Fort High's Weekly Bulletin
September 6, 2024
Upcoming Events
September 13 - Terry Fox run
September 18 - School Council at 6:30 PM in the school library
September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – School Closed
October 2 - Early Dismissal
October 4 - No School for Students - Professional Learning Day
October 14 - Thanksgiving Day - No School
October 18 - Photo Retake Date
Weekly Update
Cell Phone Policy:
Appropriate use of personal communication devices contributes to the safety and security of students and staff, minimizes risk to personal wellbeing and disruption to instruction, and protects personal privacy and academic integrity. As such, personal devices are expected to be out of sight during classroom instruction.
Student Parking & Updated Student Drop Off Information:
Parking is available on the front (east) of the school. A reminder that students cannot park in EIPS or staff parking. The bus loop at the front of the school is closed for all parking except for buses and commercial vehicles. Parents/caregivers, please drop off students at the back of the school or follow the new signage at the front of the school.
Timetable Changes Completed
Timetable changes for the current academic semester have now been completed. We have worked diligently to accommodate requests and optimize the schedule to benefit our students' educational experience.
As of today, we can no longer accept any more change requests. This is to maintain a stable and consistent learning environment for students and staff. We must now focus our energies on the educational activities planned for the semester.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Early Out Wednesdays
We have early dismissal every Wednesday at 2:15 pm. Our purpose is to focus on student/staff school initiatives during this time. Please note that the first Wednesday of every month is when busses leave at 2:15 pm, for staff meetings across Elk Island Public Schools. For the other Wednesdays, busses will still arrive at 3:15 pm. Students are expected to use this time to catch up on missed academic work. The early out Wednesdays will start on September 4th.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact our new principal Aaron Tuckwood at aaron.tuckwood@eips.ca or Rita Lal at rita.lal@eips.ca
REMINDER: Next Exam Catch Up Day- September 11
We are excited to offer exam catch up after school, three Wednesday's a month. The first Wednesday each month is reserved for Staff Meetings, where there will be no exams running. Please be sure your children have arranged transportation should they write past bus departure at 3:20 p.m. and please remind them to bring supplies to complete the exam (e.g. calculator, pencil etc.)
It is expected that students communicate with their teachers to make arrangements.
Overdue Library Books
Please return any overdue library books and textbooks to the library, fines will be added to PowerSchool shortly for any books not returned from last year. Thank you and have a great first semester!
Update your PowerSchool information
The EIPS Correction and Verification Form is available online through your PowerSchool Parent Portal—at the top of the left-hand menu. Use the form to access and update your child’s records information—including address, parent and guardian information, emergency contacts and medical information. Reviewing the form and submitting updates ensures the school has the most up-to-date information regarding your child.
When reviewing the form, pay close attention to all listed phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact information. Also, if you recently moved, now is the time to ensure the Division has your updated address. Throughout the year, the Division and school use the listed information to communicate with families about important information, including updates, the latest news and events.
PowerSchool Correction and Verification Form
Review and update the form by Sept. 25, 2024
If you have questions about the form or your Parent Portal account, contact the school office at 780-998-3751.
Pay school fees online!
Wondering when and how to pay for school fees? School fee information for the 2024-25 school year will be posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal in late September. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. NOTE: Additional fees may be added throughout the year—for example, at the beginning of each semester, as your child takes part in various activities, or they may be adjusted by changes in selected optional courses in junior and senior high school. If you’re unable to pay your school fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived. The application deadline is Dec. 16, 2024.
For more information, visit the Fees page on the school website. Alternatively, contact Mrs. Cooke, Business Manager at Fort Saskatchewan High School at 780-998-3751.
Division Code of Conduct
EIPS has three administrative procedures (APs) that address the Division’s code of conduct:
· AP 311: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments for Students
· AP 350: Student Code of Conduct
· AP 351: Student Conduct on School Buses
The Division, and Fort Saskatchewan High School, are committed to ensuring all members of the school community are provided with welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging. EIPS encourages all students, staff and families to review the procedures to understand and practice the conduct expected throughout the Division.
Video surveillance at schools and on buses
Did you know each EIPS bus is equipped with video surveillance, and many school sites have video monitoring equipment?
Video surveillance and equipment help:
· ensure the safety of all students, staff, drivers and property; and
· discourage destructive acts.
As needed, EIPS school administration and Student Transportation staff review video recordings, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The recordings assist schools and the Division with monitoring student and driver conduct and may be used as evidence in a disciplinary matter.
For more information about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, contact the EIPS FOIP Co-ordinator at 780-464-3477.
Download these bus apps for a successful ride!
Is your child riding the bus this year? If yes, download the My Ride and Bus Status apps to stay in the know about your child’s bus stop location, route, pickup time and whether their bus is running on schedule.
Did you know?
The Board of Trustees meets throughout the school year to discuss and make decisions regarding matters important to students, families, schools, communities and public education overall. Community members are encouraged and welcome to attend in person or to tune into the public livestream on the EIPS YouTube channel. For 2024-25 Board Meeting dates, visit the EIPS website and subscribe to the Division calendar.
Counsellor Corner
Support Numbers
Alberta’s Mental Health Help Line
Alberta’s Children and Mental Health Crisis/Mobile Response Team
Crisis Contact Numbers for Strathcona County
Fort Saskatchewan Community Mental Health Supports and Services
Hope for Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples: 1-855-242-3310
Scholarship Information
Please click the link below to view a spreadsheet of the multiple scholarship opportunities available to students.