Shark Scoop
January 2025
Principal, Ms. Jonas
Dear Naples Park Families,
Happy New Year! It is hard to believe that we are at the conclusion of another quarter of the 2024-2025 school year and about to begin quarter 3. Our students and teachers continue to work exceptionally hard with a routine to meet their grade level standards by the end of May. We enjoyed many events during the 2nd quarter. Our Vocabulary Parade, Veterans Day Ceremony, Thanksgiving Banquet, 5th Grade LEAD Ceremony and our annual Winter Festival/Breakfast with Santa, are just a few to name. We thank all of you for your participation in all our school-wide events and look forward to seeing you at many more this semester. We love showing off all of our amazing Naples Park Superhero students and staff.
I want to thank Ms. Roy, our PTO, and our community for making our annual Winter Festival/Breakfast with Santa such an amazing success. It was awesome to see so many of our families out having fun that morning.
We will be celebrating our AMAZING readers across all grade levels during our Literacy Week in January. Keep an eye out for information on this fun-filled event. Literacy Night will not only focus on Literacy but also STEAM, Health, and Wellness. Our 2nd and 3rd graders will also be kicking off the event with a few songs. This will be a SUPER night.
Thank you for your continued support and as always, it is good to be at Naples Park Elementary School…Home of the Sharks.
Stephanie Jonas
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Summers
Hello Amazing Families and Happy New Year!
Our mid-year state testing is here and the dates are below for each grade level. Please also see attached parent letter for more information on the FAST state testing.
Dates for Closed Campus: January 15th, 16th, 22nd and 23rd.
Testing Schedule
- January 15th: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade FAST Reading
- January 16th: KG, 1st and 2nd Grade FAST Reading
- January 22nd: KG, 1st and 2nd Grade FAST Math
- January 23rd: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade FAST Math
On Testing Days:
1. Make sure your child is on time for school. They should be well rested and have eaten a good breakfast or arrive with time to eat breakfast at school. Testing starts promptly at 8:30am.
2. If your child is feeling ill, please keep him/her home.
3. It is important that all students be at school all day. Please avoid doctors appointments and picking up your child early on these days.
Thank you and as always, please reach out if you have any questions.
Mrs. Summers
Save The Dates!
- January 6th- Students and Staff Return
- January 7th- PTO Meeting 5:30 PM
- January 10th- Quarter 2 Ends
- January 13th- No School- Teacher Planning Day
- January 14th- SAC Meeting 7:45 AM
- January 15th- Student Led Conferences for KG-2nd at 7:45AM
- January 15th: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade FAST Reading Testing
- January 16th- Student Led Conferences for 3rd-5th at 7:45AM
- January 16th: KG, 1st and 2nd Grade FAST Reading Testing
- January 20th- No School- MLK Day
- January 22nd: KG, 1st and 2nd Grade FAST Math Testing
- January 23rd: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade FAST Math Testing
- January 23rd- Report Cards Go Home
- January 27th-31st- Book Fair
- January 28th- Literacy/STEAM Night 5:15PM-7:00PM
- February 4th- PTO Meeting 5:30pm
- February 14th- Shark Walk (Walk-a-Thon)
Student Led Conferences, January 15th and 16th
*Please check your child's Wednesday Folder this week with information regarding Student Led Conferences.
We are pleased to announce that our first round of on campus student-led conferences are right around the corner. The student-led conference process is a research-based practice that empowers the student to report to you on his/her progress at school. Our teachers have been trained to assist, direct, and support our students throughout the preparation process. They have coached and evaluated their students in order to have them ready to present to their parents and guardians as this is student led.
During the conference process students will report on academic progress, articulate goals, report on assessment data when appropriate, and share examples of their class work. The role of the teacher in a student-led conference is one of coach, mentor, and advocate. Several conferences will be taking place at one time within the same room. The teacher will circulate and be present for specific questions on issues that the students may not be able to answer. We believe that the student-led conference process puts the responsibility for reporting learning where it needs to be, and that is with the student.
