Our school has partnered with the Indiana Pacers to participate in an exciting FUNdraiser opportunity!
Your child may sell tickets to select Pacers games, win some really neat Pacers prizes, and help raise money for our school! We will have our very own school night at a Pacers game with a check presentation at center court during halftime! Everyone will be together cheering on our hometown Pacers on Tuesday, February 25th when the Pacers take on the Charlotte Hornets. On this night, you’ll be able to pick up all of your prizes at the game. You could earn prizes such as: VIP Pre Game Viewing 2 FREE Tickets to our School Night Pacers T-Shirt Autographed Basketball signed by the entire Pacers team If you can’t make it to our school night game, we have four alternate games to choose from! ORDER BY ENVELOPE: Fundraising envelopes were sent home a couple of weeks ago. If you choose to order by envelope, ORDERS AND MONEY ARE DUE AT LOWELL BY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th. ORDER ONLINE: You have the option to purchase your tickets online. You can even share the offer with family and friends via social media! It will be easier than ever to sell lots of tickets and earn those prizes! Simply go to http://www.pacersgroups.com/hornets to purchase your tickets! THE DEADLINE TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE IS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th A portion of every ticket sold will help raise money for our school. Thank you for your support! Go Pacers!