Oriole's Nest
August 16, 2024
Avon Middle School South
We Are South, We Are One!
Email: msattendance@avon-schools.org
Website: https://www.avon-schools.org/mssouth
Location: 7199 East US Highway 36, Avon, IN, USA
Phone: 317-544-5700
Twitter: @avonsouth
Click below to take you the ACSC 2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Upcoming Important Dates
Sept. 26 - 27 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Students dismissed at 1:05PM both days
Oct. 14 - 25 - Fall Break - NO SCHOOL!!
College Go Week
AMS South Clubs Information
🌠 Our September 2024 All Stars 🌠
Earlier this month, you had the chance to nominate any Avon Schools employee who embodies our mission: ALL belong, learn, and grow. In September, you nominated 83 individuals and we are sending your encouraging comments directly to them.
Our AMS South honorees are:
Erin Ringham
Jessica Johnson
Lynn Walters
Congratulations, ladies!
For the entire list of honorees Click Here
AMS South Fall Fundraiser
Greetings, Avon Middle School South Students, Families, and Supporters,
We need your help raising money! Our fundraiser supports the following student activities: student clubs, student recognitions and student awards, student activity days each quarter, school-sponsored student dances, school musical and play, AMS South Orioles t-shirt to all students who move to our school during the school year, end of the year 8th grade cookout, end of the year Oriole Flight Activity Day, Kona Ice for all students the last day of school, our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) Rewards Store, and team funds for student incentives.
Our goal is to raise at least $8,000 or for each student to sell at least 2 items. Students who sell at least two items will be eligible to attend a school dance that we will hold during the first semester. We will be selling the Butter Braid Pastry, Joyful Traditions, and Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough from LaBraid Fundraising. The products are delicious, premium foods that supporters will truly enjoy!
Individual Goal: 2 items per student
Fundraiser Begins: Monday, September 23, 2024 (one week from today)
Turn in forms & Money: Monday, October 7, 2024
Delivery Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Make checks payable to: Avon Middle School South
Selling Tips
- Start selling right away!
- Ask family, friends, & close neighbors first!
- Use Social Media.
- Sell with confidence, be courteous & polite, & remember to smile!
- Explain why you’re raising funds & what a great product they get for their support!
- Turn your orders in on time.
- Deliver your orders as soon as you get them. Say thank you again!
- Good Luck & have FUN!
Thank you for your support!
Dr. Dan Peo, Principal
Avon Middle School South
Scott Adams - Athletic Director
Joni Johnson - Athletic Trainer
Cross Country
9/24 AWAY vs. COUNTY @ Brownsburg East 5:30PM
9/28 AWAY vs. CONFERENCE @ Brownsburg East 9:00AM
Good luck!
Boys Tennis
9/23 HOME vs. AMS North 5:00PM
9/25 HOME vs. Franklin Central 5:30PM
Good luck!
Girls Golf
9/23 HOME vs. Zionsville 5:00PM
9/28 AWAY vs. CONFERENCE @ Pebble Brook 1:00PM
Good luck!
9/26 AWAY vs. CONFERENCE @Brownsburg West
9/28 AWAY vs. Zionsville 9:00AM
Good luck!
EventLink - Ticket Purchasing for all Athletic Events
Avon Middle School South will be offering an online ticket option for all athletic events. Online tickets will be available for purchase on the platform EventLink. These tickets will become available for purchase ten days prior to the date of the event. We encourage you to download the EventLink application on your mobile device from the App Store or Google Play Store.
All athletic tickets cost $5. Children between the ages 0 and 5 years old will be free in addition to adults who are 62 years old and older. When purchasing a ticket online through EventLink, there will be a service fee included.
Jordan Grice
Marcus LaCroix
Yaasir Imam
Liv Calvert
Hamza Khan
BJ Sanders
Winner Mbuyi
Sarah Monzingo
William Gutierrez Lopez
Wisling Gutierrez Lopez
Janyla Rucker
Christopher Juma
Brady Row
Study Tables
National Junior Honor Society will offer after school study help sessions on Wednesday’s after school from 4:10 - 5:00PM.
