Updates from U-32
June 7, 2024
Principal's Update
Happy Friday, U-32.
This newsletter is full of resources! Take a look below to find several summer opportunities, scholarship for Seniors, and information for students who will be returning to U32 in the fall.
Have a great weekend!
Reminder: Last day of school lunches are Nutrislice pre-order bag lunches only
U-32 Spring Art Show - June 7th!
Middle School Track and Field State Championship Results!
From our Middle School Track Coach, Natasha Eckart:
I wanted to share the great news from the MS State track meet. U-32 sent 6 girls and 9 boys to this year's Middle School Track and Field State Championship.
Ribbons and medals were awarded to the top 8 individual competitors and the top 3 relay teams.
Our results are below:
Boys Team: finished 13th out of 25
Ryan Parker: 8th in Javelin (PR)
Eneko Farr: 4th in Shot (PR) and 6th in Discus
Girls Team: finished 16th out of 27
Adeline Ryan: 7th in High Jump
Adaline Gould: tied for 8th in Long Jump (PR)
4x100: 1st (Adaline Gould, Adalie McCann, Adeline Pasco, Roslen Walstrom)
We had many PRs today as well:
Eneko Farr: Shot Put
Garth Kurts: 1500
Isaac Nadzam: 800
Lucas Darby: Javelin
Ryan Parker: Javelin
Adaline Gould: Long Jump
Eva Maker: 1500
Roslen Walstrom: 400
Coach Eckart shares: They all showed incredible sportsmanship on and off the track, as well as incredible growth across their events. We had so many athletes that not only stepped into new events when asked, but performed incredibly well while doing it.
Congratulations to all our MS Track and Field athletes who represented U-32!
Progress Pride Flag Re-Raising
On Wednesday June 6, students and faculty from Seeking Social Justice organized a flag re-raising ceremony, with music provided by Divine Compensation.
Our school board unanimously approved SSJ's request to fly the Progress Pride flag for the upcoming year, per flag policy. In their flag request, Seeking Social Justice believes that U-32 has an obligation to provide all students with a safe and supportive learning environment. This requires that all students, including LGBTQ+ students, feel welcome and supported at U-32. Flying an LGBTQ+ Progress Pride flag is an important step towards making U-32 a safe learning environment for LGBTQ+ students and brings an increased awareness of LGBTQ+ inclusivity and rights in our curricula and policies.
Seeking Social Justice believes that there is still a lot of work to be done to help the district be more inclusive. The Progress Pride Flag holds us accountable to keep striving for equity and shows the community that we value LGBTQ+ people and their rights.
Photo credit: Liza Semler
Do you have an end-of-the-year ritual?
Writing letters is a powerful connection tool that can help us relive memories from the past year and remind us of what we lived through. It helps us make future goals, reflect on the past, and remember our resilience.
An organization called FutureMe will email your letter to you, but it's also okay to do this via pen and paper.
Perhaps you want to send a letter to yourself about your graduation.
Perhaps you want to create a ritual of writing a letter to your students every first day of school until they graduate but have those letters sent to them on their graduation year.
Perhaps, you want to remind yourself after the summer what you were looking forward to on the first day of the next school year.
Whatever your ritual, this is the perfect time of year to close out the school year.
Congratulations to our U-32 Band Seniors
Congratulations to seniors Aaren Abrahamson, Avery Cochran, Isa Moustakas, Taggart Schrader, and Olivia Serrano for their incredible contributions to the U-32 band program. We will miss them greatly!
Field Hockey Clinics at U-32 June 19 and June 26
Give a new sport a try! Join the U-32 Varsity Field Hockey Team for an hour of low-key fun drills and games to see if you love the sport as much as we do, followed by an all ages pick-up game from 6pm-6:45pm.
Clinics are free (suggested $10 donation) and no experience or equipment is necessary. Cleats, shin guards, and a mouthguard will help, but you don’t need them. Open to all ages. You can attend one or both.
