Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
May 21, 2024
🗓️ Important Dates
May 21: Field Day (grades 6-8) & 1st Grade Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 22: Field Trip (grade 8) & Kindergarten Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 22-25: Destination Imagination Global Finals Competition
May 23: Field Trips (grades 1-8) & Pre-K Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 24: FAW Class of 2024 Graduation & No School for Students
May 27: No School - Memorial Day
May 29: Field Day (grades 1-5), Field Trips (grades PK, K, 3), 5th Grade Parent Night (6:15 - 7pm) & Grades 3-5 Movie Night (6-8pm)
May 30: Field Trip (grade 7) & HSA Ice Cream Social
May 31: Last day for Pre-K, Pre-K Graduation, and Middle School Monthly Activity
June 1: Catholic Schools Track Meet (at SMCM)
June 6: 9am Mass, hosted by 2nd grade & Early Dismissal - Last Day of School
Schedule Reminders
No School this Friday
There will be no school this Friday, May 24th due to the eighth grade graduation at 10am. This was originally an early dismissal day for the start of Memorial Day weekend. Please plan accordingly!
No School on Monday
On Monday, May 27th there is no school due to the Memorial Day holiday.
Celebrating Sacraments
Congratulations to all of our students in the 2nd and 8th grades who have received the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation this spring. May God bless them and their families. A special thank you is extended to our catechists who have helped prepare them. Many thanks!
Need Volunteer Hours? Weed Flower Beds this Week!
See opportunity in volunteer section below for details.
Check out our student publishers in this month's edition
of the Catholic Standard's Junior Saints!
Teacher Appreciation Week Donations
We are grateful for all who contributed to the teacher goodies that were provided to show our staff how grateful we are for them! Did you donate towards the Teacher Appreciation Week festivities? Don't worry - there is still time. Please click on the link below to donate (recommended $5/student). Thank you!
Worship Singing TOMORROW!
Mr. Stewart is back with his guitar! Many of the students got to sing with him at retreat the past two years.
All students, teachers and staff are welcome to join Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart after school in the Gym tomorrow, Wednesday, May 22nd from 3-3:30pm for some worship singing!
To God be the glory, great things He has done. See you there!
School Uniform Sale!!
School Tool Box School Supplies
🎒📚 **Get Ahead of the Game: Order Next Year's School Supplies Now!** 📦✨
As the school year winds down and summer is in sight with its promise of relaxation and sunshine, we want to offer you an opportunity to ease into the next academic year with peace of mind. We're thrilled to offer a convenient solution to one of those back-to-school stressors: school supplies shopping!
We're partnering with School Tool Box again to streamline the process. Say goodbye to crowded aisles and endless lists. Instead, simply place your order for next year's school supplies, and they'll be shipped directly to the school, ready for pickup at our Open House event.
Here's why you'll love it:
1. Stress-Free Convenience
2. Time-Saving
3. Quality Assured
4. Support Our School
How to Order:
- Visit https://schooltoolbox.com/school-supplies/school/list-boxes/?schoolId=45764
- Choose your child's grade level.
- Review the supply list and consider any additional add-ons.
- Complete your order and mark your calendar for Open House pickup.
Ordering is open until June 9, 2024!
Note: Orders may be placed after this date and will be shipped to your home (shipping fees apply to orders under $85)
We understand the importance of a smooth transition into the new school year, and we're excited to offer this hassle-free solution to our families. Thank you for your continued support, and here's to a summer filled with relaxation and rejuvenation! If you have any questions, please reach out to bailey.katie.lynn@gmail.com.
Field Day for Grades 1-5
Remember to apply sunblock on your child at home before school Wednesday, May 29th for the 1st-5th grade Field Day. Hats are acceptable to wear outside to stay protected from the sun. Students may wear Tag Day clothes (no white shirts please). Sandals, flip flops and crocs are not allowed.
Our Spring Book Fair is Coming!
Our Book Fair will be here soon! We would love to have volunteers help for a few hours each day from May 27th through June 5th. If you are available for a few hours, or a few days, or if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hinkle at hinkle@fatherandrewwhite.org or sign up here.
You can preview our sale here: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/fatherandrewwhiteschool
Return Library Books
It's time to start looking for all Father Andrew White School library books so they can be returned by the end of the school year. Sometimes our school library books get mixed in with your home library ones, so be sure to check all around your house. Thank you for helping your children find these books!
FAW Athletics
Catholic Schools Relay Races
Thank you to all who helped with our Catholic School Relay event over the weekend. We appreciate the hard work of Mrs. Katy Burfield and her team of volunteers. Our Father Andrew White Crusaders earned 129 medals and had a fun afternoon competing against four other Catholic Schools!
🏆🏃🏃♀️Go Crusaders! 🏃🏃♀️🏆
Our Destination Imagination Teams are off to their
Global Finals Competition in Kansas City!
Donate to our Annual Giving Campaign that directly benefits our students!
Summer is fast approaching, and if things at home are anything like they are at school, then you’re probably dealing with a lot of excitement and busyness - and maybe even a little exhaustion! Let this be your friendly reminder to take time to rest and get adequate sleep, and ensure that your kids do the same. Being run down always makes us more susceptible to illness. Currently at school, seasonal allergies are still causing problems, along with cold viruses, sinus and ear infections, and strep throat. Stomach aches are a common complaint year round, but there are no “stomach bugs” currently circulating at school. Other bugs, however, have recently presented problems such as those involving mosquito and tick bites, beestings, and of course the dreaded head lice. Now that it’s “shorts weather,” it is also more common to see rashes and itching that result from direct contact with various substances, especially poison oak and ivy. Thus, along with enforcing their bedtimes, be sure your children are keeping up with basic hygiene (skin checks and showers). Lastly, many headaches can be avoided simply by staying hydrated, so make sure they have a water bottle every day.
Log your Volunteer Hours
Please remember to keep your logged volunteer hours up to date! You should have at least 23 hours by this point to be on track for your 25 hour requirement (for Service Scholarship families).
Volunteer Opportunity THIS WEEK!
Are you looking to fulfill volunteer hours on your own schedule? We would love to have some volunteers come to make our flower beds look nice for Friday's graduation. Come by any evening to pull some weeds in the flower beds around the school. Thanks in advance!
Lunch and Recess Monitors
Would you like to earn volunteer hours by assisting at lunch or recess time? Click the SignUpGenius Link to see the days/times you can help! Slots are in 30 minute increments and we truly appreciate your willingness to assist the teachers in this way.
Summer Maintenance Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to work on some maintenance jobs over the summer. Please contact Mrs. Richards at cptrbrown@aol.com if you are interested in being on our Summer Maintenance team! Thanks for considering!
Thank you to our 2024 Auction Sponsors!
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Attend the Worship Singing Event - tomorrow
❏ Order your School Supply Boxes
❏ Sign up to volunteer at the Book Fair
❏ Order Uniforms while they are on sale!
❏ Look for and return School Library books
❏ Participate in our Annual Giving Campaign
❏ Submit Volunteer Hours
Email: office@fatherandrewwhite.org
Phone: 301-475-9795
Website: www.fatherandrewwhite.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fawschool