Natick Redhawks
A Message from Natick High School

Dear Caregivers of Seniors,
Can you believe that we are so close to graduation?!
I know that many of you are likely reflecting back on your student's high school experience, just as the students are. We are so proud of all that this class has accomplished and are looking forward to celebrating many upcoming milestones with our seniors.
Last Sunday, aside from the customary "Weekend Update" that all students receive, I wrote an additional Weekend Update to Seniors to give them some details and to share the following advice:
- Make good choices. You and those you love should look back on this time fondly, not with regret. Don't do anything that would jeopardize your family's ability to proudly celebrate graduation with you. This includes following school rules at senior activities, including remaining clean and sober, and refraining from bringing items to these events that are prohibited by school rules.
- Look out for your friends. If you are worried about a friend, take their keys. Call a trusted adult to ask for help. Remind them you care about them, and stay safe together.
I provide these sentiments to you so that you can reinforce them and/or refer to them as we partner together on their safe, successful completion of high school.
Below are some important details about the next two weeks. As always, I invite you to refer back to this earlier message or this printable version.
Josepha Blocker
Natick High School
The Prom
Important School Attendance Info for Friday, May 17th
We are so happy to celebrate your prom with you next Friday, May 17th at the Fairmont Copley Plaza in Boston. The event begins at 7:00pm and goes until 11pm. Please note that students are required to attend school for at least half of the school day to attend prom, and next Friday is not an exception. A few caveats regarding attendance on May 17th:
To be considered present for half of the school day, students must be in attendance until 11am. If you have priv. second block on Friday (9:35 - 11am), you can sign out during that priv. as you normally do.
Any students planning to leave school prior to 2:17 pm must be dismissed by a parent/guardian.
If you are planning to dismiss your senior early from school on prom day, it would be very helpful to our Main Office staff if students dropped off their dismissal notes early next week rather than waiting until Friday.
PTSO's After Prom Party: @ NHS, 12 am - 5 am
All seniors and their prom guests (20 years old and under) are invited to the After Prom Party at Natick High School. The PTSO has worked so hard to host this annual safe, substance-free event at NHS. There will be food, games, raffles, and activities to enjoy! All students have been registered for this free event, whether or not they are attending the prom.
Below are some important details to discuss with your senior prior to the APP. After reading, if you have questions, please contact Maureen Austin, APP Chairperson at natickhighptso@gmail.com.
Entering the APP
Students and guests should change into comfortable clothes BEFORE arriving at the APP. (Note there is nowhere at the APP to store any prom dresses or tuxedos.)
Bags are NOT permitted inside the APP. A location for bags will be available outside the entrance of the party. Neither the PTSO nor the school are not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Please leave valuables at home.
NO outside containers are allowed at the party. We will have plenty of food and beverages available throughout the event.
Dismissal from the APP
- No one will be dismissed prior to 1:15 am.
- Once dismissed, students may not re-enter.
When students check in, they will receive raffle tickets for some amazing prizes. To win the raffles, students must be PRESENT when their names are called.
- Students and guests are to leave the building by the FRONT DOOR only.
- As a reminder: between the hours of 12:30 am and 5:00 am, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to operate a motor vehicle.
Expected Conduct at the APP
- Students are expected to follow school rules for conduct at the APP. There will be a zero tolerance policy for any substance use, including smoking or vaping (nicotine and THC), alcohol, or any other substance that a student is not prescribed by a medical professional. Students or guests found to be in possession of or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs will face all school consequences outlined in the Natick High School Student Handbook. A Natick Fire Dept. EMT will be on site.
- Students deemed to be disruptive will be asked to leave, and you will be notified. A Natick Police Officer will be on site, as well as a NHS Administrator.
Senior Obligations
Avoid stress at the end of senior year, and return missing items now!
In order for seniors to receive their caps and gowns, they must clear all financial obligations to NHS by 5/28.
Prior to graduating, students need to return all outstanding items and/or pay any outstanding balances. They can begin addressing these obligations by returning any of the items on this list to the appropriate school staff members.