Please email Coach Dillon Burns at Dillonteachoutburns@gmail.com to sign up.
Design Your Summer!
From U-32 Speech-Language Pathologist, Erica Smith:
We are in the final stretch of the school year, and summer break is very close! This year, our district's break will be 70 days, which is a little over two months of adventures, relaxation, and trips.
It can be overwhelming for some students to think about how they will spend their time this summer. From multiple trips, holidays, birthdays, or trying to plan how they will get their summer reading done, it's difficult to create a concept of what the summer will "look" like.
Gretchen Rubin, an author and podcaster, created this concept known as "Design your Summer", with the idea of putting intention behind how we spend this season. There are more links to her concept here (https://gretchenrubin.com/articles/a-fun-new-way-to-have-a-happier-summer/)
Some students need a little bit more help in the planning and organizing side of things. I myself love a visual, so I was able to develop a calendar with just the summer weeks. Some dates that I included in this are;
- July 2nd (Half-Way Day, meaning we are halfway through 2024)
- July 23rd (the midway point for the summer break)
- Other known holidays (July 4th, Juneteenth, Father's Day)
This resource is available for you to print out and use with your family. Putting known events on the calendar, such as birthdays, family trips, summer camps, or summer school, can aid students in visually organizing where, when, and for how long events are taking place. It also gives them a reference point to foster independence in their days. For example, I know I can schedule a playdate on this day because it is free, and we don't attend the family reunion until next week. For families of Seniors, this might be important to look at when move-in day or the first day of a job might start compared to High School Graduation!
Google Calendar can be a great digital alternative for this tool! My issue was that I couldn't see the whole expanse of the summer on Google Calendar, but that is another way to conceptualize how you will spend your days.
Here's a peek at mine. There's still a lot to put on there (confirming dates with others), but wow! There's a lot of space to fill and I am excited to use it for recharging! Of course, I won't add daily tasks (biking, reading, writing, paddleboarding) because that might make it look too cluttered. This might be where the digital calendar comes in and helps me create a daily task list for me to check off.
Summer Lunch Benefits for EBT Holders and Summer Meals for Kids
Summer EBT Program
Vermont is among the first states to launch the new permanent Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (SEBT) program to help feed eligible school aged children during the summer vacation months.
The benefit is $120 for the summer per eligible child. Families can use the benefits to purchase groceries. The Department for Children and Families will be issuing a preloaded EBT card to those who don’t have one yet. If your household is already receiving 3SquaresVT benefits, SEBT benefits for your school-aged children will be loaded on the same card.
You will receive these benefits automatically if your child is:
Between the age of 6 and 16 at any point since July 2023 and lives in a household that receives or that received at any time since July 2023:
-Reach Up, or
-Medicaid while the family’s income was below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level
Outside of the age 6 and 16 but attends a Vermont Public School or an Independent School that participates in the National School Lunch Program and lives in a household that receives or that received at any time since July 2023:
-Reach Up, or
-Medicaid while the family’s income was below 185% of the Federal Poverty Limit
Children participating in several other assistance programs may also receive the benefit automatically.
Families who meet income guidelines but do not automatically qualify will be able to apply for the benefit in August Benefits will be mailed out starting July 15, 2024 and continuing throughout the summer.
We encourage families to wait until August before asking about eligibility as most eligible children will receive the benefit automatically. If a child is found eligible, a notice will be mailed to the household. Please keep the EBT cards as they will be used each summer for children who are eligible.
The EBT card can be used at grocery stores, farmers markets and online where EBT is
Notification and cards will be mailed to the address on file for the program that qualified the child automatically. If you get 3SquaresVT, Reach Up or Medicaid and have recently moved, we recommend updating your mailing address with these programs. This will ensure that you receive the benefit. If you don’t currently participate in these programs, your children could still get the benefit automatically if you apply for them and are approved this summer.
