Hawthorn Board Highlights
September 21, 2023

The Hawthorn District 73 Board of Education met on September 21, 2023. The following members attended: Robin Creek, George Fievet, Michael Engle, Julie Cliffod, Karl Borchers, Wes Polen, and Joel Finfer. Also in attendance were Asst. Supt. of Business & Finance Ms. LeeAnn Taylor; Asst. Supt. of Teaching & Learning Ms. Allison Stein; Asst. Supt. of Student Services Ms. Alicia Corrigan; Asst. Supt. for Human Resources Mr. Adam Palmer; and Superintendent Dr. Pete Hannigan.
Board Meeting Agenda
Watch the Board Meeting
Board Meeting Breakdown
Townline's Lauren Sachs was recognized for her remarkable leadership and compassion at Townline Elementary. Middle South's Ellen Eiter was recognized for her unparalleled dedication, innovation, and advocacy at Middle South. Aspen's Wendy Giovanetto was recognized for her exceptional commitment and kindness at Aspen Elementary, which make her a cornerstone of our community.
Lauren Sachs
Ellen Eiter
Wendy Giovanetto
The Hawthorn Recognition Committee is eager to celebrate the outstanding efforts of our staff and students. Whether it's a teacher going the extra mile or a student showing remarkable leadership, every effort counts. Let's come together to shine a light on these Eagles! Visit our Recognition Page and nominate a deserving individual today. Celebrate the greatness within our district!
President's Report
Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Pete Hannigan informed the board that he will discuss the FLEX period and traffic operations in an upcoming presentation on the 7-hour instructional day, scheduled for December 14th.
2023-24 Tenth Day Enrollment Report
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Adam Palmer, presented the annual Tenth Day Enrollment Report, offering a snapshot of student numbers for the 2023-2024 academic year. He also updated the board on new hires, announcing the addition of 60 new staff members to the Hawthorn team.
The next Board of Education meeting will be held on Oct. 18, 2023, at the Hawthorn District Office.