Wesley United Methodist Church
July 2024
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Wesley United Methodist Church is a church family that seeks to live into John Wesley's three simple rules- to do good, to do no harm, and to stay in love with God. http://www.wumcsf.org
From Pastor Howard Grinager
Change. Times of change can be hard. They can be exciting. They can be scary. They can leave us feeling uneasy. And I expect that the members of the Wesley UMC family have experienced many of those feelings and others as well in the last years. We are a very different church than we were 5 or 6 years ago. Some of the ministries that used to define who we were, are no longer happening. During that time, we have had 5 or 6 different persons serving as our pastors. The size of our congregation has changed drastically. Some whom we considered family have moved on. And now in August, we will receive another person, Cindy, as our pastor. And all that has happened has, perhaps, left us scared, uneasy, sad, and struggling. But I also hope as we move past some of those feelings, we are excited.
First, I want to say how privileged I feel having been your pastor for what will soon be six months and how grateful I am for having had Bill and Jordan as partners in ministry alongside of you. Part of the joy for me is getting to serve in now three churches (Pierre, Yankton, Wesley) that my father, Lloyd, served. And it has been a joy to serve alongside of members of this congregation, who although things have been challenging, are still excited for our future and for the ministry that we believe this church is called to be about both now and into the future.
Secondly, I am excited for this church’s future. Yes, things are going to continue to be challenging, but I sense the members of this church family feel called to be in ministry in our neighborhood and I believe that your new pastor will bring good gifts to help you live into that ministry.
One of the things that excites me is that we are sharing our building with two other congregations-one, Slavic/Ukrainian and two, Spanish. My hope and prayer is that in the future we can not only share a building but also a friendship and perhaps even some ministry. (During the Rock the Block week, the Slavic’s contributed some wonderful food to our effort for which we are grateful.) We are also looking at some additional sharing of our building with other ministries/non-profits that will give us new partners to help bring God’s love into our neighborhood. And who knows what else God has in store for us.
As some of you may have figured out, my favorite affirmation of faith in our hymnal comes out of the United Church of Canada (made up of Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregational churches.) I like it because it begins and ends by reminding us that we are not alone-that God is always with us. My prayer for this church family is that through good and challenging times, we will always remember that. There may me times as we move into the future when we feel scared or uneasy. But if we can remember that God is always with us, we can always look to the future with joy and excitement as we watch what God will do in and through us. Thanks to each of you and the gifts you bring to our family and the ministry we believe God calls us to be about. Howard
Grief, Gratitude and Grace by Pastor Bill Gran
If you noticed during the leading of my last official worship service with you as one of your pastor’s, I got “choked up” a few times. A friend of mine asked me what the reasons may have been. As I reflected on his question, what came to mind for me were the words my daughter Jennifer shared with Brenda and me at the time of my retirement from the Good Samaritan Society, reminding us to be “Holding space for grief, gratitude and grace.”
It was and is a time for holding space for grief, i.e. the loss of that pastoral role of meeting with, connecting with, sharing with, teaching/preaching among, praying with, guiding and leading, encouraging and supporting of you all who are part of Wesley UMC. There is a sense of grief and loss.
It was and is a time for holding space for gratitude, i.e. the gift of coming back to be with you all at Wesley UMC as your pastor, including all those things I just named as also grieving; and the gift of sharing with you all what is for me the most significant gift I have to share with anyone, i.e. “the gift and blessings of Christ’s Love”; and the gift of having in addition to my “church family” many of my personal family in worship with me in person and/or in spirit. My heart was and is filled with gratitude.
And it was and is a time for holding space for grace, i.e. there has been and is a deep sense of God’s grace at work within Wesley UMC these past months that Howard and I have been privileged to share with you in mission and ministry; there was and is a sense of God’s grace at work as we celebrated the time Howard and I have been serving with you AND as we look forward to the ministries that Cindy will be sharing with you; there is a sense of God’s grace having filled your/our lives with the gifts of Christ’s coming which we so often name at the time of Advent, a time for celebrating a new church year and new beginnings, the gifts of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. It has been and is a time to know, celebrate, and continue to be open to God’s grace at work in our hearts and minds and lives.
And so I say “Thanks be to God”! And thanks to each of you for helping to make possible the opportunities to experience and share together the blessings of “Grief, Gratitude and Grace.”
Pastor Bill Gran
Worship schedule – times/ways we can “stay in love with God” & “do good”
In case you missed the worship services and messages in June, go to http://wumcsf.org and click on the “Video Archive” tab to view the following:
June 2, with communion – “An Awful, Grace-Filled Wedding” Howard Grinager
June 9 – “One Act Play-The Prodigal Son” by Roger Maize
June 16 – “Small Grows Larger” by Jordan Minnich Kjesbo
June 23 – “Sharing Christ’s Love” by Bill Gran
June 30 – “Who Are We” by Howard Grinager
To watch services “live” each Sunday at 10 AM, go to http://wumcsf.org and click on the “Livestream” tab. July’s preaching schedule is as follows:
July 7, with communion – Howard Grinager
July 14 – Howard Grinager
July 21 – Mark Phillips (a retired UMC Pastor)
July 28 – Mark Phillips
Then on August 4 – Cindy Heidelberger’s first official Sunday with Wesley UMC as our new pastor
We are also grateful for the opportunities we have to “host” these additional congregations within our Wesley UMC building:
- Pentecostal Slavic Congregation of Sioux Falls-Meets in our Sanctuary on Sundays 12:00-2:00 and 6:00-8:00, and on Fridays 7:00-9:00
- Lirio de los Valles-Meets in our former nursery room on Sundays 12:-00-2:00 and Thursdays 7:00-8:30
Opportunities for Mission -Opportunities to do Good
* Milk Money for the Terry Redlin Pantry
* Meals/ rides for the Griners
* Thank you to George and Jan Martin for donating bottled water for the guests at the Nightwatch Canteen
* First Fruits - The gardens planted in May are already producing! Zucchinis are ready to harvest! The produce is for anyone that can use it- take a peek there will be more soon!
