Weekly Newsletter, wk 28
Week of Feb 10, 2025
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🙌 Weekly Shout-Outs and Celebrations
Girls Wrestling - STATE Qualifiers
Girls Wrestling has 4 state qualifiers! Congratulations to these young ladies:
Anahi Parra 114 6th
Mia Gamez 152 7th
Roxy Herrera 185 2nd
Jenni Rico 235 2nd
We also want to thank Coach Perez, Coach Rundell, and the Wrestling Coaching Staff for their dedication in guiding these athletes.
Lesley Johnson
Girls Wrestling - District 3-4A Champions
Congratulations to your Lady Desert Warriors as they are this year's District 3 4A champions. Thank you to the Coaching Staff for their dedication and hard work with ST wrestling program and athletes. Individual champions are:
- Anahi Parra
- Nia Esparza
- Mia Gamez
- Abigail Banuelos
- Roxy Herrera
- Brezeira Prieto
- Jenni Rico
Iridescent Diamonds - Evaluation Day
Congratulations to the Iridescent Diamonds for a great performance at their Evaluation Day, way to go Desert Warriors! Thank you for Ms. Amanda Granados for her dedication and guidance.
Thank you!
We want to thank Mr. Villagrana and the following teachers for not only attending but actively engaging in Professional Development in this year's Marzano Summit.
- Ms. Carmen Cervantes
- Mr. Luis Gutierrez
- Mr. Rodolfo Lozano
Desert Warriors of the month of January
Camila Montalvo and Josiah Rodriguez
Congratulations to Camila Montalvo and Josiah Rodriguez on being the Junior Desert Warriors of the Month of January.
For Your Information 📰
Grades and Attendance - UPDATE
We are noticing a dip in student performance and want to remind you of the importance of monitoring your child’s progress. PPT. Please take a few minutes to review their grades and attendance via the Parent Portal. If you do not have access, please contact Ms. Monique Gonzales at (575) 589-5350 or mggonzales@gisd.k12.nm.us for assistance.
Thank you for your partnership in supporting student success!
$5000 Award to High School Student by Nusenda FCU
Please consider nominated a STHS student.
Don’t miss your chance—ride the bus and win!
Desert Warriors, Ride the bus to or from school on February 12th and you’ll be automatically entered into a drawing for a $20 movie pass. Courtesy of Boone Transportation
Parent Contact Information - UPDATE
Parents/Guardians. We are asking for your support ensuring we have your correct contact information and email. In addition, we want to make sure we have the correct emergency contact. Please contact Ms. Monique Gonzales or Mr. Lorenzo Morales with updated information.
Advisory Feb 13th and14th
Parents/Guardians please make it a priority to attend your child's Advisory meeting. Your child's 4th period teacher or counselor will be reaching out.
Afterschool Clubs
Tribe of 2025! Still need help with FAFSA? New Mexico Education Assistance Foundation is offering virtual assistance to complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Tell your parent/ guardian. Take advantage of the assistance offered to you. Please read attached flyer for more specific details. Scan QrCode or visit link on flyer for FREE Virtual assistance with FAFSA.
Methods of Communication
We want to highlight the importance of staying informed. Our District uses REMIND, Attendance Suite, and School Messenger, all of these platforms use the contact information that is on PowerSchool platform.
Facebook, Instagram, X are the social media platforms we use to share good things that are taking place at STHS. Please give us a follow on either to help us share all the good things of STHS.
A Night Under the Stars
The Santa Teresa High School Junior Class presents Prom 2025: A Night Under the Stars. Friday April 25, 2025 @ 8 pm Grace Gardens (Grand Hall). Tickets available in room 400 before and after school starting Feb 3rd
Tribe of 2025 - Scholarships
Reminder to all the member of the Tribe of 2025 to join the Google Classroom for Scholarships. Ms. Cobos continues to add new scholarships with deadlines. To join follow the link or the code is: kjtwjit
Social Emotional Newsletter - Ms. Melissa Cobos
Capturing Kids Hearts Survey - Results (Staff/Students/Parents )
Thank you Parents and Desert Warriors for taking the time to respond to the Survey. As a school we have several things to celebrate:
- Increased Staff Engagement in CKH Practices
- Stronger Campus Culture & Climate Among Staff
- Improved Communication and Relationships with Students
We also have areas on which we can grow, these upcoming years we will focus on Student Leadership/Ownership.
Panorama Survey Results (Students)
Thank you to our Desert Warriors for your participation in the Panorama Survey. 946 of 1143 students responded to the survey. Your voice is being heard. Areas of Celebration and Growth
Areas to Celebrate:
- Self-Management
- School Safety
- Sense of Belonging
Area to Grow
- School Climate
Perfect Attendance @ STHS
Community Events 👪
Track Start Date
Questions: Reach out to Coach Bowron or Coach Alvarado, abowron@gisd.k12.nm.us
Follow on Instagram: @sths_track
Advisory - Feb 13 and 14
Make any update the classes selection for SY 2025-2026 for our student.
Equity Meeting
Monthly Equity Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 11, at 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. North Valley Elementary–Community Center.
Santa Teresa Community Center
Santa Teresa Community Center Staff
- Parent Liason Ms. Jennifer Cardenas, jcardenas@gisd.k12.nm.us, 575-993-3418
- Parent Liason Ms. Ale Parra, alparra@gisd.k12.nm.us, 575-262,1478
- Community Engagement Coordinator, Genevieve Melendez, gmelendez@gisd.k12.nm.us
💡 Reminders
1. Need Access to PowerSchool ❓
If you do not have a PowerSchool account yet, please reach out to Mr. Lorenzo Morales at 575-589-5350 or lmorales@gisd.k12.nm.us For students, they can access the PowerSchool Portal using their Google District Account.