Heal with Hearts
Summer Update 2020
Our Mission
Remembering Mother Emanuel Families
Breonna Taylor and George Floyd Mural
Artist- Damon Thompson
Different : A Story About Loving Your Neighbor by Chris Singleton
Black Lives Matter
Heal with Hearts is committed to strengthening our community through the Arts, caring for our community and helping the underserved students and families in Charleston.
Our main focus is providing educational outreach to those students who do not have the opportunity to participate in an art, dance or music class. We do not tolerate hateful actions and behaviors towards others.
We will continue to be proactive in supporting the victims of hate crimes and police brutality ending systematic racism. We want to help teach our children with purpose to learn from diversity among our community, provide more emotional support for those experiencing racial trauma. We must teach peace, practice peaceful ways and value life. Black Lives Matter.
Artist Spotlight : Aime` Mpane
Before the virus hit the US, I was in Washington DC visiting the Phillips Collection Museum. I was blown away by this artwork by Aime Mpane from Congo. I began taking pictures without a flash, to capture its beautiful display and craftsmanship. The artist was amazing! The lighting that hit his wooden tapestry created shadows adding another artwork on the wall behind the displayed work. Each little piece of wood behind the child was carved and woven together before the mural was painted. I am including the information and link to this artist work. Art and music moves our heart and soul. I'm so grateful I was able to be in the same room as this artist's work. Look hIm up , share with your kids, take a virtual tour of Phillips Collection or any of the amazing art museums that we are able to experience virtually.
Art Relief Grant from SC Arts Commission
Art and Music Classes
Heal with Hearts
Email: megmims@hotmail.com
Website: www.healwithhearts.com
Location: P.O. Box 13147 Charleston, SC 29422
Phone: 404-309-3000
Facebook: facebook.com/HealwithHearts