QOHS Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Updates & Information for Students, Staff & Families

February 2, 2025
Greetings QOHS Family,
This Monday, February 3, 2025 marks the beginning of National School Counselor appreciation week. The week of February 3 - 7 provides the school community with an opportunity to recognize and honor members of the Quince Orchard High School Counseling department. They play a number of different roles in the lives of our students over a four year period of time. Our counselors serve as academic adviser, emotional support provider, college and career counselor, conflict resolution agents, advocates for student success and well-being as well as post-graduation consultant.
I want to take this opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the QOHS community for their service and commitment to excellence in education. Please join me in applauding members of our counseling department for their contribution to the growth and development of QOHS students, past and present.
Thank you to:
- Ms. Jessica Conter
- Mr. Daniel Alvarenga
- Mr. Greg Carter
- Ms. Tammy Cross
- Ms. Meghan Comaskey
- Ms. Mireya Eckhardt
- Ms. Shalewa Hardaway
- Ms. Nancy Jimenez
- Ms. Kim Kochuba
- Mr. Michael McMillen
- Ms. Nancy Rossini
Also, thank you to the following staff members who work very closely with the Counseling Department at QOHS:
- Ms. Kristin Barnes (Registrar)
- Ms. Coleen Djouha (Career Advising Coach)
- Ms. Mayra Fernandez (Social Worker)
- Ms. Abigail Hernandez (School Psychologist)
- Ms. Ellen O'Connell (Pupil Personnel Worker)
- Ms. Lisa Romero (College & Career Information Coordinator)
- Ms. Sally Ruiz Miller (Parent Community Coordinator)
- The Bridge to Wellness Team:
- Mr. Andres Ibarra (Youth Development Specialist)
- Ms. Yansy Mayorga (Case Manager)
- Ms. Thania Orozco (Mental Health Therapist)
Look for more information in the body of the newsletter on how you can help celebrate school counselors this week! Also, a huge congratulations to our Poms team for winning second place at the County Poms Competition this weekend.
Please note the following items and schedule change this week:
- Monday 2/3 - Staff Meeting
- Tuesday 2/4 - Report Cards available to view on Synergy
- Tuesday & Wednesday 2/4 - 2/5 - Yearbook Club Photo Days (Sponsors will reach out to students with club photo time and passes)
- Thursday 2/6 - Report Cards Distributed - Homeroom Schedule (see below)
- Thurs. & Friday 2/6 - 2/7 - WIDA Testing (no schedule change; students will be pulled to the media center and/or auditorium for testing)
- Friday 2/7 - Prowler School Newspaper Distribution
With Appreciation
Dr. Lee Evans
Interim Principal
National School Counselors Week
Help Celebrate Our QOHS School Counselors During National School Counseling Week, Feb. 3–7, 2025
We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the counselors at Quince Orchard High School for their unwavering dedication to supporting our students. Their guidance, encouragement, and compassion help students navigate academic challenges, emotional growth, and future plans. Whether providing a listening ear or helping students set goals, the counselors make a lasting impact on both individual lives and the school community as a whole. Thank you for all that you do to empower and uplift our students every day!
To celebrate our QOHS school counselors, we are inviting students, staff, and families to send a note of appreciation to the QO counseling using this Google Form: https://forms.gle/kwXo77dLqfh9gaBH8
National School Counseling Week 2025, “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), is celebrated from Feb. 3–7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different as a result of what school counselors do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
Upcoming Socioemotional Well-Being Lessons at QOHS
Personal Body Safety & Signs of Suicide
On February 14, 2025 during Cougars Connect, all students will be invited to participate in a Personal Body Safety Lesson (PBSL). Please review the PBSL Parent/Caregiver Information Letter (available in multiple languages) by clicking here.
On March 6, 2025 during Homeroom, all students will be invited to participate in the Signs of Suicide® (SOS®) Prevention Program. MCPS is enhancing its suicide prevention curriculum using the Signs of Suicide® (SOS®) Prevention Program. The SOS® Program is a youth suicide prevention program that has demonstrated an improvement in students’ knowledge and adaptive attitudes towards suicide risk and depression, as well as a reduction in actual suicide attempts. Please review the QOHS Signs of Suicide Parent/Caregiver Information Letters (available in multiple languages) by clicking here. In addition, please review this Mental Health and Wellness Resource guide by clicking here.
