August 29, 2024
Miller Families,
The 4 day weekend is here! We hope you join us at the MISD Multipurpose Stadium on Friday (8/30) for Miller Night to cheer on the MHS Panthers at their 1st home game. Students get in free! Tonight is the first LME PTO meeting - 6pm in the cafeteria. Hope to see you there!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Katie Bergvall
No school Friday, August 30th and Monday, September 2nd.
Events Coming Up
Destination Imagination
Is your child creative? Does your child like to tell stories? Do they like to build things? Do YOU want them to be independent thinkers? If so, then sign up for DI! If you’re interested in signing your student up to be on a Rising Stars (K-2) non-competitive team or a competitive team (3-12), please fill out the Google form through the link at the bottom. For more information, check out their YouTube site and challenges below.
Please keep in mind that for us to have teams, there must be at least 1 team manager volunteer for each team and an appraiser for the tournament. Please consider volunteering! Below is QR code to the Google form that we would like you to fill out if your student is interested in this program. The deadline for filling out this form is September 11, 2023.
PARENT MEETING: We will be having a parent informational meeting at Miller Elementary School in the cafeteria on September 9th, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the MISD DI District Coordinators: casey.nelson@midlothianisd.org or kim.moss@midlothianisd.org for more information.
Our ADA GOAL for the year is 96.5%. We need your help to ensure that students are here every day!
Arrival Procedures
Doors open at 7:05
Student drop off is location in the back drive:
- Pull all the way to the staff member to allow the maximum number of students to exit vehicles at the same time.
Arrival on the Side:
- The side drive is used for employees, buses, Pre-K, and special programs ONLY.
- The side drive is not open for public this year.
If your child is tardy, you must park in the front of the school, walk your child to the front office and sign them in.
Dismissal Procedures
A double car line is used to dismiss for optimal efficiency.
- Thank you so much for helping us keep our carline running efficiently.
- Please remain in your car.
As a reminder, no cell phone use should occur in the car line.
Lunch is open to visitors! If you plan to have lunch with your child please complete this form to receive a pre-printed badge. (Must show ID to receive badge)
Lunch Visitor Reminders:
- Bistro tables are reserved for visitors and their child(ren). Friends will stay at their tables.
Birthday Treats:
Treats for birthday celebrations may be brought to the campus by a parent or guardian. However, please keep the following things in mind when planning birthday treats:
- Items should be individually wrapped or separated (such as cupcakes in a cupcake pan) or store bought.
- No treat bags
- Treats cannot be brought into the cafeteria during lunch periods. They can brought or school with the child, or dropped off in the office. Teacher will decided the appropriate time to celebrate.
- Please remember common allergies when determining what to send. If teachers or campus staff are unsure about the treat’s potential to trigger an allergic reaction, they are instructed to send the treats back home with the student who brought them.
Snacks for purchase during lunch
K-5 will be able to start purchasing snacks next week.
Monday and Tuesday snacks will be available to purchase.
Thursday is Ice Cream Day
Mrs. Boyd's Counselor Corner
My name is Amy Boyd and I am the counselor at LaRue Miller Elementary. I am starting my 6th year at LME, 13th year as a counselor and 18th year in education. I graduated from Texas Tech, Wreck 'em Tech! I received my counseling degree from Tarleton State University. I am an LPC-A and am currently working towards my hours to be an LPC. I am excited to continue to work with the students, families, staff and community at LME.
What do I do at LME?
As an elementary counselor, I wear many hats at LME. My main focus is working with students. One of the ways I work with students is by teaching regular whole class character education lessons. I also facilitate weekly small groups, which focus primarily on social skills. In addition, I meet with students individually for check-ins and on an as needed basis.
I am also the 504 Coordinator and a member of the SAT committee, so you may see me in a meeting this year.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Our CKH focus for September is to Connect with Heart/Empathy. Our goal is to build trusted and connected relationships - Take intentional steps to build and maintain meaningful connections and trust as you start this school year.
Daily Schedule
District News
Background Check
School Deliveries
We only accept essential deliveries such as medicine, forgotten lunches, water bottles...etc. We do not accept any third party deliveries i.e DoorDash, Grubhub or UberEats.
Sign up for Miller Remind
Miller Families A-H
To join text @4b6b36a to the number 81010
Miller Families I-Q
To join text @22a9ha to the number 81010
Miller Families R-Z
To join text @782fd9 to the number 81010
Connect with Us!
LaRue Miller Elementary
Website: https://miller.misd.gs/
Location: 2800 Sudith Lane, Midlothian, TX, USA
Phone: 469-856-6500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LMillerES/?ref=bookmarks