The Summer EBT program is different than the Pandemic EBT program. The Summer EBT program is a permanent program that has income requirements and is only available during the summer, unlike Pandemic EBT where benefits were available throughout the school year and all students were eligible regardless of income. Receiving Summer EBT benefits does not affect the family’s immigration status. Additional information, including the application which will be available in August will be posted on summerebt.vermont.gov
If you have questions about the program, please contact DCF’s Economic Services Division at 1-800-479-6151, option 7.
Summer Meals for Kids
For information on receiving meals this summer, call 2-1-1, the United Way-run resource hotline, or go to the USDA Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder: https://www.fns.usda.gov/summer/sitefinder. All sites listed are open to all children, 18 and under. Information is available beginning mid-June and updates are made on a weekly basis. Some sites may provide grab-and-go meals that can be consumed off-site.
Spots remaining! Natural Resources Management Academy
Registration is open for Natural Resources Management Academy! This event is for youth entering grades 7-11, who are interested in the environment and ready to explore, in depth, their passion for Vermont's natural resources. NRMA will be held July 12-14 and takes place at Green Mountain Conservation Camp in Woodbury. Registration is $130. The workshops dive into topics like soils, wildlife, water ecosystems, forestry and more! Space is limited to 30 people.
More information can be found here. Registration can be found here.
Are you interested in becoming a Senate Page?
FREE Agriscience Summer Academies at UVM!
A few spaces remain!! - Applications Now Open for FREE Agriscience Summer Academies at UVM
UVM Extension’s 4-H Program invites rising 8th-12th graders to apply for one of three, free, residential summer academies held on the UVM campus June 23-29.
AgroTek Innovation, now in its third year, exposes students to agriscience innovation skills by diving deep into one of three topics; Culturing Cells for Healthier Soils, Shifting the Waste to Value Paradigm (converting agricultural waste into value added products), and Using Virtual Reality for More Precise Agriculture. In addition to learning content, participants will build important relationships with undergraduate student mentors along with faculty and staff.
More details, including the link to apply, can be found here. Individuals who identify as BIPOC, female identifying or LGBTQ+, humans traditionally under-represented in agriculture, are encouraged to apply. Contact: Sarah Kleinman at sarah.kleinman@uvm.edu or 802-656-7637.
Is your French student interested in a trip to France?
A trip to Paris, Normandy and a homestay in Langres, France, is happening in April 2025. Students enrolled in a French class and who will be either in 10th, 11th or 12th grades have the opportunity to join this trip.
A meeting with interested students has already happened during a Call Back. The next meeting is a chance for students and families to get more information and any questions answered.
THIS MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE ON JUNE 10TH AT 5:00 PM IN CAROLINE'S CLASSROOM (114), right before the Spring sports banquet.
Please feel free to email me at cgrace@u32.org with any questions.
J-Term 2025!
CVCC Future Facilities
Student Job and Internship Opportunities!
Would you like to attend Vermont State University for free?
Beginning in the fall semester of 2024, qualified Vermont residents can attend Vermont State University tuition free!
Delivering high quality and affordable education is our number one priority. With locations spanning across the entire state, Vermonters can be sure to have greater access to our programs going forward. VTSU will close the standard tuition* gap with institutional aid after all federal, state, institutional, and employer supported aid is applied to a student’s account.
Who is eligible?
- Vermont residents of any age enrolling as new students in degree programs starting in the fall semester of 2024 or spring semester of 2025.
- Student/family adjusted gross income of $50,000 or less as reflected on their FAFSA.
- Students seeking their initial undergraduate degree. Those with previous bachelor’s degrees do not qualify.
How do students apply?
- Apply and be admitted to Vermont State University for a standard tuition program.
- Submit a FAFSA (School Code: 003698).
- Submit a Vermont Grant Application through VSAC.
What are further requirements for eligibility?
- Register for a minimum of 12 credits each fall and spring semesters (does not include summer).
- Maintain good academic standing (2.0/4.0) and satisfactory academic progress towards degree completion.
- Eligibility will be reviewed each academic year based on the current year FAFSA.
* The Vermont State University Free Tuition Guarantee covers standard program tuition only. Program tuition for Engineering and Technology; Nursing and Respiratory Therapy; and Dental and Radiologic is not covered by this program.
Free Summer Shakespeare Camp!
VTVLC Registration
2024-2025 VTVLC Course Registration Information
Priority registration for VTVLC (VT Virtual Learning Cooperative) courses opens May 1st. These are free online courses for students in grades 7-12 for courses offered “traditionally.”
Click here to see the courses available to U-32 students. Students are eligible to register for courses that are listed as traditional enrollment. See information regarding On Demand enrollment below.
Who are successful online learners? VTVLC recommends that students who enroll in their courses are strong readers and writers, possess good time management skills, are self-motivated and self-disciplined, committed to spending five to ten hours a week on the course, and have the ability to use technology properly.
Process for students opting to take course(s) through VTVLC to have coursework count towards U-32 Graduation level Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
***Students who request to take an online class due to a teacher or classroom conflict need to participate in a restorative circle prior to enrolling in a VTVLC course. ***
Process for enrolling:
1. Meet with your school counselor to discuss options.
2. Go to VTVLC.org and create an account.
3. Log into VTVLC.org and complete Student Profile.
4. Request enrollment in class.
Grading & Transcripting:
Coursework with a final grade of C- or higher will “satisfy course specific Graduation level SLOs through transfer.”
1. Course will be listed on U-32 Transcript under Additional Course section with actual grade awarded
2. Grade / course score is NOT factored into U-32 GPA
3. Students may need to work with content level departments to determine which Performance Indicators (PIs) the course addresses.
4. Student may need to present evidence (portfolio, assessments, essays, labs, etc.) to a small committee to demonstrate proficiency in specific Graduation level SLOs through transfer
Failure to successfully complete a VTVLC course may prohibit a student’s ability to enroll in future courses.
VTVLC also offers On Demand courses that allow students to have flexible start and end dates. These courses offer a personalized pace. Like the other VTVLC courses, these are taught by Vermont licensed educators (HQT where applicable). These courses cost students $275 per semester length course. On Demand courses start on either the 1st or the 15th of each month.
For further questions about VTVLC courses or to sign up, students should see their school counselor.
Free Summer Class!
Student Services Newsletter
Students in grades in current 8-11 received their 2024-2025 tentative High School schedules a couple of weeks ago.
Our plan is to work with incoming grade 9-12 students who have concerns prior to Move-Up Day on June 11th. Please encourage your student to make an appointment with his/her adopted counselor if needed.
June 11th – Move Up Day (students in current grades 6-11 will follow their school schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.) Current 6th graders will come to U-32 to meet their 7th grade teachers, participate in classes and Unity day activities.
As a current Vermont high school junior or senior, you are eligible for two Vermont Dual Enrollment Vouchers, allowing you to take one free college course in your junior year of high school and one in your senior year of high school. It’s called Dual Enrollment because your free college courses will also earn you credit towards graduation from high school.
Dual enrollment is offered through all VT public colleges/universities and some private colleges too. Go to http://www.vtdualenrollment.org/ for a list of participating colleges and to request a dual enrollment voucher.
High School Seniors are also eligible for Early College- got to http://education.vermont.gov/student-learning/flexible-pathways/early-college for more information.
ACT: Test Date July 13 - Registration Deadline June 7
U-32 will offer the PSAT to all juniors on Wednesday, October 9th at 8am FREE of charge. Registration is NOT necessary.
On October 9th, U-32 will offer an in-school field trip for all seniors for support in career exploration, interviewing skills, common application, essay writing & financial aid. Watch for more info in the fall.
U-32 will offer the PreACT to all sophomores on Weds, October 9th at 8am FREE of charge. Registration is NOT necessary.
