Bermudian Springs Elementary
February 2025
Dr. Danielle Curzi, Principal - dcurzi@bermudian.org
Mr. Ryan Murphy, Assistant Principal - rmurphy@bermudian.org
Mrs. Tanya Gelb, Counselor - tgelb@bermudian.org
2/28/25 UPDATES
2/21/25 UPDATES
Kids Heart Challenge Formerly Jump Rope for Heart
We are entering the last week of the Kids Heart Challenge. The students are working hard on jump rope activities in class. Your child can still participate in the Kids Heart Challenge. If you need another information sheet/collection envelope for your child, contact Mr. Metzger at wmetzger@bermudian.org. The collection envelopes are due next Friday, February 28. We are raising money for the American Heart Association. If your child/family raises $50 or more they will get a chance to dunk Mr. Metzger at the end of the school year. Thank you for your support in this very worthwhile cause.
Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade Choral Concert Date
We are so excited to announce this year's concert for our kindergarten, first, and second grade students! This concert will take place on:
DAY/TIME: Thursday, March 20th
Student performers will need to report to the HS auditorium by 6:15 pm
Doors open for guests at 6:15 pm
Concert will begin at 6:30 pm
LOCATION - Bermudian Springs High School auditorium.
PERFORMER DRESS CODE: While there is no specific dress code, it is recommended that students dress their best!
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Melhorn at jmelhorn@bermudian.org
¡Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar el concierto de este año para nuestros estudiantes de jardín de infantes, primero y segundo grado! Este concierto tendrá lugar el:
DÍA/HORA: Jueves 20 de marzo
Los estudiantes artistas deberán presentarse en el auditorio de HS antes de las 6:15 p.m.
Puertas abiertas para invitados a las 6:15 p.m.
El concierto comenzará a las 6:30 p.m.
UBICACIÓN: Auditorio de la escuela secundaria Bermudian Springs.
CÓDIGO DE VESTIMENTA DE LOS ACTUADORES: Si bien no existe un código de vestimenta específico, se recomienda que los estudiantes se vistan lo mejor posible.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Sra. Melhorn en jmelhorn@bermudian.org
2/17/24 UPDATES
REMINDER: Please complete survey regarding interest in a BSES Skating Party!
We’re looking to get some feedback on possibly hosting a skating party for our elementary students! This would be a great opportunity for the kids to gather and socialize! Please complete the short survey below before February 19th
PTO Meeting February 19th at 9:30 at BSES
We will be hosting our BSES PTO meeting at 9:30 am in our STEAM Classroom. We will. be reviewing items such as: Yearbook, Literacy Night, Read-a-Thon, and a possible Skating Party. Please join us if you can!
2/7/25 UPDATES
K -2 AND 3rd/4th Grade Spring Concert Information
We are excited to share our upcoming Spring Concert information. All performances will be held at Bermudian Springs High School's Auditorium.
* Thursday, March 20, 2025 - 6:15 - 7:30 - K - 2 Concert with all students performing
* Tuesday, April 15, 2025 - 6:15 - 7:30 - 3rd and 4th grade Concert with all students performing
2024/2025 BSES Yearbook
The 2024-25 BSES Yearbook is now available for purchase https://shorturl.at/tWvjU
Yearbooks are $21 each and are expected to be delivered to your child by the end of the school year! Place your order(s) by April 13!
BSES Skating Party Interest Survey
We’re looking to get some feedback on possibly hosting a skating party for our elementary students! This would be a great opportunity for the kids to gather and socialize! Please complete the short survey below before February 19th
Welcome to February! I’m sure we are all hoping that Punxsutawney Phil was wrong and Spring comes sooner than he predicted! It is hard to believe that last week we celebrated the 100th day of school, but it is very clear that all of our learners are growing significantly both academically and socially. Last month at our PBIS assembly we celebrated many students being nominated for the Character Trait of the month for Kindness and they definitely represented! Our students are kind and caring and they are definitely growing their courage, brains and their hearts!
As we move forward into February, please remember that we will be having our first snow make up day on Friday, February 14th. More information will be shared with all families on February 10th through Sapphire and teacher Talking Points. All work will be sent home with the students on Thursday, February 13th.
