Hoots'n'Hollers Newsletter
2022-2023: Q3W1
Madison Traditional Academy - The Guild PTO
Principal's Update
Dear MTA Parents,
Happy New Year!
On behalf of the administration and office staff, I would like to thank everyone for your holiday generosity, gifts, goodies, and cards. Thank you to all the MTA supporters who have taken advantage of submitting a tax credit donation for 2022.
Welcome back!
Chris Merrill
Guild Updates
Donation Request:
MTA’s New School Counselor, New School Social Worker and New Speech-Language Pathologist team have created a Donors Choose to help support students with sensory needs and positive behavior supports.
The link below provides a thorough summary of the items needed and how they benefit our students. Thank you for your contribution and we appreciate you all!
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
- Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp: https://signup.com/go/MOotsBR
- Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
- Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
- Click this link to go to our invitation page on SignUp: https://signup.com/go/dJHdaSk
- Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)
- Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contactLynn Running (lrunning@cox.net) and I can sign you up manually.
Monday, January 9th - MTA Cafeteria - We will be voting on moving forward with 10th street and Maryland landscaping capital improvement project!
Current and Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:
- Are you looking for those volunteer hours? Worry no more and sign up here! Lots of volunteer opportunities for the MTA Family Fun Festival! Click here to signup!
Join Remind for Text Reminders!
Easy as 1-2-3:
- Using your cell phone, create a new text message to 81010
- In the message text, use the below code for your child(ren)'s grade level and hit "Send"
- Get realtime updates from the Guild.
- Kindergarten: @mtaguildk
- 1st Grade: @mtaguild1
- 2nd Grade: @mtaguild2
- 3rd Grade: @mtaguild3
- 4th Grade: @mtaguild4
- 5th Grade: @mtaguild5
- 6th Grade: @mtaguild6
- 7th Grade: @mtaguild7
- 8th Grade: @mtaguild8
Teachers, Staff & Other Community Members: If you would like to get Guild Reminders also, please signup using @mtaguild
2022-2023 Guild Executive Board
Vice Presidents:
Communications Secretary: Heidi Wright
Secretary: Amanda Boxwell
Dad’s Club President: Jeffrey Daniels
Teacher Representative: Crystal DiPede
Parent Representatives
- (K-2) Abbey Ross
- (3-5) Sarah Virgil
- (6-8) Ashley Ryan
2022-2023 MTA Guild Committee Chairs
- Art Masterpiece: Tina Shafer & Amber Roberson
- Art Committee: Holly Navarrete
- Athletic Director Support: Carlene Lowry
- Book Fair: Tiffany Mitchell & Amanda Ellexson
- Breakfast/Lunch/Playground Support: Lynn Running
- Back-To-School Packs/Supply Closet: Kelly Fenton
- Bulletin Boards: Amy Wazny & Lindsey Janson
- Campus Beautification: Tania Alman
- Copy Help: Stephanie Stocksleger
- Directory/Membership: Zac Blossom
- Spirit Night: Rebecca Girard
- Family Fun Day: Nikki Khraizat and Jennifer Bishop (co-chairs)
- Guild Meeting Sign-In: Anne Schneider
- Hoot Attack: Rob Davison
- Logo/Activity Sales: Kim Owens
- Lost & Found: Richard Razo
- Original Art Card: Susan Weems
- Parent Social:
- Ready, Set, Read!: Committee Chair Needed
- Safe Start: Sofia Bales
- Sponsorship: Sara Snyder
- Teacher Appreciation: Arianna Shwer
- Uniform Exchange: Sylvia Cavalcant & Jade Anderson-Passamonte
- Vision & Hearing Screening: Lindsey Hunt
Our Mission
Establishing and maintaining a working relationship between the parents, school and teachers. Enhancing the quality of education by raising funds for school programs, equipment, resources or supplemental materials that fall outside the school budget. Providing volunteer support to increase student safety and security and to facilitate the educational experience. Developing and assisting with the implementation of programs and projects that will enrich the curriculum.
Email: mtahoots@gmail.com
Website: http://www.mtaguild.org
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phone: 602-745-4000