What's New/s @ SST6?

- 2.6.25 ED Steps- One Needs Assessment/One Plan
- 2.7.25 The Ooey Gooey Adventures Virtual Session (INVITE ONLY)
- 2.13.25 Early Learning Leadership Network
- 2.20.25 Career Advising Community of Practice-Building Implementation Capacity (INVITE ONLY)
- 2.25.25 New and Newish Sped Directors Community of Practice (INVITE ONLY)
- 2.28.25 ED Steps- One Needs Assessment/One Plan
- 3.7.25 The Ooey Gooey Adventures Virtual Session (INVITE ONLY)
- 3.11.25 ED Steps- One Needs Assessment/One Plan
- 3.13.25 Career Advising Community of Practice- Building Implementation Capacity (INVITE ONLY)
- 3.13.25 Early Learning Leadership Network
- 3.20.25 K-12 Literacy Leader Network
- 3.25.25 ED Steps- One Needs Assessment/One Plan
- 3.25.25 New and Newish Sped Directors Community of Practice (INVITE ONLY)
- 3.27.25 Knowledge Building Curriculum: Community of Practice
- 3.28.25 The Ooey Gooey Adventures Play Day (INVITE ONLY)
Our New or Newish Special Education Directors have met virtually for an hour every month since September. Each month a specific topic is discussed. The discussions are preceded by “homework” that the special education directors complete before each meeting. The staff at SST6 have focused on issues such as Special Education Ratings, Internal Monitoring, Alternate Assessment for students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, graduation requirements for students with disabilities and SPP content. The success of this series is demonstrated by Special Education Directors who are not so new to their positions asked to come!
The series was created to provide our region's New Special Education Directors with knowledge or a basic understanding of items before release time. The series was created to assist new special education leaders know what is expected of them. The design allowed sped directors to get in their data or explore resources compared to their district needs. This allowed for great discussion this year!
- SPP Report has been released. If you have indicators that are not met with required actions, make sure due dates are adhered to, some actions are due in January, February and April.
- Every district needs to upload NEWLY ADOPTED Special Education Policy and Procedures by March 31st.
- Watch out for the nomination window to open for the Horn Walter Awards.
- Alternate Assessment for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities testing window is February 24- April 18, 2025. Compare this to your school calendar as April 18 is Good Friday, Schools may not be in session on that date.
Tips & Updates
Registering for Professional Learning at SST6
View all of our Professional Learning opportunities at the SST6 Google Site. Registration closes 24 hours before training or two weeks before a book study to send materials and links to participants.