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The Weekly Update #4
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
![The Weekly Update #4 Believe you can and you're halfway there.](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/2d69/thumb-a9f3549292b0b37f2694a3c3af83dfea.png)
September Counselor's Newsletter
Counselors Corner
Please Visit our Counseling Dept Page in our School Website
Start With Hello
Start with Hello Week for September 23-27, 2024....
Each year in September, thousands of schools and youth organizations nationwide participate in Start With Hello week to celebrate the amazing work of educators, students, and community members in building socially inclusive learning environments for all students.
This year students celebrated the week by doing something each day....here is a look at what those days were and photos of our celebration.
Center Point ISD District Website: https://cpisd.net/
Counselors Corner:https://cpisd.net/347878_2
Center Point High School
207 China St.
Center Point Tx 78010
Visit our District School Website
Trisha Segura
Trisha is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters