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Blue Knight Highlights
What's Happening in the Sandwich Public Schools - 11.01.24
![Blue Knight Highlights What's Happening in the Sandwich Public Schools - 11.01.24](https://cdn.smore.com/u/5e5c/fc66b8866e117d67e8785e46088d5c5c.jpg)
Forestdale Installs Communication Boards at Playgrounds
Forestdale School Principal Chris Dintino is pleased to announce the installation of two communication boards at each of the school's playgrounds (K-2 and preschool playgrounds). A playground communication board displays symbols, words, or images, often organized into categories, which children and adults can use to communicate. These boards are designed with visuals that help children who are nonverbal, have limited speech, or have disabilities that affect communication. Users can point to symbols to express feelings, needs, or make requests, making it easier for them to interact, socialize, and play with others.
Sandwich Showcase Coming on November 21
Once again, Sandwich Middle High School will spotlight its outstanding academic, co-curricular, and athletic offerings through its Sandwich Showcase event on Thursday, November 21 at 6:00 pm. Middle school students and underclassmen, do not miss this event to learn about what the high school aspect of SMHS has to offer for your future! Explore the diverse academic offerings within the various departments and learn about what new opportunities are available to you after 9th grade through SMHS’ extensive elective options in all aspects of education from arts to science and everything in between.
Is Your Child Interested in Broadcasting Their Own Show?
Do you have a child that is interested in learning about radio and is interested in having their own show? Join us for an Open House at Sandwich Community Media (11 Jan Sebastian Drive, Unit 11) tomorrow, Saturday, November 2 from 12-1 pm for a one hour introduction to Sandwich Community Radio. We’ll demonstrate how to create music programming to air on SCR, streaming at sandwichradio.org and now available at WSDH 91.5 FM in Sandwich (SMHS' radio station). Pizza and beverages will be served. Please join us!
Happy Trails to Mike Miller!
Yesterday marked the last day on the job for Sandwich Middle High School Security Officer Mike Miller, as he officially starts retirement today. Mr. Miller has served as the school's security officer since 2013, and going back to 2005, he worked as a full-time substitute teacher. He is also a proud veteran, serving as a police officer in the US Air Force for eight years. Many thanks to Mike for his years of dedicated service and commitment to Sandwich students! Enjoy your retirement and your grandchildren!
🩺 From the Nurse's Corner
The Sandwich Public Schools have seen an increase in pneumonia diagnoses among our students since the start of the school year. An increase in pneumonia diagnoses has been reported across the State of Massachusetts and the country as a whole among school-aged children. “The CDC data from March 31 through Oct. 5 shows that young children are getting sick at higher rates and also shows an increase in diagnoses among all age groups. And although infection rates are highest among young children, the number of kids ages 5-17 diagnosed with walking pneumonia increased from 3.6 percent to 7.4 percent from March 31-Oct. 5.”
Cafe News
Do You Want Sandwich Blue Knights Swag?
Once again, the Sandwich Middle High School PTSA is selling high quality Sandwich spirit wear (t-shirts, hoodies, etc.) at affordable prices as a fundraiser to support our kids! This is the final two weeks to get your spirit wear order in. This is the only order of the school year. Order now and distribution will occur from SMHS main lobby in the beginning of December in time for the holidays. Don’t miss out! Check out the merch at https://sandwichknights.givebacks.com/store or by clicking on the above picture.
✅ Final Voting Locations Reminder
The Wing, Forestdale, and Oak Ridge Schools are no longer being used for Election Day voting.
- Voters in precincts 1, 2, and 3 will now vote at the Corpus Christi Parish Hall, 324 Quaker Meetinghouse Road.
- Voters in precincts 4, 5, and 6 will now vote at the Center for Active Living, 70 Quaker Meetinghouse Road.
The polls for the November 5th State Election will be open from 7am to 8pm. If you have any questions, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at (508) 888-0340. Thank you!
Friday Night Lights- Tonight @ 7:00 pm, DeConto Stadium
Tonight at 7:00 pm at DeConto Stadium the 6-1 SMHS Blue Knights take on Rockland HS for their Senior Night celebration. Come and cheer on the Blue Knights for another victory! Go Knights!