IFNSS Principal Newsletter
For Sunday, December 8th, 2024
النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ رِضَى الرَّبِّ فِي رِضَى الْوَالِدِ وَسَخَطُ الرَّبِّ فِي سَخَطِ الْوَالِدِ
Hadith of the Week:“The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The pleasure of the Lord is in the pleasure of the parents, and the displeasure of the Lord is in the displeasure of the parents.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1899
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Assalamu alaikum respected parents, I pray you are all doing well. Last Sunday, the weather was beautiful and all of our students enjoyed outdoor recess. Although past few days have been extremely cold, it is now warming up a little and based on the forecast for tomorrow, we will again have outdoor recess in shaa Allah.
Tomorrow is the last day before Winter Break starts on 12/22 and so much is going on. Our Annual Qirat Competition is tomorrow, December 15th in sha Allah during school hours. Make sure your children have prepared well for their assigned surahs. This is a student only event such that students will be pulled from their classroom to be tested by our judges and we will announce the results of the Qirat competition to parents in our weekly Newsletter. Please see assigned Surahs for each grade level in the "News You Can Use" section of this Newsletter.
Please also remember that tomorrow, December 15th is the last day to send donations for our IFNSS Annual Fall Food Drive. Help your children practice the sunnah of giving and donate generously. See more information is the ""News You Can Use" section of this Newsletter.
MORNING ASSEMBLY: Our morning Assembly on 12/8 was led by Sr Mazozeh, our 2nd grade Quran and Arabic teacher. She talked to students about how to be kind and respectful towards our parents and do ehsan with them. Allah SWT demands from us nothing short of our best when it comes to our parents, in all aspects, including behavior, obedience, speech, patience, etc. She shared the famous hadith “Paradise lies under the feet of your mothers.”When we please our parents, we please Allah (SWT), who in turn rewards us and relieves our concerns.Please see the attached FLYER for more information. For any parents who would like to come and lead a morning assembly at Sunday School, or get involved in other volunteer opportunities at Sunday School, please fill out THIS FORM and we will reach out to you with next steps.
PHOTO GALLERY "a glimpse into Sunday School"
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Sunday School Annual Fall Food drive is currently ongoing. Tomorrow is the LAST DAY TO DONATE!!
We encourage all Sunday school families to participate and donate generously. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to practice the sunnah of giving. Please send non perishable food items such as Rice, Flour, Sugar, Salt, Lentils, Pasta, Canned food, Dates, Cereal, Oatmeal, Dry Beans, Juice Boxes, Canned fruits or vegetables, Chick Peas Cans, etc.
IFNSS ANNUAL QIRAT COMPETITION - December 15th 2024 in shaa Allah!
1. Each participating student is required to recite the assigned surah for their grade
2. Students can recite from their memory or from the Mus’haf(Quran)
3: Students will be judged on their Qiraat and not their memorization.
4. The highest scoring student from grades1st -7-8 will participate at the MEC Qirat competition.
On 12/6, Many of our students participated in the "Kids in the Kitchen" event organized by our amazing Parent Support Group Team and had so much fun making cake pops with their parents and friends . A huge shout out to Sr Faiza Iqbal for her creative initiative and leadership along with the amazing support and teamwork of all our PSG team members that made the event a huge success ma sha Allah. May Allah SWT accept and reward everyone''s efforts. We feel blessed to have the support of our PSG team. I have included a video for those who are interested to learn more.
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Meet our Staff!
Dr Fehmida Khan, our 6th grade Quran & Arabic teacher. Her enthusiam, positive energy and warmth, love for our community and commitment to lifelong learning is a source of inspiration for the whole community, May Allah SWT always bless her and help us benefit from her wisdom and knowledge, Ameen, feel truly blessed to have her by our side Alhumdulillah!~
Alhumdulillah we have added some excellent teachers and TAs to our team this year. Please refer to this list of TEACHERS & TA's for the 2024-25 school year along with their contact information. Our goal is help parents gets to know their children's teachers in sha Allah. Hence I will be introducing one teachers or TA's every week in my Newsletter Teacher Spot Light Section. See image below.
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Join Our Parent Announcements WhatsApp Group to Stay Informed!!
Opportunities for Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is essential for students development, leads to increased student achievement and success and offers many benefits. We highly encourage our parents to get involved at IFN Sunday School which is why we are offering several opportunities for parent involvement this year. These include the following:
1. Join Parent Support Group (PSG) by completing this form
2. Become a Teaching Assistant
3. Become a Lunch/Recess Supervisor
4. Lead a Morning Assembly at Sunday School
5. Be a Substitute Teacher or TA
Please FILL OUT THIS FORM if you are interested in any of the above opportunities and we will contact you regarding next steps. Learn more about the above opportunities on THIS Document.
IFN Sunday School team proudly partners with MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs) Non profit Program to support and include all students with specific needs. This year, the MUHSEN program is offering two programs to provide a continuum of serivices to support students with special needs including a) an exclusive 1:1 support program in a separate classroom for students needing a higher level of support and b) an inclusive level of support where students will get push in support from MUHSEN TAs inside their regular classroom. For specific questions, please feel free to contact MUHSEN Facilitator, Sr. Sadia Thiryayi <sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com>
📋 📋 IFN Sunday School Forms to Complete 📋 📋
Parents, Please complete the following three forms if you have not already done so.
IFN Sunday School Parent/Student Handbook - please review.
1. Link to Handbook Acknowledgement Form
2. Link to Photo Consent Form 2024-25
3. Link to Medical Emergency Form
Resources for Parents
Other Helpful Links for Parents to Keep Handy
You can call the IFN main phone number 847-406-3730 and then Dial Extension 222 for Sunday School Office
Principal - Sr. Saddaf Raheel - ifnss.principal@ifnonline.com
Vice Principal - Sr. Samina Anwar - samina.t.anwar@ifnonline.com
Office Manager - Sr. Saba Fuad - ifnss.office@ifnonline.com
Registrar - Br Siraj Khaja - ifnss.registrar@ifnonline.com
Education Committee Chair - Dr. Sarwar Nasir msnasir53@gmail.com
Education Committee Vice Chair - Dr Haris Jamil haris.jamil@gmail.com
IFN President - Br Ahmed Nader - ahmed.nader@ifnonline.com
IFN Vice President - Br. Mohamed Eslam meslam.mohamed@ifnonline.com
MUHSEN Facilitator, Sr. Sadia Thiryayi sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com OR ifn.muhsen@ifnonline.com
Sunday School After School Arabic Program Coordinator - Sister Eman Enaya 312-813-0526 emanenaya@yahoo.com.
Tarbiya Circle High School Youth Program Lead - Taha Tayyabi tarbiya.circle@ifnonline.com 312-804-5206