MoCo for Change Applications OPEN
Submit by 2/10/25
MoCo For Change, is a student-led advocacy organization based in Montgomery County. We take initiatives to address some of the most pressing issues facing our community today, such as gun violence, equitable education, sustainability, and more. Our goal is to assemble a diverse group of student leaders who are passionate about advocating for their peers on important issues. It is crucial for us to receive applications from students at every high school in MCPS, to ensure that all voices are heard and equitable change is possible. Our application deadline is February 10th at 11:59 p.m., and we encourage all interested students to apply. You can find more details about our work on our website: https://www.mocoforchange.org/ . The link to the application can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeP7k9MUUgYWX6fFLM4bzuZMqvN67E5VhLSql24qr_CCpTWmQ/viewform .
📢 Attention Juniors (Grade 11)! SAT School Day is for YOU!
On Wednesday, March 19, 2025, you will take the digital SAT at Quince Orchard High School! You are automatically registered, and the test is free. View the SAT Day Parent Letter here (in English & Spanish).
📝 Consent Form for the Student Survey
If you want to participate in the optional Student Survey, which connects you with college and scholarship opportunities, you must submit a signed consent form before the Digital Readiness Check.
📚 Prepare for Test Day!
Get familiar with the digital SAT format by taking free practice tests at:
➡️ https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/digital
📌 Create Your College Board Account!
You will need a College Board account to access your scores. If you don’t have one yet, create one before March 19 at: 🔗 collegeboard.org
✅ Click "Create Your Account"
✅ Use your personal email (not your school email)
If you have any questions, reach out to Mrs. Ross in the main office. Let’s get ready for SAT School Day! 🎓✏️
SY2025-26 Registration Update
It was a privilege to see so many caregivers join us for our virtual meeting about registration for incoming ninth-grade students. Thank you for your participation and engagement!
For those who were unable to attend, the meeting recording is available here and will also be posted on the QO website under Registration Materials.
For Rising Ninth Graders:
Eighth-grade students at our feeder middle schools have received information about registration. If you have a rising ninth grader, please ensure they complete their course registration using the Google Form for the Class of 2029 by February 7. We extended the deadline due to recent changes in school schedules.
For Current Grades 9–11:
Registration should have already been completed. If your student has not yet registered, please have them reach out to their counselor as soon as possible.
To assist with the process, please refer to the Student Registration Assistance Document, which includes detailed instructions and access to all necessary registration forms.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your student’s counselor or email me directly at Kirsten_N_Jackson@mcpsmd.org.
Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting our students!
SSL Opportunities
February Service Learning
Check out the upcoming February 2025 SSL Opportunities!
IMPORTANT! Remember Any high school senior who has submitted documentation to show the completion of 240 SSL hours or more by April 4, 2025, will earn the Certificate of Meritorious Service along with a purple tassel for graduation.
Check out the SSL Student & Family Hub for anything you need related to SSL. Reach out to kelly_p_miller@mcpsmd.org if you ever have any questions!
SGA Updates - SMOB Nominating Convention
SMOB Nom Con - Contact Ms. Brown by Friday 2/7
Are you interested in seeing the process of the SMOB election unfold? Want to attend the annual SMOB Nominating Convention to participate in the democratic process in the selection of our two finalists for the next SMOB? If you are interested, please contact your school’s SGA advisor Ms.Brown in room 138 by February 7th to learn more about the process to becoming a delegate to the SMOB Nominating Convention.
Change of School Assignment (COSA) Information
COSA Season starts 2/3/25
Student Transfer Application Season Schedule from the first school day in February through the first day in April 2025
ROCKVILLE, Maryland – Montgomery County parents/guardians who wish to request a Change of School Assignment (COSA) for their children from their home school may begin the process during the upcoming transfer season; from February 3 through April 1, 2025.
Students in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) are expected to attend the school within the established attendance area in which they reside (home school) or assigned in accordance with their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Students may apply for Change of School Assignment (COSA) from the home school, or the school of assignment through the IEP process, based on the following criteria:
When a documented unique hardship is shown: Students may apply for a COSA when extenuating circumstances related to their specific physical, mental or emotional well-being or their family’s individual or personal situation could be mitigated by a change of school assignment.