During this time, there will be a NJHS teacher sponsor with the students while they wait for the late bus to arrive. Students that will be a car rider home on these days can be picked up at door 1 at 5:00PM. Students will then go to the front commons area and wait for the late bus or parent pick-up.
If your student will be staying for the study session and they need bus transportation home they must sign up for the late bus in the Guidance Office at lunch that day. For those students taking the late bus home, the bus will leave AMS South at 5:10pm.
Each week your child's team will give an update about the current week or week ahead. Please find your child's team below for that information. In addition, you will find news from our Encore teachers, Media Center, and PE/Wellness teachers.
Cardinals News
Ms. Costello, Mrs. Dugan, Mrs. Williams & Mr. Uhl
In Language Arts, students will continue reading Act 2 of A Raisin in the Sun. They will learn about allusion when Prometheus is mentioned in the play, and they will continue to work on their literary analysis with ToSEEEEC. They have a quiz over stems list #4 on Friday. Math will be learning about discounts, interest, commission, and fees. Pre-Algebra will be learning about tax, tip, discounts, and interest. Next week, in Science, we will learn about how Earth's processes impact the distribution of Earth's resources. In Social Studies, we will begin learning about the Ancient Egyptians.
Grizzlies News
Mrs. Barnes, Mr. Blackmore, Mrs. Boroff, & Ms. Weinstein
All students should join their parent/guardian to the parent/teacher/student conferences on Thursday 9/26. Students should have their charged computer ready so they can pull up Schoology and their grades. Parents, please have Schoology, PowerSchool, and Parent Square downloaded on your phones before your scheduled conference time.
In Language Arts, students will begin reading Act 2 of Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun. On Friday we will be testing the Stems on List 4, so make sure that students are preparing throughout the week so we're ready to test Friday! In Science, we will be into our next unit over natural resources. We will study the 3 types of fossil fuels - oil, coal, and natural gas and how these are distributed across the Earth. Thursday and Friday we will be learning about groundwater and soil. In class we will be taking notes, and the e-learning portion will be posted on Schoology on both days.
**Fat Bear Week is coming! This is an annual tournament celebrating the success of brown bears of Katmai National Park and Preserve in preparation for winter hibernation.
Check it out! https://www.explore.org/fat-bear-week
In Math, students will continue to learn about percent problems including sales tax, tips, mark-ups, discounts, and interest. This unit will continue through the end of September. In Pre-Algebra, the students will take their Unit 3 Test - Proportional Relationships on Friday, September 20th and begin Unit 4 - Percent Problems including tax, tips, mark-ups, discounts, and interest starting next week. Social Studies students will continue to explore and discover more about ancient civilizations. We will be focusing on the Indus River Valley and begin Ancient China. Thursday and Friday schedules will be posted before parent/teacher/student conferences. All assignments will be posted on Schoology.
Jaguars News
Mr. Leach, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Ringham & Mrs. Schaffer
Mr. McDonald, Ms. Schaber, Mrs. Shambaugh & Mr. Thoennes
Language Arts
Mrs. Ringham - In Language Arts, students will begin reading Act 2 of A Raisin in the Sun and will analyze how each character’s dream/goal affects other characters and the impact it has on the story.
Mr. Thoennes - Students will be starting act 2 of A Raisin in the Sun.
Math & Pre-Algebra
Mrs. Schaffer - Math students will continue to work on Module 2 where students will learn how to calculate tips, markups, discounts, interest, commissions, and fees. In Pre-Algebra, we will begin Module 2, which is on solving percent problems.
Mrs. Shambaugh - Students will continue to calculate percentages of real world situations, including discount, markup, tax, tip, and simple interest.
Mrs. Miller - In Science, we are starting our unit on Natural Resources. We will be discussing the fossil fuels and minerals and their distribution around the world in our notes this coming week.
Ms. Schaber - Students will begin to learn about natural resources. The topics we will be learning about are mineral distribution, types of fossil fuel and ground water/soil.
Social Studies
Mr. Leach - Social Studies students will be starting learning about the GRAPES (Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economy, and Social Structure) of ancient Egypt.
