Timber Wolf Times 11/15/24
Neil C Twitchell Elementary School - 2024/2025
Calendar Events
11/18 - E Day
11/18 - PositiviTEE Monday - Positive Message T-Shirt SSA Bottoms
11/18 - Chess Club 7:00 am
11/18 - 12/6 MAPS Testing
11/19 - A Day
11/19 - Honor Choir 4th Grade 7:00 am
11/19 - Braniacs
11/19 - Boy Scouts Meeting
11/20 - B Day
11/20 - Good News Club 2:15 pm
11/20 - Keyboard Club 2:20 pm
11/21 - C Day
11/21 - PTA Dine to Donate - Panda Express
11/21 - Honor Choir 5th Grade Only 7:00 am
11/21 - Excite Dance 2:15 pm
11/21 - NEHS - 2:25 pm
11/21 - SOT 3:15 pm
11/22 - D Day
11/15 - Rubik's Cube Club 6:45 am
11/22 - Lobos 7:00 am
11/22 - Battle of the Books 7:10 am
11/22 - Garden Lessons
11/22 - Student of the Week
11/25 - E Day
11/25 - PositiviTEE Shirt Day - SSA Bottoms
11/25 - Chess Club 7:00 am
11/25 - Garden Lessons
11/26 - A Day
11/26 - Honor Choir - Fourth Grade - 7:00 am
11/26 - Apple Core Popsicle Party
11/26 - Brainiacs 2:20 pm
11/26 - Boyscouts 6:00 pm
11/26 - 11/29 No School
December Monthly Character Trait - Kindness
12/2 - B Day
12/2 - PositiviTEE Monday - Positive Message T-Shirt SSA Bottoms
12/2 - Chess Club 7:00 am
12/3 - C Day
12/3 - Honor Choir 4th & 5th Grade - 7:00 am
12/3 - Brainiacs 2:20 pm
12/3 - Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
12/4 - D Day
12/4 - Discovery on Wheels
12/4 - Student Council Meeting 2:15 pm
12/4 - Keyboard Club 2:20 pm
12/5 - E Day
12/5. - Honor Choir 4th & 5th Grade 7:00 am
12/5 - PTA Coffee Talk 8:15 am
12/5 - Excite Dance 2:15 pm
12/5 - PTA Ornament Night 5:00 pm
12/6 - A Day
12/6 - Free Dress Day
12/6 - Rubik's Cube Club 6:45 am
12/6 - Battle of the Books 7:10 am
12/6 - Lobos 7:00 am
12/6 - Apple Core Recognition
12/6 - Garden Lessons
12/6 - Student of the Week
12/6 - PTA Fun Friday at the Park
12/9 - B Day
What is an RPN?
An RPN is a Restorative Practice Notice. If your child recevies an RPN, what does this mean?
If a student requires multiple behavior reminder, the teacher will explain the RPN notice to the student; outlining what corrective action needs to take place. The student signs the Restorative Practice Notice, brings it home to be signed by the parent, and brings the signed copy back to the teacher.
A Restorative Practice Notice is designed to serve as a means of communication between school and home, so parents can stay informed of their child’s behavior at school. If your child receives and RPN, please review it with them and discuss appropirate behavior moving forward.
Student Council Fleece Drive
Virtual Angel Tree - Help Spread Holiday Cheer
Help spread some holiday cheer to students who need it most by meeting a need on Purposity. Scan the QR code below to be taken to a list of holiday wishes of CCSD students. Your generosity ensures that every child has a chance to experience the magic of the season!
If you are in need of holiday assistance this year, please check the "Holiday Assistance" Google folder in our Family Resources section of our website. Mrs. Miller will update this folder as she receives information about community resources that are available. Do not wait! These resources fill up fast so check the folder early and frequently!
Counselor's Corner
Family Counseling Newsletter
Parent Institute Monthly Newsletter:
Parent Institute Daily Learning Planner:
November Character Trait - Acceptance
Want to add photos to our school yearbook? Use the QR Code.
Twitchell Happenings!
Halloween Parade 2024!
PTA November Paw Print Press
Handbook also available on school website under: ABOUT
Twitchell Elementary School
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NeilCTwitchellElementarySchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twitchelles/