Start with Hello Week
Sept 16th-20th
House of Arete
House of Athena
House of Philotimo
House of Sophrosyne
Start with Hello Week
From September 16th-20th, Plato Academy Tarpon Springs will hold their sixth annual Start With Hello Week. Start With Hello Week raises awareness about social isolation and educates students on how to prevent it.
In Honor of the Sandy Hook Promise, Plato Academy Tarpon Springs will have themed days with small daily activities. Themed shirts should be worn with uniform bottoms. The students will be participating in a school-wide scavenger hunt where they will look for items around the school that align with the daily theme. House points will be awarded for students finding all the items on the list.
We will have a school-wide house event on Friday to celebrate the end of the week and share our experiences. Students 2-8 will meet with their House peers (mixed grades) from 1:30-2:15. This will give them time to participate in team building with their House mates.
Please visit for more information.
Remember to Say Hello!
Plato Academy Tarpon Springs - Home of the Warriors
Our Vision: The Plato Academy family empowers all learners to exceed expectations
Our Mission: The mission of the Plato Academy Charter Schools is to assist students in achieving their full potential by requiring and nurturing high academic and behavioral standards in a safe, supporting, challenging, and enthusiastic family environment, providing a well-rounded K-8 education fortified by a study of the Greek language and culture, and fostered by a commitment and cooperative effort among the school, students, parents, and community.
Η αποστολή των σχολείων της Ακαδημίας του Πλάτωνα είναι να βοηθήσει τους μαθητές της να αξιοποιήσουν πλήρως τις δυνατότητές τους καλλιεργώντας υψηλά ακαδημαϊκά πρότυπα και υψηλά πρότυπα συμπεριφοράς σε ένα ασφαλές, υποστηρικτικό, ενθουσιώδες και συγχρόνως απαιτητικό περιβάλλον, παρέχοντας μια ολοκληρωμένη εκπαίδευση από το νηπιαγωγείο έως και την ογδόη τάξη ενισχυμένη από τη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής γλώσσας και του ελληνικού πολιτισμού, και υποστηριζόμενη από τη δέσμευση και την προσπάθεια συνεργασίας μεταξύ των σχολείων, των μαθητών, των γονέων και της κοινότητας που συλλογικά απαρτίζουν την οικογένειά μας.
Location: 2795 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs, FL, USA
Phone: 727-205-6360