Talking Transition
December 2024
Transition Newsletter for students with disabilities and their families
What is a PTP?
The PTP, or Postsecondary Transition Plan, is a part of the IEP that focuses on transition. A PTP is written with the IEP team, which includes the student, when a student is 13 turning 14 during the timeframe of the IEP. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI) developed a web-based Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) that will assist school districts to document the post high school transition requirements while meeting individual student needs. The PTP guides the IEP team through the transition process by asking a set of questions relating to post-secondary goals in the area of education/training, employment, and independent living, when applicable. The PTP will be created during the IEP team meeting with input from all team members, including the student and family.
The WiTransition App can be used to assist you in preparing for the transition portion of your child's IEP meeting. This app may also be used with you child prior to the meeting to learn about their transition goals. Check out the app at the link below!
For more information on the PTP, check out the Family's and Student's Guides to the PTP!
Talking Transition Presentation Series
The postsecondary transition planning process can feel overwhelming unless you know what agencies are available to support you and your child. This presentation series provides information to students with disabilities, parents, and educators on various transition resources in Portage County. The events are free and will be held once a month on Monday evenings from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. You can attend in-person or virtually.
January 20: Parent Support Resources
February 17: Post-Secondary Education & the Accommodation Process
March 10: Housing Resources
April 21: Independent Living & Community Involvement
Additional event information will be posted on the SPASH Transition Facebook Page. Please review each event for specific information on the topic and location. All events are in person and have a virtual option to attend. In-person locations vary.
Community Partners
What is the Forward Services Youth Program?
Forward Services uses WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) funds to support young adults who need help finding a job, getting a GED, or enrolling in some type of post-secondary education. Eligibility criteria for in-school youth: 16-24 years old, low income, and a barrier to employment such as pregnant, parenting, offender status, homeless, high school drop-out, low basic skills, and/or disability.
Services provided by Forward Services Career Planners: Career interests and aptitude testing, career exploration including job shadowing, job search assistance including applications, resumes and interview preparation, paid incentives, help connecting to post-secondary education and short-term training, and paid work experience opportunities.
The Career Planner for Portage County is: Kristie Sentkowski, 1100 Center Point Dr. #203 Stevens Point. P: 715-900-2060 E: ksentkowski@fsc-corp.org W: www.fsc-corp.org
See link below for application or contact Wendy Christianson, Transition Coordinator, to set up an appointment to connect with Kristie. Wendy can be reached at: wchristi@pointschools.net, 715-600-1504 (call/text) or her office in the SPASH library (2228E).
Upcoming Local and Statewide Transition Events
Family Voices of Wisconsin
- The mission of Family Voices of Wisconsin is to advance comprehensive healthcare and community support based on family-professional partnerships and family-centered principles that assure the health and well-being of children and youth with special healthcare needs or disabilities and their families.
- Training and events calendar
23rd Annual Wisconsin Transition Conference
- February 13-14, 2025, Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells
- Registration
Circles of Life Conference
- Save the Date: May 8-9, 2025, Wilderness Resort, Wisconsin Dells
- Annual Conference for families who have children with disabilities and the professionals who support them.
- Registration not yet open.
- Information on financial assistance and future registration
Stevens Point School District Transition Program Highlight
Project SEARCH
What is Project SEARCH?
Project SEARCH is an international employment training program for students and young adults with disabilities. It consists of:
- 8-12 students accepted for their final year of high school
- Year long program to include a 3 week orientation, three 10 week internships, 2 transition weeks, a commencement and full support at their new jobs
- Curriculum focused on employability skill development
- 60-90 minutes per day of classroom training with the instructor
- 4.5 - 5 hours per day at their internship site
Goal: Competitive integrated employment - 16+ hours/week
Partners include: host site, educational partners, vocational and long-term service providers, vocational rehabilitation agency, area businesses and families.
Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are due February 14, 2025.
For more information about the Project SEARCH -UWSP site, please contact: Dorothy O'Connor, Project SEARCH Instructor at 715-347-3950.
For questions on transition planning and how Project SEARCH might work for your student, please reach out to Wendy Christianson, Transition Coordinator, Stevens Point School District at wchristi@pointschools.net or 715-600-1504 (call/text).
Picture below of the 2024-2025 Project SEARCH Interns and instructor.
Career and Technical Education Resources
What is the Youth Apprenticeship Program?
The Youth Apprenticeship (YA) program gives high school juniors and seniors an opportunity to explore their chosen career path and the opportunity to get hands-on career experience. Youth Apprenticeship programs help develop skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow and gives students new options for their future. Watch for a spring informational meeting on Youth Apprenticeship opportunities for next school year. Students can also reach out to Mr. Brent Gostomski in the Career Center with questions.
Possible Youth Apprenticeship Career Clusters: Finance, Auto Technician, Diesel Technician, Manufacturing/Machining, Engineering, Production Ag/Crops/Animals, Certified Nursing Assistant/Health Services, Hospitality, Information Technology, Graphic Design/Printing, Architecture/Construction, and Banking.
SPASH Community Holiday Mini Golf Course
On Friday, December 20, 2024 from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm there will be a free event for the community to come play the mini golf course constructed by students in SPASH Technical Education/Geometry in Construction Career Technical Education Courses. This event showcases the outstanding Career & Technical Education courses offered to students at SPASH and is fun for the whole family!
Enter through door #13 near the back of SPASH.
Donations of nonperishable food, and canned goods to benefit local food pantry are welcomed.
Post-Secondary Education Information
Disability Services in College
Our Talking Transition Presentation scheduled for February 17, 2025 will focus on post-secondary education and accommodations. Patti Lloyd, Disability & Testing Services Coordinator at Midstate Technical College, will provide helpful information to students and parents on the differences between high school and college and the process to request disability accommodations.
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) 2025-2026 form is now available! FAFSA is a free form that students can use to apply for federal and state financial aid for college or career school. FAFSA is used to determine eligibility for Federal Grants, Work-Study funds, Loans, and Scholarships. The application is free to complete and submit and takes about an hour. Students looking to attend a college or university next school year should apply now!
Stevens Point School District Transition Resources
- Check out our Facebook page for events and resources: https://www.facebook.com/SPASHTransitionServices
- Watch for this quarterly newsletter on transition updates and resources (next edition to come in February/March 2025).
- Attend the Talking Transition Presentation Series.
- Reach out to Wendy Christianson, Transition Coordinator, at wchristi@pointschools.net or 715-600-1504 (call/text) to discuss specific questions or resources.
AND: watch for a new Transition Website in 2025!