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The "Hawk Hub" - NJH
August 18, 2024
![The "Hawk Hub" - NJH August 18, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/03ca/thumb-4953512ff4d0d965915b82c6495dd2aa.png)
The Hawk Hub
November 15, 2024
Semester Exam Schedule
Semester exams cannot be given prior to the actual scheduled date/time.
F.I.E.R.C.E. FLIER of the week!
Friendly, Intelligent, Engaged, Responsible, Courageous, & Empowering
"& More" Award - going above "& More"
Week of 11/11
Want to recognize an amazing staff member? Send them a "HAWK HOORAY"!
Nelson JH now has a community rewards partnership with Kroger!
Sign up using code VC747 or search for Nelson Junior High.
The safety of our students is our # 1 priority.
Please do not drop your students off at campus until the doors open at 8:30 a.m. Students who are dropped off at campus prior to the doors opening at 8:30 a.m. are unsupervised, as staff members have not yet arrived.
In the afternoons, students are monitored in the pick-up line until 4:15 p.m. Please be on time to pick your student up so that an adult is nearby.
You will notice that students are now asked to stand close to the front drive at dismissal, and wait for the security team to get them across. Students should not sit on the ground or be on their phones. Thanks for your help with this!
Please see below for information on paying outstanding ID fees
Friendly Reminders at NJH
Per KISD safety protocols, any visitor to NJH will remain in the front
vestibule unless there is a need to Raptor in.
Attendance at Athletic Events
We are requesting the following from our students and community members who choose to attend athletic events.
- All students that attend athletic events at Nelson/FHS must have supervising parent or trusted adult attending the event with the student. This adult will be responsible for transportation and for the behavior of students they are with. Students may not be dropped off and expected to walk home, as our campus is surrounded by roads and unsafe walking conditions.
- All students must wear an ID when attending athletic events.
- Students must leave campus by their normal means of transportation at dismissal and then return at the start of the event with a trusted adult.
- Students must leave as soon as the event is over.
- Students should always sit in the student/home campus section.
- Use good sportsmanship at the end of games (win or lose).
- Students must follow the Katy ISD Student Code of Conduct including dress code.
- Concessions will be limited this first year at Nelson while we establish booster clubs and build our PTA. We would love to have you volunteer!
Students and attendees who do not follow the campus procedures above may be restricted from attending after school events.
Tutorial Information
Teachers may offer tutorial times on Tues, Wed, and Thursdays during Advisory,
which is 1st period. For before/after school tutorials, please reach out to
your child's teacher(s) for sign - up information, and times.
Parent Reference Guide - Your one stop for ALL Nelson JH information!
ID Information
All students have been issued an ID, lanyard, and clear ID case. Any student who does not have their ID on and around their neck daily will be issued a temporary ID.
If issued a temporary ID for the day,
- Students will be charged $1 for each temporary ID acquired.
- Parents will receive an email that their student received a temporary ID for the day, and accrued a fine.
- Parent/Guardian must then pay the fines through Pay N Go and will be automatically emailed until it is paid.
- Any student with a temporary ID will be called last to the lunch line for the day, due to the added time it takes for the cafe staff to manually enter ID #'s.
If your child loses their ID, there is a replacement fee of $3.00 for the ID, sleeve and lanyard.
This fee must be paid through Pay N Go, as we are a cashless campus.
You will not want to miss out on our Inaugural Yearbook!
A parent/guardian of a school-aged child has the responsibility to require that his/her child attend school regularly. When sickness or another reason necessitates an absence, a note signed by the parent/guardian or email explaining the reason for the absence is required prior to or when the student returns to school.
If a student fails to submit a note from from the parent or the school does not receive notification explaining the reason for the absence, the absence will automatically be considered unexcused.
We appreciate the parents/guardians and want everyone to know that we are here to work with you and your child.
Nelson Junior High Attendance Clerk
Alexa Acuna
Email: alexanacuna2@katyisd.org
Navigating Nelson
Due to traffic concerns around the YES, NJH, and FHS complex,
it is highly recommended that students utilize bus transportation.
Parents of Bus Riders: If your student is a bus rider, look for the white route number on the side of the bus when tracking their bus this school year! And make sure to download the Smart tag™ app from your mobile Google Play Store or Apple App Store to find your bus route information. The Smart Tag app allows parents to set their preferred notifications, including when their child’s bus is expected to arrive. You can also see when and where your student boards and exits the bus.
Class 1:1 Chromebook Information
Be sure to watch the video on updating your child's chromebook
Parents registering their students for the 2024-25 school year have the option to select the Class 1:1 Device Insurance Option. This option covers your student’s Chromebook device. All student fees, including the device insurance fee, will be sent to our Pay N’ Go system for payment on August 12th. You will be able to pay your insurance fee at that time.
Please note, this only applies to students in 3rd – 12th grades. For further information, please visit our Pay N’ Go website or for more detailed documentation, please view this Pay N’ Go Student Fee article. If you would like to change your device insurance selection from NO to YES, please email changemyrequest@katyisd.org with your student’s Katy ID, name and campus and we will update your insurance option from NO to YES. Please note, you are only eligible to make this change and pay in full, 30-days after your student’s first day of attendance.
NEW - Katy ISD cell phone procedures
Nelson JH dress code procedures
Nelson JH tardy procedures
PE Uniforms and Course Fees can be paid through Pay N Go. Log in to see balance
Stay In Touch!
We will utilize the Remind app to send updates and reminders to parents/students throughout the year. Each grade level has a link to join. Please click on the appropriate grade level to gain access to the reminders that will be sent through email/text. You can also download the app to get notifications that way. If you would like to join more than one grade level, please feel free to do so to stay informed.
6th grade: https://www.remind.com/join/6-njh
7th grade: https://www.remind.com/join/7-njh
8th grade: https://www.remind.com/join/8-njh