Wylie West Intermediate Newsletter
August 20th, 2024
Wylie West Intermediate Newsletter September 13 , 2024
Homecoming Week 2024
You can also find events on our school website calendar, find link below.
Spirit Day Photos "Patriotic Day"
Notes from the Principal
Greetings Bulldogs,
Next week we will continue the long-standing Wylie tradition of taking our third graders to Safety City. Many generations of Bulldogs have enjoyed this unique experience.
The schedule is as follows:
September 16 Hamilton, Harriman, Haston
September 17 Cates, Massey, Michalewicz
September 23 King, Quiett
September 24 Rotenberry Stuart
Friday, September 20 is a busy day. It is an early release day, the last day of the first six weeks and the homecoming football game is at 7:00 at Hugh Sandifer Stadium. We will have Spirit days Wednesday through Friday as well.
It’s Great to be a Wylie Bulldog!!!
Phil Boone
Community in Schools Information
Fundraiser 2024-2025
Wylie Spirit Days
We love to support our Wylie Bulldogs! On Thursdays, we have lots of Spirit with our Spirit Days. Then make sure on Friday you wear that Purple and Gold~ IT'S GREAT TO BE A WYLIE BULLDOG!
September 19: Homecoming Week:
Wednesday 9/18: Twin Day
Thursday 9/19: Pajama Day ( School Appropriate)
Friday 9/20 Early Release: Purple & Gold
September 26: Space theme
October 3: Black Out
October 10: Pink Out
October 17: College
October 25: No Game This Week
October 31: Character from A Book (Halloween)
November 7: Decades Day
3rd Grade Fieldtrip to Safety City
Our third graders will be visiting Safety City over the next two weeks.
Friendly Reminders:
1. Only parent volunteers who complete a "Volunteer Agreement" may attend.
2. Students should bring a fully disposable sack lunch to school in the morning.
3. Students should wear tennis shoes and dress for the weather. They can wear a Wylie T-shirt if they have one.
Accelerated Reader Program and Incentives
Encourage your student to read twenty minutes every night. Take time to listen to them read to you and you read to them.
Earn AR Rewards As You Earn AR Points
Students can earn rewards based on the number of AR points they receive. Students who reach their AR goals will be able to participate in an art project during their library time at the end of each six weeks. In May, the two students with the most AR points from each class will get to go on a special field trip.
Million Word Readers
Students who reach a million words read will receive a special certificate. At the end of the school year, those who have reached a million words read will receive a special treat.
Book Choices
Students can check out books from the school library, public library, purchase books from a bookstore, or read books they already have at home. If you want to find out a book’s AR level visit: www.arbookfind.com .
Wylie Nutrition Program
Please see our Wylie Nutrition charging policy attached here. Our free and reduced lunch program application is located in your Family Access if you are needing a paper application please contact Mrs. Ross at myca.ross@wyliebulldogs.org or at 325-692-7961 ext 1600.
September Breakfast Menu
September Lunch Menu
2024-2025 Meal Prices
Drop Off / Pick Up Information
Morning Drop Off Map
Afternoon Pick-up
Please follow the directions for student pick-up.
*Just a reminder to please notify the office by 2 pm for any transportation changes
*Students are only allowed to ride a bus to their home or daycare no exceptions