We are pleased with the learning that is happening at Naples Park Elementary School and know that our students are eager to present their progress to you. We thank you for working with them in this journey and look forward to seeing you on your child’s scheduled grade level day! If you are unable to attend the student-led conference, your child will bring home their data binders to share their school information.
- Kindergarten, First and Second Grade- Wednesday, January 15th
- Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade- Thursday, January 16th
All conferences will take place from 7:45- 8:15 am in your child’s classroom. Please allow about 15 minutes for your student-led conference.
Book Fair, January 27th - 31st
Literacy Night, January 28th
PTO Sponsored Shark Walk (Walk-a-Thon), February 14th
ALL students will participate in our annual NPE SHARK WALK during Related Arts on February 14th to promote health and wellness.
This is our big yearly fundraiser to support students at NPE each year! More information will go home in your child's Wednesday folder next week (January 15th). Please keep a look out for more information on the Shark Walk and directions on fundraising. Thank you for your support!
School Hours
School Doors Open: 7:45am
FREE Breakfast: 7:45am-8:15am
Bell Rings to Enter Classrooms: 8:10am
School News Show Begins: 8:20am
Students are Marked Tardy: arriving 8:25am or later
Dismissal: 2:50pm
Emergency Information Forms
You will login to the CCPS Portal to access FOCUS to review and update your child's emergency and health information for the current school year. Directions to access forms are below and you can get to the CCPS Portal by clicking on this link:
Change of Transportation Reminders
ALL changes to transportation MUST go through one of the following procedures by 2:00PM:
- Call the office with the change. A photo of the legal parent/guardian’s driver’s license/FL ID must be emailed to verify the caller. Email sent to:
- Send an email directly to: along with a photo of the legal parent/guardian’s driver’s license/FL ID.
Without one of these procedures in place, the child will be sent home as they normally dismiss.
Order Your Yearbook
Remember this "Super" school year by purchasing a NPE yearbook!
Click the link below to pre-order our 2024-2025 yearbook.
If prompted to enter a school code, enter : 382832
Find My School-Buy the Yearbook
Pictavo Community is a secure online portal for students, teachers, parents, grandparents and community members to connect with their school.
NPE Expectations
Shark Leader of the Month
Attendance & Vacation Planning Matters
Plan ahead! It is important that students are at school, on time, every day! Every moment of learning is important to your child’s development and progress.
*Please note- If your child is absent for any reason, please call the front office at 377-7700 to let us know why your child is absent so we can properly notate that. In addition, all absences are unexcused unless a doctor’s note is provided. Per Florida Statute (1003.26(1)(b), students with 5 unexcused [or validated] absences within a calendar month, or 15 unexcused [or validated] within a 90 day period are considered truant and an attendance meeting may be scheduled with the school and district personnel.
NPE Events
Volunteer Corner
1. All volunteers, new and returning must reapply every year.
- Apply to volunteer by clicking "Apply to Volunteer” -
2. Please come to our front office to complete the registration process once school starts.
- Please bring a valid US-issued photo identification which will complete your background check
- Please visit our front office from 8:30am–10:00am or by appointment
3. If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Mrs. Ruben.
- Nancy Ruben-, 377-7706
SACC (School Aged Child Care)
Please find below, the 2024 SACC brochure containing information about our afterschool program here on campus. Our space at this time is very limited. Please email a request for the Child Care Enrollment Application along with the grade of your child, and someone will get back to you asap if you are interested in utilizing afterschool here. An enrollment form will be sent once it’s determined your needs (according to our space of availability for your child’s grade) can be met. Our email address is Thank you for your interest in our program!
Code of Student Conduct
Academic School Calendar
Naples Park Elementary
FortifyFL was created and funded by the 2018 Florida Legislature as part of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. The application was named by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The Office of Attorney General, Department of Education and Florida Department of Law Enforcement coordinated its development and roll-out.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.