News & Notes
St. John the Apostle Catholic School
January 24
- January 24 - Daddy/Daughter Dance (6 - 8pm)
- January 26 - 31 - Catholic Schools Week (details shared below)
- January 26 - 31 - I:55 Book Fair
- January 26 - February 12 - Valentine Grams Sale (see info graphic)
- January 30 - School Mass
- January 31 - Grandparent's Day & School Mass
- January 31 - NOON DISMISSAL
- February 6 - School Mass
- February 6 - Mr. Ortiz's Birthday
- February 7 - First Friday Mass
- February 7 - SJS Valentine's Family Dance (6 - 8pm) - See info graphic.
Soaring High Headlines - Quarter 3 PROMO
Soaring High Headlines - Update to Schedule
Welcome your Quarter 3 Cast for the Soaring High Headlines!
Our first broadcast is expected January 31. Please ensure you check News & Notes and Facebook for all your news in the in-between week. Thanks for your support for this bi-weekly schedule change!
Catholic Life Raffle - THE RACE IS OVER!
It was a CLOSE race--Mrs. Flores was only inches behind first place! Everyone did awesome. Remember to watch for the prizes to be drawn on February 14!
Daddy-Daughter Dance Is TONIGHT for those who RSVP'ed!
Follow us on Facebook!
We are blessed to be participating in Catholic Schools Week and are excited to celebrate our parish, our community, our students, and so much more! Please make sure you check Facebook for updates!
Download the form to purchase and return to SJS office or homeroom teachers!
A Valentine Gram is a card with a message and a piece of candy attached to the card. These are sold for $1 and may be purchased for students and teachers.
Please download the form below from January 26 - February 12. Please send the form and money to the SJS office. Ms. Bradley will also come by the classrooms to collect on specific days. No Valentines will be sold on February 13. Valentine Grams will be delivered to homeroom classes on February 14.
All Valentine Grams must be paid in CASH OR FACTS ONLY. No checks will be accepted.
Don't know the names of all the children in the classrooms? Don't worry! The library staff will write in the names on the valentine.
All proceeds will be used to purchase a laptop for AR Quizzes and class sets of books as needed.
Thank you for your support! Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
I:55 Book Fair - January 26 - January 31!
I:55 BOOK FAIRS - Where Faith Matters
I:55 Book Fairs exists to glorify the name of Jesus Christ. This core value permeates every aspect of their business from the products they select to the services they offer. In today's culture, it is difficult for parents and educators to protect students from unwanted knowledge. For this reason, I:55 screens their products through the filter of faith. (- from i55bookfairs.com About Us page)
Students will be able to peruse the new books and write down their "wish list" which will include pricing. There are limited quantities, so we encourage you to take advantage of the early dates, if possible. Titles may also be ordered for you (see your friendly librarian).
Sports News
Congratulations to our Basketball Players!
Thanks to cooperation with St. Rita and SMG, SJS has three new basketball players! Sophia and Charlotte (8th) will play on St. Rita's team this season, and A.J. (8th) will play on the SMG team. We are excited for their journey and grateful for schools like St. Rita and SMG to graciously provide this opportunity! GO EAGLES!
Diocesan Swim Team
Cohen, Claire, and Jett will swim at their next meet tomorrow at Nolan. We wish them well--and hope the water is heated!
Your NEW Home & School Officers!
Congratulations to our new officers for the Home & School Board!
- Mrs. Preslar, President
- Mrs. Nguyen, Vice President
- Mrs. Tran, Secretary
We look forward to the future!
Follow Us on Our Socials!
Make sure you're following us on Facebook and Instagram and are subscribed to our YouTube channel. Click the images below to be taken directly to our pages. You'll be able to keep up with the Soaring High Headlines if you subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Open Enrollment
Did you see our ad on Facebook? If you can, please take a moment to share it on your social media or with friends and family who might be discerning where to send their children. Click the link below to be taken to our YouTube page!
News from Nolan
See the updated cheer flyer below!
St. John the Apostle Parish News
Welcome Our New Parish Counselor at St. John the Apostle!
You can meet with your Parish Counselor in-person or via video, depending on your needs. The fee for professional counseling is based on a sliding scale. All parishioners will be able to use a sliding scale. Your fee is determined by your annual household income and family size. We want to ensure everyone can receive counseling. Contact Rejoice Counseling for details. or click the image above.
Upcoming Dates for Safe Environment Training
Initial Training Dates
The following dates and times will be held at St. John's in the Resource Room for the remainder of the year for Adult Initial Training. (This is a great way to go ahead and get your Safe Environment for volunteering at SJS campus, Fall Fest, etc.)
- Saturday, January 25: 9am to noon
- Saturday, March 22: 9am to noon
- Saturday, May 31: 9am to noon
Adult Renewal Dates
- Thursday, February 13: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
- Thursday, April 3: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
- Thursday, June 5: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
To find a date at another location, go to virtusonline.org or call our Safe Environment coordinator, Jane Nhan, at the Parish Office.
St. John's Child Care
A Note from St. John's Child Care
Hello SJS Family!
We are doing a food drive for the outreach center. Parents are donating can goods. The classroom who donates the most food wins an ice cream party.
We also participated in cook children’s safety initiative. We passed out free bathtub kneelers. They are used to help parents with bathing their children. This is to help prevent bathtub drownings. Mrs. Rupple asked us to help participate in this initiative.
God bless you and your family!
St. John's Child Care
Theme of the Year - Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord, I Want to See You
St. John the Apostle Catholic School
Email: aratcliff@stjs.org
Website: www.stjs.org
Location: 7421 Glenview Drive, North Richland Hills, TX, USA
Phone: 817-284-2228
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StJohnSchoolNRH