Mr. McDonald - Students will learn about Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Foresters News
Mrs. DeBow, Mr. Goson, Mrs. Mellen & Mrs. Zimmerman
Mr. McDonald, Ms. Schaber, Mrs. Shambaugh & Mr. Thoennes
Language Arts
Mrs. Zimmerman - Students will continue reading Frankenstein and prepare for their volume 1 quiz.
Mr. Thoennes - Students will begin reading the graphic novel version of Frankenstein.
Pre-Algebra & Algebra
Mrs. DeBow - Pre-algebra students will continue to work with representations of linear patterns and further developing their equation solving skills. Algebra students will learn to multiply binomials.
Mrs. Shambaugh - Students will use tables, graphs, and rules to solve equations and check solutions.
Mr. Goson - General Science students will begin their new unit: Classifications of life. We will learn about the different classifications organisms are split into. Biology students will be learning about population growth and the impact it can have on varying ecosystems.
Ms. Schaber - Students will begin to learn about the characteristics of life. We will then use what we learned to create our own monsters!
Social Studies
Mrs. Mellen - Next week, we will be studying the Loyalists vs. Patriots and Paul Revere.
Mr. McDonald - Students will continue learning about the causes of the American Revolution.
Greyhounds News
Mrs. Warthan, Ms. Kegley, Mr. Casey & Mr. Osen
In Language Arts, students will be reading part one of Gris Grimley's Frankenstein and analyzing the introduction to the story. Social Studies classes will analyze how certain events led to the American Revolution. In Pre-Algebra, students will relate graphs, tables, and rules. Students will also determine the number of solutions when solving equations. Algebra classes will multiply binomials and solve multivariable equations. In Science, classes will be investigating the characteristics of all living things. Biology classes will be investigating demography.
Panthers News
Mrs. Cadle, Mr. Garrison, Mrs. Hood & Mr. Williams
In Science, we will begin our unit on Characteristics of life and explore how life is categorized. Biology students will begin our studies on population growth, determine limiting factors of population growth, and end the week with a Lynx and hare simulation. In Language Arts, we will begin reading Volume I of Gris Grimly's Frankenstein. They will be given their own copies of the books to take home and bring to class each day. In Social Studies, we will continue our delve into the Causes of the American Revolution. We will be reading from the book King George: What Was His Problem? In Pre-Algebra, will develop their equation solving strategies, be able to check if a number is a solution to an equation and determine how many solutions an equation has. Students will complete a Review/Preview assignment for e-learning!
Encore News
Señora Barker (Spanish), Mrs. Hauptmann (Japanese), Mr. Parr (Computer Science),
Mrs. Leonard (Art), Mr. McFarlin (Engineering and Technology), Mr. Wolf (Robotics),
Mrs. Snyder (Flight & Space and Medical Detectives),
and Mr. Tarnowski (Digital Literacy & Communication)
Students will have a test on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please see my Parent Square message from 9-18 on the details of the test. After the test, we will be starting a new chapter on expressing our likes and dislikes.
The Japanese class topics will be: hiragana s and t groups, reading words written in hiragana, reading kanji related to time, and telling time.
Computer Science
7th grade - We will be racing our air blaster cars this week to close out the nine weeks! Students have done a really great job taking the time and putting in a lot of effort to make some fantastic cars this year!
8th grade - We will be doing our first ever Egg crash test to close out the nine week. Students are allowed to bring small items from home to attach to their car for the test that will occur on Wednesday/Thursday/Friday.
In art, we are creating monoprints on foam. Students have the freedom to use different colored paper, ink, paint on their paper first, etc. to make it their own.
7th grade Engineering and Design & 8th grade Gateway to Technology
7th graders will be wrapping up their final game and will be playing each other's games on Friday!
8th graders will be working on their final build and will present them to the class!
Digital Literacy & Communication
This week is our final week in Digital Literacy! In 7th grade, we are delivering our Shark Tank Presentations to guest teachers and in 8th grade we are conducting our Mock Trial.
Robotics 1 – Students will finish building and coding a spinning billboard project as we finish first quarter.
Robotics 2 – Students will work to finish elevator or choice project as we finish the first quarter.
