
Letter From Our Administration
September 26, 2024
Dear SkyView Families,
It is hard to believe that the school year is closing in at the end of the first quarter. With parent-teacher conferences coming up, I wanted to take a few minutes to discuss something very important: the school/home relationship. There is a symbiotic relationship between the home environment and the school, and a few things that can happen at home will pay off huge dividends at school.
The first thing that will set students up for success is helping them create a routine. Creating a routine helps students so much. It develops executive functioning and time management skills and decreases stress. Establishing when study time is, when practice schedules occur, when free time happens, and when family time occurs is so important. I would also suggest modeling what that looks like.
A second home behavior that will pay off at school is to allow students to experience productive struggle. Kids learn so much from struggling and sometimes failing. Consider allowing students the opportunity to try to work their way through these struggles. This creates resilience, problem-solving, and self-confidence. That said, be quick to support, answer questions, and give feedback. Conflict happens in every classroom, and the skills to work through those struggles are taught and reinforced at home and school.
Finally, encourage life-long learning by getting your kids reading at home. I am not talking about school books, I am talking about reading for fun and enrichment. I believe that reading is one of the most transformative skills any person can develop. The benefits are numerous, but they include increasing creativity, fostering empathy, boosting earning and higher education potential, decreasing stress, boosting intelligence and reasoning skills, and expanding cultural and historical literacy. Get them reading about what they already like and watch their world expand. One way to get buy-in is to read with them and talk about the books you are reading.
Thank you all for what you do at home. You are great partners, and this community is amazing.
Warm Regards,
David Bow
Middle School Assistant Principal
Important Dates
Upcoming Dates
September 27th: Elementary Field Day FUNdraiser
September 30th-October 5th: High School Homecoming Week
October 1st: Student Count Day
October 2nd: All School Formal Uniform/Interview Attire
October 4th: PreK-8th Dress of Choice
October 4th: Picture Retakes
October 4th: Homecoming Bonfire
October 5th: Homecoming Dance
October 9th-10th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 11th: Teacher Comp Day | No School
October 14th-18th: Fall Break
Important Updates
An Important Reminder From Mrs. Worley
This morning, Mrs. Worley worked with Deputy Walker to monitor and address speeding in the parking lot during the AM car line. Most cars traveling in the exterior fire lane reached speeds between 17 and 23 MPH, far exceeding the 10 MPH limit. Please remember that this building contains scholars dearly loved by their families who are preparing to become future leaders in our society. Thank you for your attention to safe driving.
Count Day is Coming Up October 1st
Dear Families,
Our community diligently supports the efforts of our entire staff and faculty. I am incredibly grateful for that. Today, I share a reminder of one of the easiest ways to support our school and ensure that we receive our Per-Pupil Revenue (PPR) from the state of Colorado-participate in Count Day by ensuring your scholar(s) attendance.
Each year, the Colorado Department of Education identifies October 1st as the official count day for schools across the state. This year, count day falls on Tuesday, October 1st.
Count day ensures that the state appropriately allocates the correct funding for each school based on student enrollment. The Colorado State Legislature approved a PPR dollar amount of $10,695 per enrolled student.
As a charter school, the SVA budget depends mainly on the PPR provided by the state to fund the following:
Curriculum for our K-12th grade students across all disciplines,
Learning resources and supplies that enhance learning for our K-12th grade students,
Salaries for our staff and faculty,
Technology needs in the classroom, for the students, and the staff and faculty,
The upkeep and maintenance of our building, from the landscape maintenance and electricity to the cleaning and building maintenance and everything in between,
Our monthly building mortgage payments, insurance premiums, PERA contributions for the staff, and other vital operational expenses,
DCSD Purchase Service items required by Douglas County under our charter contract,
And other vital educational needs.
Thank you in advance for your support of SkyView Academy!
Honored to Serve You All,
Janet Worley
Access to Grades and Assignments During Grading Period
Elementary teachers will be posting first-quarter grades from October 3rd to the 8th. During this process, access to student grades and the grade book will be turned off for all K-12th-grade students. Check for missing assignments before October 3rd! Elementary parents can access report cards at Noon on Wednesday, October 9th. At this time, grade book access for all grade levels will resume. Thank you for your patience!
If you’ve forgotten your login information or have not set up your Portal account, please contact Melissa Sorenson, Registrar, at msorenson@svak12.org for assistance.
Formal Uniform Day is Coming Next Week!
Let's give a shoutout to these amazing students for being great role models for their peers last month. If you have any questions about the formal uniform, feel free to check out all the formal uniform details here.
Eighth graders and high school students should dress in interview attire, aiming for the professional look you'd want to present in an actual job interview.
PreK and Elementary Families
Field Day FUNdraiser Update
Tomorrow is the BIG day, and we can't wait for your kids to have a blast with all the Field Day festivities! We are truly amazed by the generosity of the SVA community in the past few weeks. We are excited to provide this quick update about our Field Day FUNdraiser.
We have reached our goal of $40,000! TOMORROW when Field Day activities have ended at 2:15 all classes will gather outside to watch Ms. Harrison become a human ice cream sundae! You don't want to miss this!!! Thank you everyone for helping us achieve this goal!!!
Please note that the final prize deadline is TOMORROW, September 27th, at 7:00 pm. Don't miss out! You, and your friends can still sponsor your student by clicking here. Classes are still in the running for the top three classes and the top earners! See below for what the top earning prize earners will receive!
Thank you again for your ongoing dedication and support of SkyView Academy.