Laptops, chargers and any outstanding technology-related fees (See more information below.)
Textbooks (Prior to 5/17, return directly to teachers. On or after 5/17, return to Main Office.)
Library books (Return to the Library.)
Calculators (Return to the issuing math teacher.)
Uniforms (Return to the Athletics Department).
Paperwork documenting completed community service hours (Submit to Guidance.)
Elevator passes (Return to the Main Office.)
Outstanding cafeteria balances (Pay on MySchoolBucks.)
Seniors must fulfill all their obligations by the second graduation rehearsal on Tuesday May 28th in order to receive their caps and gowns.
Returning Chromebooks and Chargers
All seniors who have been given a school-owned laptop and charger are required to turn them in to the Technology Department before picking up their caps and gowns or participating in senior events.
Prior to returning a Chromebook, students should:
Check that the Asset Tag (white barcode sticker with a 6 digit number on it) is still on and readable. If it is no longer readable, is missing, or is covered up, the senior should go to the Technology Help Desk located in the NHS Library to get issued a new asset tag to quicken the collection process.
Make sure that the student has the charger, in addition to the Chromebook.
Senior laptop and charger return will take place at the following dates/times:
Thursday, May 23rd, 10:30 am to 11:15 am, just prior to Graduation Rehearsal #1 Collection will take place in the area outside the auditorium.
Friday, May 24th, start of school until 12 pm; Collection will take place at the Technology Help Desk in the NHS Library.
Tuesday, May 28th, during Graduation Rehearsal #2, from 9 am to 12 noon. Collection will take place outside, against the wall of the gym, or in the event of inclement weather, in the back of the gym. Please note that May 28th is the FINAL opportunity for seniors to address any technology related obligations.
Important Financial Considerations
Please note that failure to return a device during the designated times listed above could result in a charge for the full value of the laptop, plus a fine.
If you received a letter about a damaged or lost laptop, or have outstanding device fees in your four years at NHS and the fees have not been paid, you are required to pay those fees before receiving your cap and gown or participating in the senior events. If you have questions about any fees that you may owe, please check in with the Front Office.
Questions or Concerns?
Please reach out to the Technology Department
Email: helpdesk@natickps.org
Phone at 508-647-6400; ext. 5555
Senior Final Exams
May 21st - May 24th
Senior exams will be administered in class during the regularly scheduled blocks.
Seniors, who have a semester average of an A- or higher, may be exempt from their exam at teacher discretion.
Senior classes and study halls will not meet on these days UNLESS they are giving an exam. Seniors who are taking exams are expected to show for their scheduled exam only.
Any Senior classes that are assigning final projects should be due the week prior to the exam week.
A printable version is available here.
Saving Natick Public Schools Google Drive Materials
Seniors' Google Drives will be disabled on 8/1/2024.
If students have any emails or documents that they would like to keep after graduation, we suggest using Google Takeout to retrieve those documents as soon as possible. Students can visit the Technology Office in the Library with any questions regarding this process. NPS email accounts and Google Drives will be available through August 1, 2024, when they will be disabled. Here is a link with instructions on how to use Google Takeout.
Important Dates
Monday, May 13th - Friday, May 17th - AP Testing
Friday, May 17th - Senior Prom, 7 pm - 11 pm
Monday, May 20th - Last Day of Classes for Seniors
Tuesday May 21st - Friday, May 24th - Senior Final Exams (schedule above)
Thursday, May 23rd, 11:30am - 12:30 pm - Graduation Rehearsal #1
Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day, No School
Tuesday, May 28th, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - Graduation Rehearsal #2
Tuesday, May 28th - FINAL DAY for seniors to return outstanding obligations
Thursday, May 30th, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm - Senior Picnic on Memorial Field and Practice Field
Thursday, May 30th, 7 pm - Class Night Awards Ceremony Recording released digitally
Friday, May 31st - Graduation (Rain Date, Sunday, June 2nd at noon)- Gates at Memorial Field open at 5:00 pm for guests
- Graduates must arrive at NHS gymnasium BY 4:45 pm
- Ceremony begins at 6:00 pm.