Fayette Central Flyer
April 2021
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
Happy spring to everyone! We hope everyone had an enjoyable spring break and are ready to do their best this last quarter.
We will be doing ILEARN in grades 3-6 beginning April 19. Please encourage your children to do their very best to shine and show what they know. Also, please help us by making sure your children are here on time and well-rested on the days their class is taking ILEARN so don't miss testing sessions.
Please share the kindergarten registration information with anyone you know who has a child that will be turning 5 by August 1, 2021 so they can register for kindergarten next year. Your children who are already in grades kindergarten through 5th will also be bringing home their intent to return next year letters. We need those back whether you plan to return to Fayette Central next year or plan to move elsewhere so we can start to make plans for the upcoming school year.
Mrs. Faulkenberg has 3 students that won our local DAR essay contest and 2 groups that entered winning History Day Projects. Her students have worked extremely hard to win these outstanding awards. Congratulations to them. Your hard work has definitely paid off.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
How Am I Getting Home?Car Rider? Bus?
Student Services Updates
I have truly enjoyed getting to know the students and staff at Fayette Central this year. I feel blessed to be part of such an amazing school! I have been busy getting to know students, and in addition to working with students one on one, I have started several small groups throughout the year, including Executive Functioning Skills (skills to help students be the best learners they can by improving organizational skills, planning, time management, attention, self- control and more), Breakfast Club, Growth Mindset, and Social Skills.
The School Counselor and I have also implemented a Minds in Motion circuit in our room, available to students as needed. The Minds in Motion exercises, including jumping jack flash - leap, strong arm wall push, balance board and cross walk - knee tap have been designed to improve balance and learning capabilities and increase integration between both hemispheres of the brain. The circuit has been helpful to students needing a quick break to regulate and reset.
I am also very excited to announce that we now have a Clothing and Supply Closet up and running, thanks to generous donations from the community. If your child is in need of clothing items, hygiene supplies, and/or school supplies, please let us know. We will also be accepting donations on an ongoing basis of gently used, school appropriate, children’s clothing up to size adult medium as well as school supplies.
Mrs. McCann, School Social Worker
Minds in Motion Circuit
School Supplies Pantry
Student Clothes Pantry
Mrs. Lucas' Kindergarten News
April is here, and our Kindergartners are now closer to being 1st graders! This year has flown by and I am so thankful that we were able to be here in person. It was not a typical year by any stretch but we made the best of it. We have still had a ton of fun and learned so much. We have worked hard to learn everything from letters and sounds to reading whole books on their own. Students can now write narrative, informative, and opinion pieces. We are also focusing more on writing whole sentences and less on just drawing a picture. In Math, we can add and subtract to solve story problems!
In March, we have worked on comprehension strategies such as retelling and making predictions. As readers, we are working on digging deeper and thinking about stories beyond what the author is saying explicitly. In Math, we have been working on adding, subtracting, and measurement. We will work on graphing, time, and money for the remainder of the year. Writing is always an exciting subject in Kindergarten because we grow so much. We are now writing whole sentences with capitals, punctuation, and finger spaces all while sharing a complete thought. It is hard to believe we were just learning our letters and sounds in August! For St. Patrick’s Day, students designed and built traps in small groups to try to catch that tricky leprechaun. The traps were very well thought out and planned, but sadly, he got away from us and left our classroom a mess. We did not catch him but made some great Kindergarten memories!
Going forward for the remainder of the year we will continue to stay super busy. The students will continue to work on their reading and writing skills. This will include; stretching out simple words and using decoding strategies for new words. In math, we will continue to work on computation as well as graphing. We will also be able to have our annual Easter egg hunt. We will also continue reading and learning about non-fiction texts and writing with a butterfly unit. During this time, we will have 5 caterpillars in our room and will watch the life cycle of the butterfly take place. This is one of my favorite units of the year and I know the kids will love it! Our Kindergarteners will also get to work on their own research projects and create a poster about an animal of their choosing. This is always an exciting time! As the year winds down, we will also begin practice for our special Kindergarten graduation program. I look forward to celebrating with families as our students get ready to move on to 1st grade!
Working on our Traps with Fifth Grade Helpers
Trying to Catch the Leprechaun
St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt
Mrs. Hale's First Grade News
Our class has been hard at work this year! We have grown so much already this year and are almost ready to rock it in 2nd grade.
In math this year, we have worked on addition and subtraction strategies, base ten (place value), comparing two digit numbers, telling time, and measurement. We are currently working on reading graphs and analyzing data to answer questions and counting groups of coins! We are learning that math is very important and that we use it everyday in our daily routines for different things.
In reading this year, we have been working on different strategies that will help us become better readers. Some of the strategies we have worked on are predicting, retelling important details from a story, character analysis, setting of a story, problem and solution, visualizing, and making connections. We are currently working on identifying the main idea of a story or short passage and details that support the main idea. We have also been working on learning our sight words. We work on being able to read them and write them. We have worked on different spelling patterns throughout the year as well. We have learned about words with short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds that use a silent/bossy e at the end, and other common long vowel patterns such as ai, igh, ie, ay, oa, ow, etc.
We have worked hard on our writing also this year! We have worked on using correct capitalization and punctuation to write a good sentence. We have worked on putting ideas together to create short stories. We have worked on narrative stories, opinion writing, and we are currently working on how-to writing.
Upcoming Events
Good Friday-April 2- No School
ILEARN- April 19-May 14
Last Student Day- May 28
Calendar Update
April Lunch Menu
Kindergarten Round up Information
DAR Essay Winners
History Day Winners
History Day and DAR Winners
Sixth Grade Digital Visit to CMS
Digital Event link: https://sites.google.com/g.fayette.k12.in.us/6th-grade-parent-virtual-event/home