Statistics Vocabulary
1st Semester
Here you will find all the vocabulary words that you will need to know for this unit. These can and will show up on the final exam.
The mean of the data
Bar Graph
A graph of observed data using a sequence of rectangles, whose
widths are fixed and whose heights are proportional to the number of observations,
proportion of total observations, or probability of occurrence
Bell Curve
Another name for normal distribution
A term used to describe statistics that don't provide an accurate representation of the population
Box and Whisker Plot
A method for demonstrating graphically the locality, spread and skewness groups of numerical data through their quartiles
Categorical Data
Data that fits into a small number of discrete categories
Direct relationship between two variables
Circle Graph
Also known as a pie chart, it is a circular statistical graphic which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion
Another word for group
Cluster Sampling
A type of sampling whereby observations are selected at random from
several clusters instead of at random from the entire population
Correlation Coefficient
Describes the level of correlation or dependence between two variables and is between -1 and +1
Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
Data Item
A piece of data
The logical reasoning that something must be true because it is a particular
case of a general statement that is known to be true
Dependent Variable
A value that depends on another variable to exhibit change
Descriptive Statistics
Collecting, organizing, summarizing, and presenting data
The degree of scatter or concentration of observations around its center or
Dot Plot
A line graph that orders the data along a real number line
Moral principles on which decisions and actions are based
How often a data value happens
Frequency Distribution
A table that shows how data are distributed
A bar graph with bars that touch
Independent Variable
A variable that you modify, control or manipulate in order to investigate its effects
The process of drawing inferences about an entire class based upon
observations on a few of its members
Inferential Statistics
Making generalizations about and drawing conclusions from the data collected
Inter Quartile Range
The difference between the first quartile and third quartile of a set of data
Line of Best Fit
The line that best represents the trend that the points in a scatter plot follow
Lower Class Limit
The left most number in each class
Measures of Variability
Shows how scattered or dispersed a database is
The middle point of data
The value in a database that repeats the most number of times. If none of the values repeat, there’s no mode in that database.
Normal Distribution
A method of displaying random variables in a bell-shaped graph, indicating that data close to the average or mean occur more frequently than data distant from the average or mean value
Observational Data
Non-experimental data, and there is no control of potential confounding variables in the study
A belief or conviction, based on what seems probable or true but not demonstrable fact
A data point that differs significantly from other observations
The set containing all the people or objects whose properties are to be described and analyzed by the data collector
Divided into four equal parts
Divided into five equal parts
Random Sample
A sample obtained in such a way that every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample
The difference between the lowest and highest values in a collection of data
Representative Sample
A sample that exhibits characteristics typical of those possessed by the target population
A subset of the population
Sample Size
The number of sampling units which are to be included in the sample
Scatter Plot
A graph of two-variable data in which each point is located by its coordinates (X, Y)
The practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample
Standard Deviation
A metric that calculates the square root of a variance and it informs you how far a single or group result deviates from the average
Statistical Inference
Occurs when you use sample data to generate an inference or conclusion
Stem and Leaf Plot
A semi-graphical method used to represent numerical data, in which the first (leftmost) digit of each data value is a stem and the rest of the digits of the number are the leaves
Stratified Random Sampling
A method of sampling from a population whereby the population is divided into parts and then assigned proportions of the sample are then sampled from each stratum
Upper Class Limit
The right most number in each class
A measurement of the distance between the mean and data point of a variable