When a family moved within Montgomery County who wish to continue attending their former home school may request a COSA without demonstrating a unique hardship. Such requests may be considered for a remainder of the current school year only, with the exception that students in Grade 11 or 12 may be granted a COSA to stay through high school graduation.
When a student seeks to attend the school where a sibling will be enrolled in the regular/general school program, or a special education program, during the year the students wants to enroll.
► When a sibling attends a magnet, language immersion or other application program at elementary level, a COSA may be approved to the regular school program for other sibling on a case-by-case basis. Such approval requires consideration of available classroom space, grade-level enrollment, staffing allocations, or other factors that impact the schools involved.
The criteria above regarding siblings do not apply if a boundary change has occurred or if the sibling is in PreK.
Consideration will be given to school capacity and other issues that impact the ability of the requested school to admit new students.
The transfer process begins in the home school, where parents/guardians may request the Change of School Assignment (COSA) Information Booklet through ParentVue. The booklet describes the process, and provides useful information. Beginning the first week of February 2025, the COSA booklet will be available in both English and Spanish. Exempt countywide programs that do not fall under the transfer guidelines are listed in the booklet.
New for the 2025-2026 school year, parents must submit their request for a change of school assignment (COSA) online through their ParentVue portal. The parent making the request will be copied on an email notification sent to the administrative team of the student's current school shortly after the submission; this will serve as their "receipt" of request and will be sent to the email they entered when completing the online form.
For information about assignments for students residing in the Northeast, Downcounty or Middle School Magnet Consortium areas, please contact the Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services
240-740-7800 or visit the website at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/schoolchoice.
For more information about the transfer process, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the principal at their home school. Non-english speaking students and parents/guardians who may require assistance may contact ASK MCPS to get the information they need by telephone at 240-740-3000. Telephone operators who speak English and Spanish are available from 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. Parents who speak languages other than English or Spanish who call the ASK MCPS telephone line and identify their language will have their questions answered through a telephone interpreter.
Semester 2 Student Parking Permit Application Now Open - Closes 2/4/25
Students requesting a Quince Orchard High School parking space must apply for a permit. This permit is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked for failure to adhere to school policies not limited to those shown below. Remember, you are not guaranteed a parking permit. Permits are assigned on a semester basis.
All applications will be evaluated based on the following:
-classified as a 12th grader or 11th grader by MCPS criteria
-abbreviated schedules
-participation in-school supervised activities when activity buses are not available
-attendance at other schools requiring private transportation
-residing outside school or bus transportation boundaries
-unusual or imperative need
-satisfactory attendance, behavior, and academic records
-absence of financial obligations, including balances remaining on payment plans
-clear of any obligations
Students, upon satisfying the above criteria, may submit the Google Form below to apply for a permit. Applications will be accepted from Monday, January 20th to Tuesday, February 4th. An email will be sent to your school mcpsmd.net email account letting you know the status of your application by Friday, February 7th.
Semester 2 Parking Permit Application: https://forms.gle/fKbWcPzn1tREDukf7
Youth Anti-racist Film Festival
The Minority Scholars Program (MSP) is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Youth Anti-Racist Film Festival in conjunction with Documentary Film Experts, Listen Tell Media. Cash Prize Awards up to $300 will be given to the top three films, as judged by a panel of professional filmmakers. Students can use their cell phones to create “Street Documentaries” as a method to push for change within their schools and communities. If you have any questions, please see Ms.Justilien in Rm. 232 or rosie_justilien@mcpsmd.org or Mr. Carter in counseling or gregory_a_carter@mcpsmd.org.
QO Theatre Updates
QO Theatre's Cabaret
QO Theatre is back again with our Cabaret on February 21st with auditions on February 12th!
For your audition, please prepare a song that is high school-appropriate, Musical Theatre style, and performance-ready. Please note this is what you will be performing at the Cabaret.
Auditions will take place February 12th after school from 3:00-4:50. To sign up for an audition time slot, fill out our sign-up genius in our link tree (In our Instagram bio). If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Vogel or us here at QO Theatre. Can't wait to see you there!
College and Career Center Corner: HBCU College Fair, Summer Rise & More!
2025 HBCU College Fair
The 2025 HBCU Fair Registration is Open!