Flight & Space
Students will have their final projects dropped off the roof. We had a wonderful quarter. Thank you to all students for making it fun and interesting.
Medical Detectives
Students will finish up their final projects. This was a great quarter. Thank you to all my students for doing an amazing job and making the class fun.
Mrs. Lucas, Mr. Jackson & Mr. Van Winkle
This week PE students will have fitness tests which are 10% of their overall grade. We will be testing over sit ups, pushups, and the pacer test. We will also have our final exam over all 3 units. This is 20% of the overall grade. As a reminder, this is a high school credit course, so we want to make sure students do their very best on these tests. For the two half days, students will be expected to do an eLearning assignment at home for their participation grade for the day.
Music Dept. News
Mr. Basso (Band), Mr. Miller (Orchestra) & Mr. Nelson (Choir)
This week, we'll be working on music for our Fall Concert!
Please be sure to read the band newsletter Mr. Basso sends out on Sundays!
In Choir, we are finishing up our September performances and switching our focus to the Veterans Day Program as well as our Winter Concert! Music is all picked out and we are ready to start working.
For All Orchestras:
-FUNDRAISER is now complete. Thank you to all families who supported us as well as donations! Fundraiser was delivered last Wednesday, and I need to know by this Tuesday if anything was missing from an order.
7th Grade Orchestra: We have a few instruments without shoulder rests. Please check ParentSquare for preferred shoulder rest purchase. Our first playing test will be on September 24th on Dragonhunter. Students will record and submit on Schoology or if late, play live in class for me or for our student teacher. Keep encouraging your students to practice at home and play for you! Our orchestra concert for 7th grade and 8th Grade is Thursday, October 3rd at 6:30pm. Students should arrive by 5:45 at the latest. They need to wear their polo shirts, black dress pants and black dress shoes.
8th Grade: Our orchestra concert for 7th grade and 8th Grade is Thursday, October 3rd at 6:30pm. Students should arrive by 5:45 at the latest. They need to wear their polo shirts, black dress pants and black dress shoes.
Chamber Orchestra: Our combined Chamber Orchestra Concert is on Tuesday, September 24th at 7:00pm. Students should arrive at AMS North, door 8 by 6:15pm. **This time has changed from what is in the Orchestra Handbook and dates to accommodate the cross country schedule. Thank you for understanding! Please continue to encourage your students to practice and play for you at home! Chamber orchestra students will be receiving Veteran's Day music as well as Winter Concert music this week.
Media Moments with Mrs. Sever
Mrs. Sever
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th to October 15th each year. In the library and on Sora, we have a variety of books written by Hispanic authors and featuring Hispanic characters and culture. This week, I would like to highlight Treasure Tracks by S.A. Rodriguez.
Twelve-year-old Fernando “Fin” joins his grandfather on a secret quest to find a long-lost treasure swept to sea. But when their first mission takes a near-deadly turn, leaving his abuelo weak and unable to speak, Fin’s left to navigate the hunt alone. Well, not exactly alone—his boring, totally unadventurous dad agrees to help out. With danger lurking at every turn, Fin dives into the mission in order to save Abuelo's life. But between Dad’s constant worrying, unwanted diving babysitters, and harrowing encounters in the deep sea, the boy finds himself in a race against time to locate the treasure. If he can’t succeed? He fears he might lose Abuelo for good. – Provided by Macmillan Publishers
To read about Fernando and his family, check out a copy of Treasure Tracks by S.A. Rodriguez from the AMS South library!
AMS South's Attendance Policy
If a student is absent from school, the PARENT must call the school by 10:00 A.M. to report the absence. If no call is received, the automated school system will make an effort to contact the parent, but if NO PARENT CALL has been received by 3:00 P.M. the day following the absence, the student will be charged with an unexcused absence. You may also send an email to us to notify us of your child's absence at msattendance@avon-schools.org.
Please be advised that we cannot take early dismissal information over the telephone.