* 10a on Saturdays the CRC meet in fellowship hall to look at the needs of the area and decide how best to help
Night Watch Canteen News
Wesley served 120 people on Sunday June 16th and 175 at Hayward School on Monday June 24th. We continue to collect needed items which can be placed in the tote in the narthex. Through the generosity of Delta Dental, we received a large order of toothbrushes to give out, it would be nice to have toothpaste to go with (please no mouthwash). Other ongoing needs for the Canteen; Bottled water, hand soap, sunscreen, feminine products, combs, hairbrushes and band aids, individually wrapped snacks, simple things for kids like sidewalk chalk, bubbles, gently used or new stuff animals. Please consider helping- contact Carmin Britt to volunteer or if you have questions.
Rock the Block & Wesley!
- Served lunch to all volunteers Tuesday through Friday. Thank you EVERYONE for all the help prepping, serving and cleanup. It was truly a group effort.
- The youth from Valley City ND gave the old Kidz Count area and handicap bathroom on the lower level a face lift. They did an awesome job painting that huge area.
- Judy Kiepke and her granddaughter and friend swept and scrubbed all the stairwells in the church- WOW!
- Bob Van Kirk and Brad Kolbeck were ready to help with any building needs throughout the whole week- Thank you Trustees!
- Friends brought yummy cookies to share with our guests.
Teams of volunteers from Habitat went out and accomplished tree planting, yard cleanup, and trash pickup even in the rain!
Saturday turned out to be one of those "God Things". All planned events were a wash due to the heavy rains and flooding- but those were man made plans. Still, around 40 people - some neighbors, some kids came to jump in the bouncy house before it was taken down, some workers from Habitat, and the youth group from North Dakota all shared a delicious meal of leftovers from the week. It was one of those 5 loaves and 2 fishes' stories. Three young musicians entertained the group while they ate and talked. A few people signed up for the Whittier Neighborhood Association newsletter and one gentleman from the neighborhood expressed interest in becoming the association president! I'd say God had His plans for that day.
Looking at the new school year and the Terry Redlin Food Pantry
On July 11, Mary and Nila are meeting with the new principal for Terry Redlin. They will discuss the Food Pantry and what role Wesley will play in the new school year. The Food Pantry is a huge blessing to the families of the school. Please add this mission to your prayer list and consider getting involved whether this is volunteering, contributing to the milk fund or offering regular prayers for the workers and the families, all of it is important. If you would like to go with Mary and Nila- give them a call.
General Budget update @ May 31, 2024
Income 5 months 2024----- ----------------------------------$ 37,015.38
Expense 5 months 2024 ------------------------------------- ($37,790.30)
Expense exceed Income @ 5/31/2024---------------------------(774.92)
Don Armstrong, Treasurer
Building and Grounds
Balance 4/30/2024-----------------------------------------------------$20,999.25
Donations May 2024 ------------------------------------------------------$450.00
Interest earned May 2024 ---------------------------------------------------$7.19
Balance 5/31/2024 -----------------------------------------------------$21,456.44
Don Armstrong, Treasurer
Batter Up!!! Wesley softball starts April 25th!
Wesley's softball team is up to bat again! The league is focused on promoting fellowship through the sport of softball. The double-header games are played at Sherman Park. Rich Paez is the contact person for the team. You can also go to the website https://www.sfchurchsoftball.com/home.
July 11- Field H @ 7:30, Field I @ 8:30
July 18 - Field E @ 7:30, Field E @ 8:30
July 25 - Field H @ 6:30, Field G @ 8:30
Aug 1 - Field E @ 6:30, Field E @ 7:30
Our Members and Friends in Care Facilities or Under Home Care
Tuff Home in Hills, MN: Jackie Dreyer
Good Sam / Hill: Linda Varud,
Avantara: Guy Varud
VA in Luverne: Bob Morrison
Rushmore Mn: Marian Hoek
Stoney Brooke: Maxine Ingalls, Audrey Hullinger
Prairie Crossing: Bernie McCabe
Dow Rummel: Nila Hendriks
Luther Manor: Donna Hoh
Tieszen Memorial Home in Marion, SD: Margeann Dewes
Family and Friends to hold up in prayer:
For all who suffered from the flooding.
Mary Wilcox - upcoming surgery hopefully will help with the pain
Kolby Bohmbach - hopeful for good test results
Kim Wahl- back surgery
Bob Whiting - knee surgery - was good to see him in church!
Zelda Kirkvold - cancer
Ernie Griner - HOME!
Carole Anderson -Home!
Trish Garcia - back home!
Sandy - Bernie McCabe's daughter, ongoing illness
Carmen Britt - Sister Kim and Brother-in-law, Dave - prayers needed
Kolby Bohmbach – Continued prayers for good test results
Karen Renken- continued prayers for healing
Bob Whiting’s daughter Robyn –doing well after a kidney transplant
Nila & Karen’s sister-in-law Karen - continued prayers