Representatives from more than 40 HBCUs will share information and answer questions from students and parents about admissions, financial aid, testing, majors, and more. The event will also feature a college preparation workshop for middle school students and parents, a discussion on college life, FAFSA completion assistance, scholarship information, and more.
It's free to attend and is open to students in grades 8-12. You may register to attend by clicking the link here: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/familysupport/hbcu/
Contact Ms. Romero in Room 103 or email Lisa_D_Romero@mcpsmd.org with any questions.
2025 Summer Rise Program
ATTENTION 10th and 11th grade students!
Want to learn about a career during the summer? Student registration for the 2025 Summer RISE program will open at 8AM on Monday, January 13, 2025 and will close at 5PM on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 and can be accessed at http://bit.ly/SummerRISE2025. This FREE program gives you a chance to learn about a career during the summer. To learn more about the Summer RISE program, sign up for a Parent/Guardian and Student Information Session, visit the Summer RISE website at www.MCPS-SummerRISE.org, and be sure to visit with program staff here at school to learn more about the program.
FAFSA Reminder and Upcoming Events
Any 12th grade student attending college or trade school for Fall 2025, this is your friendly reminder to submit your 2025-2026 FAFSA application. Completing the FAFSA gives you access to money to help pay for school. FAFSA includes scholarships, grants, work-study, and loans with low interest rates! Friendly reminder that you will need to have the following information handy when starting the application: https://studentaid.gov/help/info-needed. If you need assistance completing the FAFSA, please contact Ms. Romero by email at Lisa_D_Romero@mcpsmd.org.
Transcript Requests
Attention Seniors! Are you planning to attend college next year? Are your application deadlines rapidly approaching? If this is you, you MUST request your transcript be sent out to all the schools you are applying to! If you have not yet done so, please request your transcript ASAP! It takes several days to process your request and send out your documents! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScR5j16bnD0bf6svKNmLUmM96jGlp6D5YPEksKE3QjUM2qByA/viewform
Common App Support
Seniors! If you are using the Common App to apply to schools, and are getting stuck, we have created a resource document for you! There are very helpful documents, resources and videos! Please check it out, and if you still need help, come see us in the College/Career Center of the Counseling Services Suite!
Common App Resource Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17N5y6PKFMRo2KwlDtT1osKqxkjV3fU9gfkybxBtjoJc/edit
QO Poms Finishes 2nd at Counties!
Congrats to the QO Poms team for finishing in 2nd place in the County Division 2 Competition on Saturday!
Pantezzi Breaks School DIving Record!
Congrats to Ellie Pantezzi on breaking the QO Girls 6 Dive School Record at the Divisional Meet on Saturday with a score of 259.7!
Boys Swimming Breaks 3 School Records!
Congrats to Lukas Shafer (200 IM), Colton Mettler (100 Free) and Trent Mettler, Ethan McCurdy, Colton Mettler and Lukas Shafer for breaking QO School Records on Saturday at the Divisional Meet!
Schedule for 2/3/25-2/8/2025
02/03/2025 Monday Boys Basketball Quince Orchard at Wheaton 7:15 pm
02/03/2025 Monday Girls Basketball Wheaton at Quince Orchard 7:15 pm
02/03/2025 Monday JV Boys Basketball Quince Orchard at Wheaton 5:30 pm
02/03/2025 Monday JV Girls Basketball Wheaton at Quince Orchard 5:30 pm
02/03/2025 Monday Indoor Track4A West Region Championships at PG SportsPlex 1:00 pm
02/04/2025 Tuesday Boys Basketball Quince Orchard at Gaithersburg 5:30 pm
02/04/2025 Tuesday Girls Basketball Quince Orchard at Gaithersburg 7:15 pm
02/04/2025 Tuesday JV WrestlingTuscarora at Quince Orchard 7:15 pm
02/04/2025 Tuesday Wrestling Tuscarora at Quince Orchard 6:15 pm
02/05/2025 Wednesday JV Boys Basketball Gaithersburg at Quince Orchard 3:45 pm
02/05/2025 Wednesday JV Girls Basketball Gaithersburg at Quince Orchard 5:30 pm
02/05/2025 Wednesday Swimming & Diving Metro Swimming and Diving Championship (2/5/25 - 2/8/25) at Germantown Indoor Swim Center
02/07/2025 Friday Boys Basketball Seneca Valley at Quince Orchard 5:30 pm
02/07/2025 Friday Girls Basketball Seneca Valley at Quince Orchard 7:15 pm
02/07/2025 Friday JV Boys Basketball Quince Orchard at Seneca Valley 3:45 pm
02/07/2025 Friday JV Girls Basketball Quince Orchard at Seneca Valley 5:30 pm
2025 Spring Sports Registration Information
MCPS and Quince Orchard High School are excited to announce that registration for Spring Sports will open on Monday, January 27th at 12pm! Below is information regarding the upcoming Winter Sports season, as well as the registration process. Additional information can be found on the MCPS Athletics website. (Note – tryouts for Spring sports will start on Saturday, March 1st)
Registration Information
How to Register
Students must be registered by a parent through the MCPS ParentVue Portal. Students must be registered by Thursday, February 27th in order to guarantee that their registration will be processed in time for the first day of tryouts.
