a variety of assistance to students and parents preparing for post-secondary opportunities. It is located in the School Counseling office and can also be accessed from the hallway outside School Counseling.
Website: https://highschool.southwindsorschools.org/departments/school_counseling
Phone: 860-648-5003