------------February 23, 2024------------
February 26- March 1 Kindness Week
February 27 - 5th Grade Bumpus Field Trip
February 28 - Pink Shirt Day
March 1 - House Meeting Day
March 1 - Pretty in Pink Breakfast
March 4-8 - Spring Book Fair
March 11-15 BGIS Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
BGIS Families,
Hoover City Schools has designated next week, February 26th-March 1st, as Be Kind Week. We teach, encourage, and seek to model Kindness every single day at BGIS, but having a focus week is always a positive. Empathy is one of our 2-RISE core values, so this ties in nicely with our daily lessons and schoolwide character development focus.
On Wednesday, February 21st Brock's Gap will join EVERY school in Hoover for a Pink Shirt Day. You can help bring awareness to bully prevention by having your child wear their CHOOSE KIND t-shirt or any other pink shirt on this date. The money for the shirts was not considered a fundraiser as it just covered the cost of student shirts.
T-shirts for PINK OUT DAY are an easy way to make a statement that we stand united against bullying of any kind. If you haven’t heard the story behind the pink shirt, take a minute to watch this quick video below. We take time in guidance to talk through this and show the video each year to all students through broadcast. We want everyone in PINK to show their support against bullying while thinking beyond themselves to help others!
For a short video of the history and reasoning behind CHOOSE KIND and #PINKSHIRTDAY see the links below:
History of Pink Shirt Day for Parents:
Kid friendly history version:
We are also now rolling out our grade level kindness projects for this quarter, see the list below:
3rd Grade: Humane Society - collect pet toys, food, and items for local animal shelters
4th Grade: Bundles of Hope - collect diapers and wipes
5th Grade: Be a Blessing Birmingham - collect hand warmers, sanitizer, gloves, socks, and snacks for local homeless individuals
We will wrap up the week with 2 Friday events:
For Parents: BGIS Pretty in Pink Breakfast - Circool Ticket Event - Friday - all moms and family friends are invited
For Students: Our 2-RISE House Assembly Celebration (Empathy Focus)- Friday - wear your house colors
Scott L. Mitchell, Principal
Brock's Gap Intermediate School
Hoover City Schools
Change of transportation forms need to be submitted each day of a change and in paper form. If you have an extenuating circumstance please call the office and we will see what we can do. Emails may not be monitored regularly enough to catch these as these types of changes are time sensitive.
HERE is where you can find a copy of this form.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Spirit Night
Bus Driver Appreciation
Family 2RISE Chanllenge
Mark Your Calendar ... ACAP Testing Dates
Specials Spotlight
Parents: These are the appropriate times for your child to return to school after an illness. Please review the following guidelines:
Fever: Your child should stay home if he/she has a fever of 100 degrees (orally) or more and should remain home for 24 hours after the fever has gone---without the assistance of Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc.
Vomiting or Diarrhea: Your child should stay home if he/she has vomited or has diarrhea (more than 1 loose stool) within 2 hours prior to the start of school. They must have eaten and tolerated at least 1 normal meal before returning to school.
Strep Throat: If your child has been diagnosed as having strep throat (this requires a special test by your doctor), your child should stay home 24 hours after antibiotic therapy has been started.
Our goal is to keep the entire school population as healthy as possible. Together we can accomplish this goal.
Tyra Walker, RN, MSN
School Nurse
Brock"s Gap Intermediate
Phone 439-1630
Hoover Football Mattress Sale
On Saturday, March 2nd, from 10am to 5pm our Hoover Football Program is hosting our 12th Annual Mattress Sale fundraising event. This event has been VERY successful here at Hoover and school districts across Alabama and the US over the last 11 years. We are excited to have this event here again at Hoover.
Top Brands are available including Simmons, BeautyRest, and Therapedic. The mattress sets are also deeply discounted at 30%-40% below retail stores! Over 25 mattress sets and adjustable beds will be on display; prices range from $249 to $3999. Awesome pillows and adjustable beds are also available. Financing is available. The sale is at Hoover High School in the cafeteria. Please tell your friends about this event and help support our Bucs!
Text the word "hoover" to 205-291-0049 to get a link to our Facebook Event Page.
Please help us spread the word; please join the event @ and invite your friends!
About us
Location: 1730 Lake Cyrus Club Drive, Birmingham, AL, USA
Phone: (205)439-1600
Twitter: @BrocksGapBucs