Fairview News
February 2025
Thank you to the PHS FFA students for teaching our 2nd graders about corn today!
Yesterday we had a fun assembly to review hallway and other expectations.
Parent / Teacher Conference Sign-up
Links to sign up for parent / teacher conferences will go out next week.
Mrs. Schwochert will be holding her conferences after she returns in April. More details on that will be provided soon.
Label Your Kids Winter Gear
Many of us buy our kids' winter gear at the same stores; therefore lots of boots, jackets, hats, & gloves look exactly alike. Please write your child's name in their snow gear.
Extra Clothes
All sorts of accidents happen in elementary school. Please be sure that your child has fresh pants, shirt, socks, and underwear available for them at school if needed.
Upcoming events of note:
-3K Open House is 4-5pm Thursday Feb. 6 at Horizon! For those who will be 3 years old on or before Sept. 1. Learn more
-4K Info Night begins at 5:30pm Thursday Feb. 6 at Fairview! For those who will be 4 years old on or before Sept. 1. Learn more
-Family Rock Climb & Pickleball sessions offered Feb. 8 & March 8! For families with children ages 5+. Register
-Community Ed & Rec is showing the Free Film “The Fall Guy” (PG-13) at 6pm Wednesday Feb. 12 in the PHS Auditorium. Trailer & more info
-Child Swim Lessons begin Feb. 22! For ages 6+ who are at least 50” tall. Register
Where to find district news & info:
All families should keep the following current in Skyward Family Access, as that is the primary way the district and schools communicate important information:
• Email address: For most communications from teachers, schools, and district
• Mobile phone number: For urgent text messages (instructions for signing up for text alerts via Skylert)
The district also shares information via:
• School Notes weekly e-newsletter
NOTE: For translation to Spanish or any other language, on websites and our Skyward website and messages, right 'click' on the message or webpage. Select 'Translate to (your preferred language)' from the list of options. Then a box should appears in the top-right corner of the webpage to choose additional language options. Want assistance? Feel free to contact our office 920-893-6911.
NOTA: Para traducir al español o a cualquier otro idioma los sitios web y nuestro sitio web y mensajes de Skyward, haga clic derecho en el mensaje o la página web. Seleccione "Traducir a (su idioma preferido)" de la lista de opciones. Luego, debería aparecer un cuadro en la esquina superior derecha de la página web para elegir opciones de idioma adicionales. ¿Necesita ayuda? No dude en comunicarse con nuestra oficina al 920-893-6911.