The Panther Prowl
Principal Hyde
The mission of Edythe J. Hayes Middle School is to engage all learners in a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence and develops responsible, respectful leaders and citizens
Hyde's Headline
MAP testing
Our recent MAP testing sessions were a resounding success. We successfully administered both math and reading assessments to a large number of students, despite logistical challenges. The exceptional adaptability and cooperation of our students and staff were instrumental in ensuring a smooth testing experience. We commend our students for their hard work and dedication.
If your child was unable to complete their MAP reading or math assessment last week, they will be scheduled for testing this week to ensure full participation
Panther Store Help
We’ve been thrilled to see an increase in positive behavior among our students. To recognize their efforts, we've distributed over 3,000 eBucks to students this year. These eBucks can be used to purchase rewards at our EJH Panther Store.
While we’ve invested significantly in the store, we're seeking donations to further expand our offerings. If you'd like to support our students' positive behavior and help stock the Panther Store, please consider making a donation (see link below). Your generosity will go a long way in rewarding our students for their hard work
State required Bullying and Suicide Presentations will take place for all grade levels on Friday, September 6th. If you would like to opt your student out of hearing these presentations, please email your grade level Guidance Counselor no later than Wednesday, September 4th.
Thanks in advance for your understanding and support.
Please review the FCPS Student Code of Conduct and the EJH Student Handbook.
Monday, August 26, 2024
- No School (Labor day)
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
- Cheer practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team will have an informational meeting in room 1001 at 7:30 am
- Cross country practice after school on the front field
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Diversity club will meet in room 914 after school
- Girls basketball game AWAY at Winburn
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Art club will meet after school until 4:45 pm in room 513
- Cross country practice at the front field after school
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Girls basketball game HOME vs. Jessie Clark
Thursday, September 5, 2024
- Cheer practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Cross country practice at the front field after school
- Girls basketball practice after school in the gym
- Football game HOME vs. Morton
- Golf practice at Meadowbrook at 5:00 pm
Friday, September 6, 2024
- Wyldlife campaigners meeting in room 201 at 7:30 am
- Academic team will have an informational meeting in room 1001 at 7:30 am
- Cheer practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Cross country practice after school on the front field
- Girls basketball practice after school in the gym
- Football practice after school on the football field
Helpful links
Upcoming events
Sept 2 - No School (Labor day)
Sept 4 - Girls basketball hosts Jessie Clark
Sept 5 - Football hosts Morton
Sept 11 - Girls basketball hosts BSMS
Sept 12 - Football hosts BSMS
Sept 19 - OPEN HOUSE
Sept 19- Picture Day
Students of the month for August
6th grade Cougars- Rebecca Gonclaves Jurado Oliveira
6th grade Lynx- KeMarion Storey
6th grade Courgars- Miles Bradley
6th grade Bobcats- Clara Thomas
6th grade Bobcats- Calvin Walker
7th grade- Erik Perez Hernandez
7th grade- Titus Covey
7th grade- Katie Norman
7th grade- Somaya Godfrey
8th grade- Molly Miner
8th grade- Wayne Fisher
8th grade- Izzy Fueger
Interested in being an observer on your students canvas account?
You can learn to navigate and observe all of the content your students will be exposed to through their classroom canvas pages. Please follow the link to learn more.
Sports information
Parent and player pre-tryout meeting will be September 23 at 6:30 in the cafeteria. Tryout dates will be announced after that meeting, but we do not yet have those finalized. Everyone trying out must have a physical.
Information about clubs
Student Council
Get involved and make a difference in our school by joining the Student Council, which is open to all students. The first meeting is Sept. 12th at 8am in room 1007 front portable. Any questions, please reach out to bonnie.litteral@fayette.kyschools.us
Diversity Club
Diversity Club meeting is scheduled on September 3rd from 4 pm - 5 pm. Any questions, please reach out to Kylie.qualls@fayette.kyschools.us
Art Club
Art club will start September 4th. This will take place every Wednesday from 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm in room 513. Any questions, please reach out to Charissa.riley@fayette.kyschools.us
SOMOS PANTEROS (Spanish club)
Coach: Mrs. Morera
Meetings: Mondays - BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 9
Time: 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Location: Room 1006 (Portables)
Interested students:
SURVEY LINK: https://forms.gle/mwf7jirhgMxRRgqD6
PMQ meeting will be held Monday, September 9th from 4:15pm-5:15pm.
Open House 9/19
WEB tailgate
Book fair will be Sept. 16-20
After school tutoring
We will begin holding after school tutoring on Mondays & Wednesdays beginning on September 4th. Please review our tutoring expectations.
Please see our tutoring schedule and sign up for dates here.
SCAPA information night
SCAPA Lafayette will be hosting an information night on Tuesday, September 10, 6PM for parents and students interested in SCAPA LHS for the 25-26 school year.
Social emotional lesson update
Math, Science, and Technology Center (MSTC) program at PLD
Math, Science, and Technology Center (MSTC) program at PLD (MSTC) will be hosting an informational Open House on Wednesday, September 25th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Dunbar Auditorium.
The MSTC program is an ideal program for students that are identified as gifted in Math and/or Science and are interested in accelerated classes in Math, Science, and Computer Science; along with a mentorship and independent research project with an active researcher their junior and senior year.
Students should have completed Algebra 1 by the end of 8th grade. Students apply in their 8 th or 9 th grade year.
They have updated their admissions process this year. Students will be ranked for available spots based on the following criteria:
Gifted identifications (math and/or science)
MAP math scores (or equivalent achievement test data) from 8 th or 9 th grade
Students without access to MAP tests will take the MSTC admissions test
Current math class
The major changes are that they will no longer require already identified students to take the IOWA tests, only students needing to be identified will have to take those tests. The admissions test will only be for students that do not have access to MAP math tests. Testing for GT identification and the MSTC admissions test will be during the district testing window in November, 2024.
Open House Wednesday, September 25th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Dunbar Auditorium.
MSTC Website - https://sites.google.com/fayette.kyschools.us/mstc
MSTC Brochure - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UzBJUei5N_Yto-gOIgDvLUtKYShhAzIx/view?usp=sharing
If you questions about the MSTC program, please reach out to:
Elizabeth Pelphrey
Math Science and Technology Center Facilitator | MSTC
Office: (859)-422-1621
This Locust Trace Fundraiser will help our EJ Hayes FFA Program pay for events and trips throughout the school year. There are 8 in pots, which are $12, and 14 in pots, which are $34. There are 5 colors available: yellow, red, bronze, lavender, and white. All colors are available in both sizes. If you have any questions, contact Mr. Bischoff ( william.bischoff@fayette.kyschools.us ).
*** Money and orders are due Sep 1st . Pick-up will be the week of Sep 18th at LOCUST TRACE. Pick-up details will be sent to your email.
Community Health Fair
Districted for Britton for next year? They want your input.
Attendance numbers from last week:
Monday 8/26: 94.49%
Tuesday 8/27: 95.29%
Wednesday 8/28: 96.07%
Thursday 8/29: 94.82%
Friday 8/30: 92.43%