Bobcat Bulletin
September 13, 2024
Cookie Dough Fundraiser Starts Today!
So Many Dates to Remember...
Today - Sept 13, Cookie Dough Fundraiser begins
Tomorrow Morning - Sept 14, Garden Party 9 AM to11 AM, behind POD 2
September 18 - Free produce, clothing, and diapers in our Family Resource Center 12 PM to 4 PM
September 18 - Cross Country Meet at Northside Elementary, 3:30 PM
September 19 - Parent Teacher Club Meeting, 3:30 PM in the library
September 20 - Kindergarten Right Start, center of POD 3 at 9 AM
October 9 - iWalk; International Walk to School Day. More info to come! Students will leave from the Mosquito Bus Depot (Mosquito Rd @ the bike trail).
Don't be Scared of Friday the 13th!
This will be the most delicious Friday the 13th ever as our Cookie Dough Fundraiser officially starts today. Help raise money for field trips, assemblies, and more! One of the fun prizes is to blast Mrs. Radtke (our librarian) and Principal Baker with silly string at a Monday morning stretch. Other prizes include mochi squishies, pop-its, In-N-Out gift cards, Schnell School t-shirt and an ice cream party for the whole class! And students only have to sell one item to earn their first prize!
Check your child's backpack for the flyer, but you can get an easy head start by creating your child’s seller account when you click the link here or go to www.SchnellCookies.com. From there, you'll have an easy way to send a link to friends and family so they can order tasty treats that can be shipped right to their door.
FREE Adult Shirts - First Come First Serve
We ended up with some adult large and extra large AVID t-shirts that are up for grabs until they're gone! Swing by the library to claim one for yourself or send a note with your student if you want one. With this shirt, parents can show some school spirit and let everyone know we're a proud AVID school! AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, and it's an academic support program for students typically in grades 7–12, but as with most things in education... early intervention works best. The program's goal is to help students prepare for college and be successful in their careers.
Cross Country Reminders
Mark your calendars for Cross Country practice: Monday 2:10-3:10 PM and Tuesday 3:10-4:10 PM. Our first meet is at Northside Elementary on Wednesday 3:30 PM. There is a one way bus ride.
Runners need to be picked up ON TIME at 5 PM.
If you had to move out of your home and move in with others, a hotel or other temporary residence due to something urgent (such as not being able to pay rent), please contact me to see if your child qualifies for my program. I am here to help. I also provide resources for all families.
Kim Kahn
Family Resource Center/After School Enrichment Director
530-622-6244 ext. 6614
Family Resource page: www.pusdk8.us/page/family-resource-center
Proudly Supporting TK-5th Grade Students
Email: jbaker@pusdk8.us
Website: https://www.pusdk8.us/o/lses
Location: 2781 Schnell School Road, Placerville, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 622-6244
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlacervilleSchnellSchool