Keep Our Kids Safe
Cyber Safety Presentations . November 13-14, 2018
Why Do I Need This Information?
As Detective Wistocki pointed out per the need of this presentation, it is not that our children are bad and we don't trust them. It is more the point of keeping our children safe from the evils outside our walls that are now able to enter our homes---and their lives via the internet, gaming platforms and social media.
With that protection at the forefront of the conversation, Detective Wistocki gave parents and students the tools they can use to keep themselves safe in the cyber world. We've summarized those points below so you can have a dialogue with your students about the things they learned during the student presentation.
Additionally, we learned that both presentations are available to view online via the Exchange Club of Naperville and the Naperville Police Department. We've linked those videos below as well in case you weren't able to attend, or if you missed some items that you wanted to implement in your home.
10 Talking Points with your Student(s)
1. Responsibility & Privacy
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for EVERYTHING their children under 18 do or have.
- By law, children under 18 do not own anything. Even if they buy it.
- Children under 18 do not have rights to privacy with their parents/guardians.
2. The Golden Ticket
- If your child comes to you because they are in trouble, they need to feel that they can come to you and talk to you about it.
3. Subpoena
- NO ONE is anonymous online.
4. Cyber-Bullying
- No one has the right to make you feel bad about yourself when it comes to doing things online.
- What constitutes Cyber-Bullying?
- What evidence do you need to collect?
5. Verify Every Person You Meet Online
- If you can't verify them, they are a liar.
6. The 2-Prong Test
- Do something to make it stop.
- Tell a responsible adult.
7. The 3 'P' Test
- When taking pictures or videos to post, stop and ask yourself: Would you show this to your Parents, Priest or Principal?
- Secret word, number or phrase to help your child(ren) get out of a bad situation.
9. 'I Don't Owe You Jack'
- The response for 'You Owe Me One Pic!
10. Digital Footprint Does Matter!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Many, many thanks to Detective Richard Wistocki (Ret.), for his parent and student presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday. Very grateful that the 5-8th grade students of Tri-County and Immanuel Lutheran were able to join us. Many thanks also to Stateline Area Crime Stoppers for sponsoring this presentation in the interest of keeping our kids safe. In fact, with the Aquin presentations, Stateline Area Crime Stoppers completed coverage of this program to all schools within Stephenson County. What a great commitment!
Parent Program
- includes control apps and links to monitor usage
- information on the 10 tips above
- explanation of the laws surrounding Cyber Safety
Student Program
- cues and tips on when you're at risk online
- details on the 10 tips above
- explanation of the laws surrounding Cyber Safety
Aquin Tech Picks
(click on the link below and then click on the 2 images at the top of the page)
- In conjunction with this program, Aquin's Tech Team comprised lists of Control Apps, Device Controls and Safe Searches for the community.