Steps for Registering via ParentVue
- Login to MCPS ParentVue Portal
- Locate “Online Registration” in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- You should then see prompts to enter information for the “2024-2025 HS Athletics Registration – Spring”.
If you see something for “Annual Verification” or “Resume Annual Registration”, please click the “Start Over” button, logout and log back in, this should then allow you to access the Athletic Registration. - The Athletics Registration screens will have you verify information in the system and then allow you to review and complete the Athletics Registration forms.
If any of the information appearing on the “Family” or “Parent/Guardian” information screens is incorrect, please contact the our Registrar at Kristin_A_Barnes@mcpsmd.org to have this corrected before completing your registration. - If you have already registered for All-School Registration, click on that your don’t want to register for a sport during that season so you can continue to register
ParentVue Troubleshooting Information
If a parent is having trouble logging into the MCPS ParentVue Portal:
(MCPS also has a guide to ParentVue for parents here).
- If you have never activated your parent account:
Parents were sent activation information at the beginning of the school year, which included an Activation Key. If you still have this information, use it to activate your parent account. If you do not have the activation information, call the Main Office at Quince Orchard at 240-740-3600 during normal office hours. - Forgot your password? Click on the Forgot Password link on the ParentVue Portal.
- Forgot the email address you used to activate your account? Email Quince Orchard Athletic Director Jeffrey_L_Rabberman@mcpsmd.org. Be sure to include the student name, ID and parent name in the email.
Pre-Participation Physicals
Students should complete their pre-participation physical (MCPS Form SR-8) so that the medical eligibility form (last two pages of SR-8) is ready for online submission or for submission to the coach prior to tryouts/practices. Physicals are valid for 13 months from the day of the physical. A partial list of Clinics that offer Sports Physicals within the Montgomery County area is available online. Physicals can be uploaded by the parent during the registration process. However, if a parent needs to submit a physical after the student has already been registered, email an electronic copy of the completed pre-participation physical (MCPS Form SR-8) to Quince Orchard Athletic Director Jeffrey_L_Rabberman@mcpsmd.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the timeline for the start of spring sports?
Registration will open on Monday, January 27th. Tryouts/practices will begin on Saturday, March 1st. Tryouts and preseason will continue for three weeks, with the first contests beginning on Friday, March 21st.
If a student registered for All-School Conditioning, does the student have to register for the Spring season?
Yes! Registration or participation in off-season workouts does not mean the student is registered for the upcoming Spring season. Any student who would like to participate in this upcoming Spring Sports season must be registered by a parent using ParentVue as outlined above.
Is there a schedule of games or practices posted yet?
The practice schedule will likely be Mondays through Fridays with Saturday practices and games. The First Day Tryout schedule will be available by February 10th. Game schedules are posted on www.qoathletics.com .
Will there be tryouts, or are all students who register going to be on a roster?
This will depend on the sport and the number of student registrations. Tryout/practice information will be posted and communicated to students and parents, including whether there will be a tryout period to start the season. Similarly, information about where to report for tryouts and what the student needs to bring to tryouts will be communicated to parents and students at that time.
Can a student tryout for more than one sport in the same season?
Parents must declare only one sport per season during the registration process. However, if a student would like to change his/her sport prior to the start of tryouts, the parent must email Quince Orchard Athletic Director Jeffrey_L_Rabberman@mcpsmd.org in advance of tryouts. Similarly, if a student tries out for a sport and does not make the team (or decides to change sports after the tryout date), please have the parent email Quince Orchard Athletic Director Jeffrey_L_Rabberman@mcpsmd.org.