If your child needs to leave school early during the school day please send a note in with your child to bring to the office first thing in the morning or email us at
msattendance@avon-schools.org with all the necessary information: students name, date and time picking up, and the name of the person picking your child up if someone other than a parent or guardian will be picking up. This email will go directly to the front office secretaries and they will be able to get your child an early dismissal pass so that they can be in the front office when you are ready to pick them up. If leaving early for a doctor/dentist appointment, please provide doctor/dentist verification to ensure that the absence is excused.
If someone other than a parent or guardian will be picking up your child we MUST have this information in writing from a parent/guardian, please include his or her name on the note or email. Once we verify their photo ID then the student can sign out and leave. If you are unable to email us we will need you to come into the office with your valid ID, once we verify it is a parent/guardian picking up we will be able to call the student down for dismissal.
Using this email will ensure your child will get a pass out of class to be in the office. Please do not use Parent Square to send a message to your child's teachers as we cannot guarantee that this message will get to the front office to get your child a pass. Our teachers are very busy throughout the day and may not be able to check Parent Square often, or if the teacher is out that day we would not get that message in the front office in time to get your child an early dismissal pass.
We want to make sure that your information is getting to the right person in a timely manner, and hopefully prevent any miscommunication or missed messages.
Virtual Doctor's Appointments
Pre-Arranged Absences
No more than three days of pre-arranged absences will be approved each year.
Pre-arranged absences will not be granted during the following circumstances:
- NWEA and ILEARN testing
- End of Quarter Assessments
- Last three days of a semester
- When the requested absence would push the student’s attendance record into excessive absence status or if the student has surpassed the allowable number of absences.
You can either print this form out and complete the information requested and send into school with your child to bring to the front office, or you can fill it out and email it to our attendance email address at msattendance@avon-schools.org
AMS South Visitors Policy
For Visitors to our Building
Avon Schools require all visitors to check-in at the front office using our visitor management system, Safe Visitor. This system requires visitors to scan their driver's license or state identification card for a check of their record. A temporary badge is provided to all visitors to wear while in our buildings. As our visitors leave school, they scan and return that badge to front office staff.
Entering the Building
Anyone entering our building beyond the front office will need to have a valid photo ID with them so that they can be checked in through our Safe Visitor Solutions system. You will be given a badge to wear while in the building so that you are identified as a visitor. When leaving you will return to the front office so that we can check you out of Safe Visitor Solutions and take your badge.
Visiting Students during Lunch
At this time, we are allowing parents/guardians to have lunch with their child during their specified lunch time in our commons area outside of the cafeteria. Parents must follow our policy for entering our building listed above; present a valid photo ID and be checked into our Safe Visitor system. Please take note that this process may take a few minutes to get you checked into our system so please allow for a few extra minutes for that process.
**If someone other than a parent/guardian would like to have lunch with your student, we MUST have that information in writing in advance from a parent/guardian. You can either send a note in with your student to bring to the office when they arrive at school in the morning, or you can email our attendance line with the information at msattendance@avon-schools.org
Worth Ave. Group Laptop Insurance
Avon Community Schools has chosen Worth Ave. Group as the vendor of choice to insure school-issued laptops rented by students. Insurance with Worth Ave. Group will protect the device against: Accidental Damage, Theft, Fire, Flood, Natural Disasters, Power Surge and Vandalism. This insurance policy will provide full replacement cost coverage and will protect the item worldwide (on and off school grounds). The policy is also transferable to a replacement unit. Insurance plans may be purchased online.
- Coverage Term: July 18, 2024 - July 18, 2025
- It is up to you to renew yearly.
- Enrollment Deadline: September 6, 2024
- Cost is prorated for policies purchased after September.
Homework Hotline
Need help with Math and Science homework?
Call the Homework Hotline
Click below to visit their website
Mary Lee Maier Community Pantry Information
The Mary Lee Maier Community Pantry is available to Avon school families and employees.
Every Thursday from 5:00 - 6:00PM (when school is in session, see district calendar for these dates) at Avon Intermediate School East, southside of building enter door #13.
Please do not arrive before 4:30PM due to AIS bus/school traffic
Enrollment is simple. Please complete your 2024 - 2025 enrollment before you shop. Below you will find more information for enrollment, please click the link below.