As you will notice further down the S’More , we have provided information regarding Kindergarten Registration for the 25/26 school year. More information will be sent out soon to District families. Additionally our PSSA testing is right around the corner. Please make sure to have these dates noted for your 3rd and 4th grade students:
ELA - Wednesday, April 23, Thursday, April 24, & Friday, April, 25
Math -Tuesday, April 29 & Wednesday, April 30, 2025
We are looking forward to a great fabulous February and warmer weather soon!
Danielle and Ryan
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14: This is a ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING DAY replacing the scheduled snow make-up day. Students will be home on this day and the day will count as an instructional day. Detailed communication will be sent via Sapphire and Talking Points on February 10th and work sent home on February 13th.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17: School is CLOSED - President’s Day
Dear Parents,
To help keep our school drop-off and pick-up process smooth and efficient for everyone, we kindly ask for your cooperation with the following:
Morning Drop-Off:
Please have your child ready to exit the car quickly when you arrive at the unloading area. This will help ensure the flow of traffic continues smoothly.Afternoon Pick-Up:
Encourage your child to enter the car quickly when it’s your turn in the loading area. If they need assistance with buckling, please pull forward and park to the side to help them safely.Practice Makes Perfect:
Practicing loading and unloading at home can help your child become more independent and confident with this task, making the process faster and easier for everyone.
Thank you for your attention to these guidelines and for helping us keep the car line safe and efficient!
I’m Molly Gardner and I am super excited to join the Berm team as the new cafeteria aide. We moved to the school district about 2 years ago and we instantly fell in love with the school and staff. This year I joined the PTO and appreciation committee and I enjoy volunteering where I can.
I managed a salon in Gettysburg for 3 years before we moved to Gardners and I decided to focus on renovating our new home and taking care of the homestead. My family consists of my husband Dillon of 9 years, Sophie who is in 2nd grade, Cajus who is in 1st grade, our German Shepard Nikka, our bunny, turtle, chickens, turkeys, 3 cats and 2 goats.
We are very active with cheerleading, football, wrestling, and basketball and my husband and I both enjoy coaching the kids teams. Other than spending time with my family I also enjoy reading, crafting, gardening, and being in the kitchen.
I am thrilled to take on this new role and to get to know the students and staff better.
The Hershey Bears are very excited to announce the return of their Roaring to Read Program!
Every student who completes the challenge will receive a complimentary student ticket to a Hershey Bears game during the 2024-2025 season. Simply enjoy some reading at home, complete the chart that will be sent home soon, and return it to your classroom teacher by February 28. You will then get an online code to redeem your free ticket. You can also purchase discounted family tickets through the link. Happy Reading and GO BEARS!
Draw a duck and enter it in the Jr. Duck Stamp Art Contest, a national contest that helps conservation! Each year, there are about 100 winners in each state. All PA winners will be invited for an award celebration at the Visitor Center in the spring. Enter your entry by 3/15 either by mail or dropped off at the Visitor Center.
Please check out the following rules of entry. One important one is that the artwork must be on 9" x 12" paper and horizonal!
1. Design entries must be contestant's original, hand-drawn creation and may not be traced or copied from photographs or other artists' works.
2. Image must be of a native North American duck, swan or goose (refer to Eligible Species list).
3. Any style of artwork may be submitted as long as the eligible species can be recognized by its unique characteristics. Styles of artwork submitted can range from realism to representational abstract, including but not limited to cubist, caricature, impressionistic, pop, ethnic, optical, etc.
4. The entry may be multi-color, black and white, or a single color; it may be rendered in ink, paint, pastel, crayon, or pencil. Techniques may include drawing, painting, scratch-board, airbrush, linoleum printing, paper collage, etc.
5. No photography or computer-generated art will be accepted. Computers or other mechanical devices may not be used in creating or rendering the artwork.
6. The physical size of submitted artwork must be 9" x 12" and less than ¼" thick.
7. Image layout must be horizontal.
Entries may not be matted or framed. A loose, detachable cover sheet may be laid over the art face to protect it during shipping. Spray chalk and pastel entries with a fixative to eliminate possible scuffing and smudging during transfer of artwork.
8. There should be no border around the image.
9. No lettering, words, signatures or initials may appear on the front of the design. This includes letters on signs and numbers on bands. Inclusion of such markings will result in disqualification.
10. All entries must include a completed and signed entry form. Students in grades 7-12th MUST complete and submit a reference form. It is recommended that screen shots or images of any reference photos used are included in your submission.
For all rules, visit https://www.fws.gov/.../junior-duck-stamp-contest...
Entries must be mailed by 3/15 to:
Attn: Wingyi Kung
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge
8601 Lindbergh Blvd
Philadelphia PA 19153
Contact Wingyi at wingyi_kung@fws.gov with any questions.
Wednesday, April 23rd
Thursday, April 24th
Friday, April 25th
Tuesday, April 29th
Wednesday, April 30th
Kids love to play outside in the snow and ice, but they are more vulnerable to cold weather than adults are. Most kids do not notice changes in their bodies related to cold exposure.
Frostbite and hypothermia occur more frequently in children because they have larger heads and large body surface area compared to their body mass, and this leads to rapid heat loss. Younger children usually do not have as much energy reserves to burn when it comes to being in cold.
Here are tips to ensure that children are safe while playing outside during the winter months:
Vulnerable extremities, such as the ears, nose, hands and feet, should always be covered and kept as warm as possible to avoid frostbite.
Make sure children wear a hat, which is key to retaining up to 60 percent of their body heat.
Children should dress in layers so moisture can be kept away from the skin. Wet layers should be taken off so children stay warm and dry.
Spring Apparel Sale - Orders Due by February 23
Don’t miss your last chance this school year to snag Berm apparel, gear, and accessories while supporting the BSES PTO! Shop the new collection at bsespto.com/store before the store closes on February 23rd!
Next PTO Meeting - February 19
Join us at 9:30am on Wed, February 19, in Mr. Morning’s room (next to the Media Center) for our next meeting! View agendas and minutes at bsespto.com/meetings.
Staff Appreciation Breakfast - February 21
Our Appreciation Committee is hosting a breakfast for all BSES staff, teachers, & drivers on Fri, February 21! Sign up to contribute a dish or sponsor coffee at ttsu.me/appreciation-breakfast to help us say thank you to the people who make BSES so great!
Parents Night Out - March 15
Save the Date -- Our next Nerf-themed Parents Night Out will be held Saturday, March 15, at Empower Martial Arts in Hanover! A flyer will be sent home this month with the registration details. Thanks to all of the families who joined us in November—your participation helped us raise $440 for our school!
Volunteers for Kindergarten Registration
We need volunteers to welcome families during Kindergarten Registration April 8-10! Sign up for a 1-hour time slot at ttsu.me/k-registration to help out!
Sign Up for our PTO Email List
We send out an email once a month with important info and reminders regarding our PTO activities & fundraisers. If you don't currently receive emails from us but would like to, sign up at bsespto.com/news (near the bottom of the page). We don't spam your inbox and you can unsubscribe any time!
Fourth Grade Picnic Update
Planning for the Fourth Grade Picnic has begun! If you'd like to volunteer to help out on Picnic Day (May 28th), be sure to submit your volunteer clearances to the elementary school office ahead of time! More details to come.
Extracurriculars for Students
The greater Bermudian Springs community offers extracurricular sports & clubs so K-4 kids can stay active, learn, & grow. We have a contact directory for these organizations with approximate registration dates listed at bsespto.com/community.
Questions? Contact Andrea Everhart (President), Jason Mleczko (VP), Katie Stehr (Treasurer), Molly Gardner (Secretary), or Julie Williams (Appreciation Chair). We'd love to get you involved!
Email: bsespto@bermudian.org • Website: bsespto.com
Facebook: fb.com/bsespto • Sign-Up Sheets: timetosignup.com/bsespto
#BSESTogetherWeCan #ExploreDreamDiscover
Email: tlaughman@bermudian.org
Website: bermudian.org
Location: 7335 Carlisle Pike
Phone: 717-528-5147