Will transportation be provided for tryouts and practices?
Unfortunately, transportation is not provided to and from tryouts and practices. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation for tryouts and practices. Additionally, students may not remain on campus for extended periods of time before or after tryouts and practices due to supervision policies.
How can I contact a coach if I have a question?
The Quince Orchard coaching staff, as well as contact information can be found on our Athletic Department Staff Directory page.
2024-25 QO Athletics Season Passes
QO Athletics Full Year, Winter and Season Passes are now on sale at the link below. These passes are good for regular season home games only!
Class of 2025 - Senior Class Info!!
Transcript Requests
Attention Seniors! Are you planning to attend college next year? Are your application deadlines rapidly approaching? If this is you, you MUST request your transcript be sent out to all the schools you are applying to! If you have not yet done so, please request your transcript ASAP! It takes several days to process your request and send out your documents! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScR5j16bnD0bf6svKNmLUmM96jGlp6D5YPEksKE3QjUM2qByA/viewform
If you have any questions or concerns about senior year information, please contact 12th Grade Administrator Ms. Eberhart-Bliss at elicia_m_eberhart-bliss@mcpsmd.org or Senior Staff Sponsor, Profe Skeen at emily_m_hoefert-skeen@mcpsmd.org.
MCPS Things to Know
January 30, 2025
English / español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ
Kindergarten Registration Open for 2025–2026 School Year
Online registration for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, Feb. 3. Children who will be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2025 are eligible to register. Registration will be online through the ParentVUE portal. If your family is new to MCPS, you will need to create a ParentVue account here. For more information about eligibility and the registration process, visit the MCPS Kindergarten Enrollment webpage or contact your local elementary school.
Prekindergarten and Head Start Registration Opening March 3
Prekindergarten and Head Start registration will begin Monday, March 3, for the 2025-2026 school year. These programs enroll children who will be 4 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2025, as well as a limited number of openings for children who will be 3 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2025. Families must be income-eligible to apply and can register their children online. In-person registration support is also available at multiple locations.
If your child was 4 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2024, you may still register for Prekindergarten/Head Start for the remainder of this school year.
Click here for how to register.
For more information about eligibility guidelines, required documents or how to register online, call 240-740-4530 or visit the MCPS website.
Commemorating Black History Month
The following event is open to students, staff and community members. Students can earn up to two Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for attending.
The Road to Advocacy: The River Road Community’s Fight to Stop the Erasure of African American History, in collaboration with the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition
Thursday, Feb. 6, 6-7:30 p.m.
Zoom Webinar registration link
The Road to Advocacy, Feb. 6
Ensuring Safety Should Immigration Law Enforcement Visit an MCPS School
MCPS has clear procedures in place to ensure student safety if immigration officials visit a school. These steps help staff respond appropriately while prioritizing student well-being:
- Verify the visitor's identity and obtain official documentation.
- Notify MCPS legal counsel for guidance.
- Contact the impacted student’s family in their preferred language.
- Follow security protocols to protect all students and staff.
For more information and Frequently Asked Questions, visit the MCPS Immigration Supports page.
Dance Showcase Set for Feb. 7
Starting Saturday, Feb. 1, get free tickets for the 11th annual MCPS Dance Showcase, set for 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 7 at James Hubert Blake High School, 300 Norwood Road in Silver Spring. The snow date is Monday, Feb. 10.
Students from the following schools are expected to perform—Kingsview, A. Mario Loiederman, and White Oak middle schools and Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Blake, Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, Northwood and Rockville high schools. There will also be a performance from the All-County Dance Ensemble.
Reserve tickets here.
Save the Date: Annual Used Car, Computer Sale Coming Feb. 22
Students in the Montgomery County Students Automotive Trades Foundation (ATF) and Information Technology Foundation (ITF) will sell used cars and computers they have refurbished from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, at Damascus High School, 25921 Ridge Road in Damascus. The cars and computers are reconditioned by the students as part of their classroom and lab studies.
For a list of cars for sale, check the Automotive Trades Foundation website closer to Feb. 22.
The ITF computer sale includes laptops and desktops. For more information, contact the Foundations office at 240-740-2050.
