Principal Welch's Weekly Update
January 13th, 2025
January 12th-18th, 2025
Happy 2025 to the Rincon Ranger Familia!!!! It is so wonderful seeing everyone back in school, approaching this fresh start of the new year renewed energy!
2024 Tax Credit Donations Still Allowable
Arizona Law allows Public School Tax Credits donations made during 2024, or donations made from January 1, 2025, through April 15, 2025, to be claimed on the 2024 Arizona Income Tax return. If you have additional questions with regards to claiming of tax credits, it is best for them to consult with your tax professional or visit the Arizona Department of Revenue website.
This is a great way to determine exactly where your tax dollars go, while supporting RUHS programs.
Upcoming Winter Formal
Parents: The annual winter formal dance is taking place on Saturday, January 25th, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Student Council is in need of chaperones. If anyone is a parent of a student who will be attending the dance and is interested in helping to supervise the festivities that evening, please let our student council sponsor know by email.
Students: The RHS Enchanted Winter formal is taking place Saturday, January 25th from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the South Gym. Tickets are on sale now in the finance office for $20! Go get them early, and we’ll see you there!
Graduating Seniors: Purchase Your Gowns ASAP
To ensure your cap and gown for graduation arrive on time, it is important for senior parents to order as soon as possible. Cap-Gown-Tassel Package - Rembrandt Grad Supplies
Graduation this year is on Thursday, May 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in our stadium. Detailed information for seniors and their parents about mandatory requirements for graduation will be coming out soon.
Student Course Selection
Beginning on January 21st, counselors will begin visiting students’ English classes to make review graduation requirements and help students to start choosing their classes for the 25-26 school year. Please start talking to your student(s) about their interests and possible courses they are hoping to explore for next year. There are a lot of advanced placement, college dual enrollment, culturally relevant, language, and elective opportunities students can explore. Please encourage your student to take on challenges and stretch their comfort zone in hopes of discovering success and possibly even new talents!
Ranger Foundation Scholarship for Seniors
Seniors, this easy to complete application may help you to get extra funding to help with your educational pursuits after high school, trade schools included. Take advantage of this easy opportunity to earn extra money to jumpstart your future. Don’t miss out!
Future Freshman Family Night
If you or anyone you know has an 8th grader who is planning to or considering attending Rincon for the 25-26 school year, please spread the word. We will be hosting our freshmen information welcome on Thursday, February 27th, starting at 5:30 p.m. in our auditorium. Families will hear a little bit about what Rincon has to offer, take a tour of the school, then finish the evening at an activities fair in the library where they can meet coaches, club sponsors, etc.
PTA Wants You! New Year…become a NEW MEMBER!
The next PTA meeting will be held on January 13th at 6 PM in the school library and Zoom. If you would like to join through Zoom
Passcode: rangers
- Call In:
(719) 359-4580
Meeting ID: 5137833721#
We will discuss new fundraising ideas as we get ready to plan the senior activities and teacher appreciation.
Please join us in supporting Rincon High School as they create the best possible educational experiences for our students!
Spirit Gear
Purchase RHS Spirit Gear
College and Career Updates
Highlights for this Week:
- JTED Enrollment Info Session 1/13/25, 8am Info Session & Program Fair at lunch.
- JTED Program Showcase on 1/25
- Use THIS FORM to explore JTED Programs. Check it in with Mrs. Vasquez by 1/26 to be eligible for the 'JTED Enrollment Event' at the RUHS Library on 1/27.
- RHS Curriculum Fair : 1/14/25 We are hosting a Curriculum Fair Review and schedule request info event for families with 4-year plan. Students can attend during lunch, and parents and students will have the opportunity to join later via Zoom.
- US Air Force, Space Force & ROTC - every other Wednesday starting 1/15
College Tour Info Session
New Mexico State University: Thursday- 01/23/25
Northern Arizona University: Tuesday- 01/28/25
Arizona State University: Wednesday- 02/05/25
University of Arizona: TBA (Week of 02/10)
Pima Community College: TBA (Week of 02/10)
Senior Yearbook Tribute Sales
The yearbook is now offering the purchase of senior tribute ad space. A senior tribute is a group of pictures (provided by you) and a statement of your love, pride and appreciation for your hard working soon-to-be-graduate.
You will need to send us the images you want to be used, and your statement in January but need to make payment by the end of first semester to secure your space.
This ad space can be purchased at the following rates:
Type Size Price
Full page $200.00
Half page $100.00
¼ page $ 65.00
Cash or checks made payable to Rincon High School Yearbook.
Please put Tribute & student’s name/Matric # in the memo line.
Contact the RUHS finance office to make payments.
The advertiser listed above agrees to purchase tribute space in the Rawhide, Rincon High School’s yearbook, for the size, and price. The advertiser will provide photos, message content and FULL payment by December 19, 2024 since space will not be reserve until this is received. Tributes will be cancelled if the full payment is not received. Rincon yearbook staff and/or administration reserve the right to refuse any content deemed inappropriate.
Please email Elyse Damiani with questions.
Thank-you, Rincon Rawhide Yearbook staff
Student Announcements
- Boys interested in Boys Volleyball, and girls interested in Girls Softball please meet at 3:00pm Monday, January 13thin the Athletic Director's office.
- Students who are interested in Track and Field, please meet at 8:15am Tuesday January 14th in the South Gym.
- The library welcomes everyone back for the spring semester. Students, any books checked out during first semester are due and need to be returned right away. Books checked out in December can be brought in this week to be renewed for January. Thank you so much!
- Hey Rangers! January starts JTED Enrollment Application Season! Check out their programs at next Monday's info session with our JTED Admissions Rep, it starts at 8 AM in the Auditorium. Then, talk to your classmates who are already enrolled in JTED at the Program Fair on the breezeway during lunch that same day. These programs are very competitive so be sure to complete your program interest form and attend the Info Session to be eligible for the 'Enrollment Application Party' at 2:45 on January 27th. You can find the form link in the CCR Center Newsletter posted in your Class level CANVAS Announcements or you can pick up a hard copy from Mrs. Vasquez in the CCR Center.
- Rangers, winter formal is almost here! The RHS Enchanted Winter dance is taking place Saturday, January 25th from 7:00 to 10:00 in the South Gym. Tickets are on sale now in the finance office for $20! Go get them early, and we’ll see you there!
- The RUHS Library Cafe is now OPEN! Stop by during conference on Mondays and Tuesdays to enjoy a warm drink or sweet snack. Live performances will also be held, so start your morning on the right foot at the cafe!
- RUHS athletics t-shirts are now on sale in the finance office. Prices are $15 for one shirt or $25 for two!
- The health office will be closed each day starting at 2 PM. Students taking medications will be called out by the health office. Any emergencies will still be helped, and for band-aids and feminine hygiene products, please see Erica in the administration office.
- For 2025, the library encourages you to check out some of the many hobbies that you can enjoy. Do you want to draw or crochet? Do you love playing a sport? Have you considered joining the baking club? There are books on many different hobbies available in the RUHS library. Come on in and check one out today.
- The Library is also beginning a bookmark design contest! All students are encouraged to showcase their creativity, with the chance to have their design printed and shared throughout our community. Details are in the Library with Ms. Mitchell. Submissions are due by February 5th.