Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, August 23, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
I hope this finds you well and ready for a great weekend! I am so proud of our Roundtown Students for how well they have transitioned back to school! It’s always so special to watch our “upper classmen” first, second, and third graders, look after and take such good care of our kindergarten friends. I see them helping to show where to go for the office, tying shoes, and pointing them in the right direction. Our Roundtown Faculty and Staff has been right there assisting all of our learners and easing them back into school. Special thanks to all families who sent me a First Day of School photo of your child! Wow! I received more than 250 photos and they are playing on our main lobby tv screen on a loop!
Every Friday, you can expect a message such as this to come to you updating you on current news and events about our school including important dates for the school activities! I have been hearing that some families are receiving messages from the school or their child’s teacher but it is going to their “SPAM” folder. Please check your folder for any previous communications you may have missed.
Have a wonderful weekend! I am looking forward to a first weekend rest after an awesome first week of school! Thank you for the honor of being able to work with your child! We are 560 children strong and they ALL matter and are ALL special!
Matt Miller, Ed. D.
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
It was all smiles coming back and there is nothing like the first few days of school with the excitement and buzz of a new year of learning and fun!
A huge thanks to all of our grown-ups for taking time to re-visit our procedures for drop-off and pick-up! Things feel much smoother to start than in previous years. Thank you!
Thank you for your patience and grace as well with our busses and times-especially at the end of the day. As we load kindergarteners for the first few days, we really take extra time to ensure they are on the right bus and are safe; and this can sometimes add a few minutes. I promise each day will get smoother as our "littles" learn the routine and become more independent!
Coming next week…
Our first “intruder drill” is set for Monday, August 26. This is where we practice what to do if an unwelcome stranger is in our school. The teachers practice a safety routine in the class and I share some important points with the children. We keep it light and not scary so they know the routine. There are no loud sounds or alarms for this drill.
Our first fire drill is set for Wednesday, August 28. The children will evacuate the school once the fire bell goes off. Our school uses an excellent tool called NaviGate Prepared that allows us to account for all children and adults within 2-3 minutes! For all of our drills, I use the language, “To get better at something, we practice, so we practice safety at Roundtown.”
I will have the chance to meet with all the children by grade level next week to talk about their hopes and dreams for the school year. They will also receive a special Roundtown PROUD journal that we like to give at the start of each year.
The District’s new Volunteer Registration Portal is now live and parents/guardians/families may register to volunteer for this school year.
The District utilizes a new volunteer registration process within School Gate Guardian, our current visitor management system, to streamline the registration process and efficiently track, maintain, and check in volunteers throughout the school year. With this online registration process, there is no longer a requirement to complete paper packets or drop off paperwork at the District Office.
Prospective volunteers can check their status in the portal after uploading necessary clearances and will receive an email notification when they are approved. Please note that returning volunteers will be required to upload their active clearances within the portal to place them on file in the new system. Please allow up to one week for processing.
Volunteers will receive a self-expiring printed volunteer sticker during each visit upon check-in at the office.
For more information, please refer to our Volunteer page on the District Website
PTO Volunteer Opportunities
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please use the survey below to indicate your interest and specifically identify particular events you would be interested in.
Roundtown Job Openings
Are you interested in joining our amazing Roundtown Team?
We currently have two positions that just recently became available.
Our first open position is Health Room Assistant. Our Health Room Assistant position works daily at Roundtown from 8:30-3:45. An LPN license is required to apply. Our health room assistant is responsible for assisting our school nurse with tending to our students who become injured or ill during the day as well as assist with administering daily medications to some students. We also require someone who can provide lots of TLC!
Our second open position is Instructional Assistant. Our instructional assistants work daily at Roundtown to support our students and teachers with small group learning experiences. Additionally, each of our assistants works through a lunch and recess duty. This position is a wonderful way to make a positive impression on our students' learning and feel like you are truly making a difference every day! This position is a 9-3 daily opportunity.
Interested in applying? Please click here to begin the process of applying.
Have questions about either position? Contact Dr. Miller at 717.846.6789 x 2002.
Here are some things you can do at home to help continue a smooth start to school.....
- Please click here to read over the 2024-2025 K-3 Student Handbook.
Please review and discuss as appropriate with your child. Families received the handbook sign-off page in your child's first day orange folder. Once you review the information as a family, please sign the sheet and return to school with your child. - Our annual Back to School Night is set for Thursday, September 5 from 6:30-8PM. This is always a special night for us to connect and reconnect with our families and community! Stay tuned for a more formal invitation coming next week along with details on how the evening will flow. *A change to our Back to School Night this year is that we are kindly requesting this evening be for parents only to allow for a better overall presentation to parents.*
- Kindergarten Families are reminded that a grown-up must be present at the bus stop for the driver to drop off your child. Bus drivers have also requested that the grown-up not be sitting in a vehicle but visibly standing at the stop so they can make a contact with you. Please know these procedures are for safety which we value above everything else!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
8/26 - First Intruder Drill
8/28 - First Fire Drill
9/2 - No School-Labor Day
9/5 - Back to School Night 6:30-8PM