Student Opportunities
The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Fair: Will be held from 6–8:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 14 at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). This event offers an opportunity for students in Grades 8 through 12 and their parents/guardians to meet with representatives from more than 50 HBCUs. There will also be on-the-spot scholarship opportunities for seniors (offered by the National Pan-Hellenic Council), a panel discussion on college life and several workshops. More information
MCPS HBCU Fair, Feb. 14, 2025
FAFSA/MHEC One Application Completion Event: Set for 6–8:30 p.m. on Feb. 14 at USG, this event is open to all high school seniors and their parents. Representatives from the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), the Montgomery College Financial Aid Outreach office and the TRiO Educational Opportunity Center will share information about the FAFSA and MHEC One applications. Spanish interpreters will be available. More information
FAFSA, MHEC Completion Event Flyer, Feb. 14, 2025
Summer RISE 2025 Student Registration: The Summer RISE program is open to current sophomores and juniors who want to gain real-world experience over the summer. Participating students will be matched with career hosts based on their industry preferences for a minimum of 50 hours in person, virtually or through hybrid opportunities from June 23–July 25. Registration closes on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Choose Respect 2025: Secondary students participating in the video contest have until Sunday, Feb. 16 to submit their entries. Videos must be 60 seconds with a message raising awareness about dating violence/abuse, consent, or how to support a friend facing a difficult situation. Students can earn SSL hours and win up to $1,000. Learn more.
Registration Open Now for Spring Girls With Impact Program
The spring session of Girls With Impact (GWI) is now open for registration. GWI offers a free 10-week entrepreneurship program to high school students at MCPS. This program focuses on building critical business and leadership skills through a hands-on curriculum that covers topics including business planning, marketing and financial literacy. The spring program begins the week of March 3. Learn more and register.
Good News
Thirteen MCPS seniors earned full-tuition scholarships from QuestBridge, a national nonprofit that connects high-achieving high school seniors from low-income backgrounds with more than 50 colleges and universities. Read the full story.
Masks Encouraged in School Health Rooms
With the recent increase in respiratory and viral illnesses (including COVID-19, influenza and RSV) in Montgomery County and the state of Maryland, MCPS has received guidance from the Maryland Department of Health to encourage students, staff and visitors to wear masks when visiting the health room in schools. While wearing a mask is not required, it is encouraged to help prevent the spread of illness. If your child doesn't have a mask during their health room visit, your school will provide one.
Stay Connected
VISIT the MCPS homepage.
CALL 240-740-3000. Staff take calls from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, in English and Spanish (240-740-2845)
READ news and information sent via email and text message and on the MCPS News page.
FOLLOW the MCPS social media pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in English and Spanish.
https://www.instagram.com/mcpsenespanol/SIGN UP for emails and text alerts and make sure your ParentVue information is up to date.
WATCH the MCPS cable channels Comcast 34 (1071 HD), Verizon 36 or RCN 89
Open Registrations
More From MCPS
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- Parent resource page
- News and Information page/Noticias en Español
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Email us: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd.org
©1995–2024 Montgomery County Public Schools
PTSA, NAACP-PC & Booster Club Information
February PTSA/NAACP Meeting
Join us for the February PTSA and NAACP meeting.
Boosters Seasonal Roots Fundraiser
Sign-up now!
Scan the QR code below or visit seasonalroots.com/qohs to join for just $25 and support the Boosters Club!
Join our Amazing Organizations!
Our PTSA, NAACP-PC, and Boosters Organizations are key to our success. Our amazing organizations are offering a joint membership option that allows for a 20% discount. Membership forms can be found below or at qohsboosters.com and at https://qohsptsa.memberhub.com/store. I urge you to support these worthy organizations which do so much to support our school and help us provide the best education possible to our students. You will find your involvement with one of our parent groups will help increase your student’s sense of belonging and pride in Quince Orchard High School, as well as bring families together! Check out the links below to get familiar with our volunteers and see how you can get involved:
Welcome Letters & Organizational Info:
Membership & Sponsor Information:
Important Links
Stay connected throughout the school year with these important links:
MCPS Student Handbooks (Code of Conduct, Rights & Responsibilities etc.)
QOHS events calendar can be found on the myMCPS Classroom webpage.
QOHS 2024-25 Student Handbook (Here you'll find our lunch policy, ID policy & much more.)