Currently there are over 30 scholarships posted on Naviance. Go to your Naviance account, click on the College tab then Scholarship List to view each scholarship. While there, click on National Scholarship Search to look for additional scholarships.
Please frequent the Scholarship page often as new scholarships appear as soon as we receive them.
Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships - $5,000 – 4 Awards (Deadline: June 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be accepted at an accredited college, university, or trade school within the United States.
B) Be a United States citizen or in the United States on a Student Visa and have a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Applications can be found by going to:
Constitutional Study and Scholarship Program - $10,000 – 39 Awards (Deadline: June 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be an American citizen, age 16 or older, and currently enrolled in public or private high school, homeschool, college/university, or trade school.
Applications can be found by going to:
AGMA Foundation Scholarship Program - $20,000 – 8 Awards (Deadline: July 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be interested in a career in the gear industry, and/or power transmission as it relates to the gear industry.
B) Be currently enrolled, or recently accepted, as a full or part-time student in a nationally accredited program.
Applications can be found by going to:
Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship - $10,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: July 20, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be fighting through their own loss of a close family member, legal guardian or loved one.
B) Need financial support for their education as they move forward.
Applications can be found by going to:
Secular Student Activist Scholarship - $3,000 – 25 Awards (Deadline: July 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a full-time student enrolled in high school or college in the United States.
B) Be an activist for secular values on their campus and/or in their community.
Applications can be found by going to:
Spirit of Giving Scholarship - $1,000 - 3 Awards (Deadline: July 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be 16 years of age or older and in good academic standing.
B) Be enrolled in a public, private, or parochial high school or home study program in the United States.
Applications can be found by going to:
Nurses Make a Difference Scholarship - $1,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: August 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Have been accepted into a college and plan to study nursing.
B) Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and be a legal resident of the USA or hold a valid student visa.
Applications can be found by going to:
Teen Drinking and Driving Prevention Scholarship - $2,500 – 1 Award (Deadline: August 15, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be currently enrolled in or have been accepted to an accredited university, college, or graduate school.
B) Create an original video public service announcement.
Applications can be found by going to:
Future Educator Scholarship - $1,000 - 1 Awards (Deadline: August 18, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be interested in a career in the education field.
B) Be currently enrolled, or recently accepted, as a full or part-time student.
Applications can be found by going to:
Leaders Save Lives Scholarship Program - $2,500 - 10 Awards (Deadline: August 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be currently enrolled in high school, college, university, technical school, trade school or community college.
B) Host an American Red Cross blood drive in the United States between June 1 – August 31.
Applications can be found by going to:
Second Chance Scholarship - $1,000 - 5 Awards (Deadline: August 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be legally residing in the USA with a High School Diploma, GED or equivalent.
B) Be enrolled or in the process of enrolling as a full-time student at an accredited U.S. college or university.
Applications can be found by going to:
Summit Physical Therapy Scholarship - $500 – 1 Award (Deadline: August 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be attending college or university no later than January of 2025.
B) Have achieved a GPA of 3.0 or greater during their last academic year.
Applications can be found by going to:
Cooking Up Joy Scholarship - $1,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: August 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a US citizen entering or attending a university, college, or trade school in the United States.
B) Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above.
Applications can be found by going to:
Fighting to End Drunk Driving Scholarship - $1,000 - 1 Awards (Deadline: September 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a full-time student enrolled in high school or college in the United States.
B) Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and be a legal resident of the USA or hold a valid student visa.
Applications can be found by going to:
Netfloor USA Access Flooring Scholarship - $1,000 – 2 Awards (Deadline: September 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (or equivalent).
B) Be attending an accredited university or college in the next academic year.
Applications can be found by going to:
Senior Calendar
If you plan to compete in Division I or Division II college sports, have your transcript sent to the NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse. More information is available at ncaaclearinghouse.net.
June 14: Graduation…. Congratulations!
June 30: Final deadline to submit FAFSA.