Honored to Serve You All,
Paula Harrison
Lower School Principal
The Field Day FUNdraiser is our biggest fundraising event of the year as we are not holding The Big Event this year. Aside from our Annual Campaign in December, this is your best chance to GIVE to SkyView!
Top Three Giving Classes in Order (This is NOT a final number- we still have room for movement until Friday at 7 PM):
- 3rd Brocka $3951
- 1st Zang $2960
- Davis $2285
The top three earners of the event will win (Winners still TBD):
Whipped Cream Pie-the-Principal (Playground, post-event Field Day).
Class prizes (Winners still TBD):
#1 Highest Raising Class: Water Balloon Fight With Admin & DOC Day (October 2nd)
#2 Highest Raising Class: Ice Cream Party & DOC Day (October 2nd)
#3 Highest Raising Class: Movie Day & DOC Day (October 2nd)
Reminders for Field Day
- Appropriate footwear is important; all students should wear appropriate athletic shoes that are tied. Cleats will NOT be allowed. 👟
- Athletic shorts that are school-appropriate and t-shirts will be allowed. Remember to wear your Field Day grade-level color and be creative!
- It is also a good idea to bring a hat, sweatshirt, sunglasses, sunscreen, and towel. 😎 🧴🧢
Lunch and Water:
- All students should bring a water bottle or 2 with their name on it.
- Everyone will be eating at the same time from 11:20 to 12:20 in their classrooms.
- Don't forget to pack a lunch as lunch WILL NOT be served on Field Day. 🥪
Field Day grade-level colors:
PK: Blue
Kinder: Green
First: Red
Second: Pink
Third: Yellow
Fourth: Purple
Fifth: Orange
Dismissal: We ask that parents sign their students out on the turf using the sign-out sheet which each homeroom teacher will have with them. If parents sign out students early in the building, please expect a longer wait. If you do not sign out your student from their class/turf there will still be carline as usual at the regular dismissal time.
Middle School Students & Families
Current 7th and 8th Graders... Mark Your Calendar for October 29th
Get ready for one of the most exciting nights of the fall! On October 29th, we’re hosting our High School Showcase Night, and you don’t want to miss it. Whether you’re curious about what high school has in store or excited to explore new opportunities, this is your chance to experience everything SkyView has to offer. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to check out what makes our high school unique. From academics to extracurriculars, there’s something for everyone—and you might just discover something you didn’t expect. RSVP here.
Colorado College Application Days
Join Us In Peru | A Wonder of the World!
Hello Future Travelers,
If you have not yet enrolled for our Perú trip, now is the time! Register before September 30th to reserve your spot and you will receive a $300 tour scholarship and a 2-week risk free enrollment period.
Enroll and see our trip website at www.eftours.com/2675773ZY
Contact Sra. Lui with any questions: jlui@svak12.org
Congratulations to SVA's AP Scholars!
Every Fall, the AP Program recognizes high school students who have demonstrated outstanding college-level achievements through their performance on multiple AP Exams. The AP Scholar Awards are academic distinctions that SkyView Academy students may cite among their credentials on College Applications, Scholarship Applications, and Resumes.
Seniors Decorate Their Personalized Spots
Seniors had an amazing time personalizing their parking spots, which they've paid for and reserved for the entire school year. Please respect their dedicated spots by refraining from parking in these spaces for the remainder of the school year, including after school and on weekends. Thank you for your support.
SVA Students Visit CU Denver!
SVA students enjoyed hitting the downtown scene to explore the CU Denver Campus!
NHS Helps Denver Parks & Recreation by Volunteering Their Time!
Six members of SVA’s NHS volunteered their time on September 25th with Denver Parks & Recreation Services at Robert H. McWilliams Park in Denver. They spent three hours picking up trash to ensure the park was left beautiful for visitors.
Current Needs
SVA Pantry
Field Day Parties
MultiCultural Parent Committee
Elementary Lunch:
September 30th, October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Elementary Recess:
September 30th, October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Middle School Lunch:
News and Events
Shop our 50% off Sale of Pre-Owned Uniforms!
Tuesday, October 8th to Wednesday, October 9th
8:30 - 9:30 AM
2:15 - 4:00 PM
(pausing from 3:15 - 3:40 for middle and high school students)
Small selection of pre-owned spirit wear will be available but not included in the sale!
*Please bring your own shopping bag if needed!*
Please Check the Lost and Found
SVA maintains a lost and found bin at both the east and north entrances of the school. SVA recommends that students check it periodically for lost clothing or belongings.
Join One of Our Exciting Clubs!
Elementary students, there are many fun and exciting clubs happening this fall, including robotics, KidStage, Chess Wizards, and Destination Imagination. Check out our Clubs page to find out more information!
High school and middle school are updating their clubs regularly. Check out this page to see the latest and greatest of what SVA is offering!
Dance Club, Fashion Club, Fiber Arts Club, Blackjack Club, FCA, Literary Magazine Club and so much more! There is something for everyone!
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Destination Imagination is looking for creative K-12 students who want to join a SkyView Destination Imagination Team with others in their grade to compete against other schools and teams in various technical and creative challenges!
The deadline to apply to join a team is September 30th. Fill out this interest form to be contacted about being placed on a team. If you have any questions, email SkyViewDI@gmail.com.
DCSD Bond Initiative
SkyView Academy will benefit directly if this measure passes since every charter school in the district is able to add capital priority needs to the DCSD master capital plan.
Discover A New Side of SkyView!
Meet Jill Guerrero
Read about our Second Grade ISP here!